
Enter The Multiverse

A young boy awakens in an unnatural world known as The Multiverse that contains countless living beings within the universes that float around the endless white void. Now, he must harness a new power that he has been given in order to survive strange beings that attempt to destroy everything that this vast world has to offer. Along with a friend that only he can see, the brave child shall face the horrors of his world and possibly even more which lies beyond.

Lukas_Ruston_2524 · Others
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40 Chs

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"I need to talk to Core again... this universe is just too weird." Lukas thought so that Bethany could understand what he was about to do. "Do what you have to." Bethany replied to which Lukas nodded in response. "Hey, Niko, everything's going to go dark for a moment again but I'll be back soon, alright?" Lukas asked as he turned to leave. "Sure, it might be scary but if you've got something to do then I can endure it." Niko replied without a second thought. Lukas smiled and nodded even though Niko couldn't see either of those movements before he closed his eyes and opened them again soon afterwards to find himself outside of the universe. With a sigh, Lukas prepared to start flying again before a loud alarm shocked him. "Warning; potential threat approaching." The voice in Lukas' head gear began blaring into his ears.

"Oh, what now?" Lukas asked with a groan of annoyance. Lukas surveyed the area around him only to find nothing out of the ordinary leaving him in confusion as to what was happening. "Whoever's out there, you'd better show yourself now!" Lukas yelled as his gaze continued to sweep his surroundings. "Relax, Lukas, it's just me." A familiar sounding deep voice stated from behind Lukas. After quickly spinning around, Lukas saw that the one who spoke to him was Nightmare who seemed to be very irritated at something. "Can you not scare me every time you make an entrance like that?" Lukas requested as he tried to calm his nerves. "You do realise that scaring people is the one thing that I'm good at... you know; because it's my job?" Nightmare sarcastically replied. With a sigh, Lukas remembered what he and Niko had discussed earlier. "So, how are you doing? It's been a while since we last talked." Lukas stated in an attempt to ease whatever tension that may have been affecting Nightmare. "I'm mad. Those brothers told me to look out for you until you were able to defend yourself. I thought that you would be considered capable enough once you bested those idiots and then that one fear-infested Destroyer but according to them, you're not strong enough." Nightmare explained as he held his head with one hand. "Ah, so I'm guessing that's not a good thing?" Lukas jokingly replied to try and lighten the mood. Nightmare looked up at Lukas with slight confusion. "What's wrong with you? You're being awfully kind to somebody who you obviously hate." Nightmare stated as he could clearly tell that something was off with Lukas' behaviour.

"I just thought that it'd be nice if I stopped just speaking to you for information and actually got to know you on a personal level. You know, I thought that I might be able to help with anything that might be bothering you." Lukas explained which just made Nightmare's expression become more and more confused the longer he spoke. "Kid, no offense but the best relationship that I'll have with anybody will be one of hatred and loathing from my side. I'm only doing you these favours for you because my life is on the line." Nightmare replied which shocked Lukas. "Oh... are you absolutely sure? Are you certain that I can't help you with anything?" Lukas asked as he was clearly insistent on being a better friend to others. "The only favour that you can do for me that I would appreciate would be for you to trust me when I tell you that a situation is too dangerous for you. If you get injured like that again then... well, you won't be the only one feeling an immense amount of pain." Nightmare stated which made Lukas feel bad for starting his fight with Eanaro a few days earlier. "I... I'll keep that in mind." Lukas said in a defeated tone.

"Anyways, that's all I came here to say. Don't you have somewhere else to be going?" Nightmare asked mostly to stop the conversation before Lukas tried to further it anymore. "Oh, right, I have to speak to Core." Lukas replied as Nightmare's words caused him to remember. "Were you always this forgetful? I can't imagine how annoying that must've been for the others back in your world." Bethany stated as she put a hand to her face and shook her head. "Hey, it wasn't that important so I just forgot about it." Lukas explained through his thoughts. "It was important enough to the point where you left Niko in order to try and accomplish it." Bethany responded with a sassy tone in her voice. "W-Whatever, let's just get going already." Lukas said in response as he realised that Bethany had caught him out on his lie. "I should think so." Bethany agreed with a slight bit of laughter. "Well, I hopefully won't cause a scene that you'll end up being punished for." Lukas spoke to Nightmare before preparing to set off. "You'd better not because if you do, I swear I will-" Nightmare began saying as Lukas' shot off into the distance before he got a chance to finish his speech. "That wasn't kind of you to just ignore him like that." Bethany stated as Lukas began smiling. "He said he didn't want us to be friends so I'm not going to treat him like one." Lukas thought to let Bethany hear him.

Lukas quickly arrived at the Sanctuary and began rushing towards Core's room. "They're not going to be happy considering what you did to them last time, y'know?" Bethany said which made Lukas slow down as he only just began to think out his plans. "Oh yeah, surely they're not going to fall for that same trick again." Lukas spoke out loud as he looked to the ground and put a hand to his head. "You're only thinking about this now? Thank god that I'm here otherwise you probably would've gotten yourself stuck when asking Core for information!" Bethany exclaimed as Lukas leaned back against the corridor wall as he thought of a plan. "Well, they did say that they know who she is... maybe I could try and convince them based on that?" Lukas suggested as he slowly made his way to the giant doors near the entrance to the Sanctuary. "Maybe you could explain to me who 'she' is at some point? It's getting pretty difficult to understand you when I don't know this girl. Either way, this plan sounds terrible. So what if Core knows about the same person that you do? Why would that change their mind?" Bethany asked which slowly made Lukas come to a realisation. "I know her name now... I can use that." Lukas explained as his eyes widened and his pace quickened. "What are you planning exactly?" Bethany inquired as she was having a difficult time keeping up with Lukas. "Just trust me on this, I think I can get this to work in our favour." Lukas explained as he began sprinting down the hall.

"Just tell me what you have in mind before you go ahead and do this!" Bethany said with a raised voice to try and get Lukas to listen. Before long, Lukas reached the giant door to Core's room and ran inside to find Dream and Core discussing something. Dream turned to him with a look of surprise before Lukas immediately began speaking. "Core, I remember her! I remember Sapphire!" Lukas exclaimed as he slowly stopped and took a few breaths. After a short pause, Core responded. "This is why I wanted you to join the protectors, Lukas."

"They like me? They actually like me? Looks like I'll be taking a break from messing with you and say hello to my life as Prince! Enjoy it while it lasts, Lukas."

So I've noticed that Enter The Multiverse has gained roughly 5K more views since the last chapter was posted and that ETM: His Life (the prequel to this story) has nearly tripled in views. I just want to say; thank you all. This may seem like I'm just begging for attention but it's worth saying again anyways; I'm writing these stories as practice to become an author, whether that works out or not I feel relies a lot on this writing and the feedback I get for it. If you have any tips or critiques, please feel free to leave them and I'll be more than happy to read them.

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