
Enter The Multiverse

A young boy awakens in an unnatural world known as The Multiverse that contains countless living beings within the universes that float around the endless white void. Now, he must harness a new power that he has been given in order to survive strange beings that attempt to destroy everything that this vast world has to offer. Along with a friend that only he can see, the brave child shall face the horrors of his world and possibly even more which lies beyond.

Lukas_Ruston_2524 · Others
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40 Chs

Another day, Another Crisis

"I don't know where I am, I don't know how I got here in the first place, all I know is that there doesn't seem to be any wind here, no gravity and nothing but an open white space for as far as I can see. What if I can't go back? What if I'm stuck here until the end? If anybody is hearing this, my name is Lukas Ruston, I'm 14 years old, I'm scared and alone, please find me before it's too late. Okay, so as far as I can tell, I no longer need food or drink as after I slept for... what I can only assume is a few hours I don't feel hungry or thirsty, I don't know what's worse; dying of starvation or not needing food to survive so I float in here for eternity. I hope that there's someone who can explain this all to me and if there is someone, I hope they find me quick."

"Everybody who has existed since the beginning of time knows about The Multiverse, a seemingly endless white space that contains every living being, every human, monster and god. Although, The Multiverse is known to many, a large majority of its inhabitants are unaware of it's existence, this is mostly due to the fact that a highly destructive force know as Dark Matter surrounds every universe and it would take an extremely powerful being to be able to pass through the Dark Matter. Never forget these rules during your time here Number 1, do not travel outside of the centre of The Multiverse and more so the barrier that surrounds the centre as it is extremely dangerous out there due to The Destroyers. Two, do no harm to any inhabitants of The Multiverse or any of the universes as doing so enough times will make you be classed as a Destroyer and you will not be aloud near the centre of The Multiverse. Finally, number three, Do not disturb the god of The Multiverse as they are constantly trying to keep The Multiverse intact and disrupting their focus for long enough will cause The Multiverse to collapse." This is the message that is sent to all people upon their arrival in The Multiverse... Michael knew why; too many people were getting into situations they shouldn't be in and their poor decisions almost always cost them their lives.

Michael is well known throughout The Multiverse for being its strongest protector and for having a human soul without his body being human, Michael's appearance is as follows: His body is mechanical, painted red and has thin green lights on the sides of his head that are symmetrical on both sides, the mechanical plates that make up his body can move very slightly to reveal a mess of wires leading towards his soul that is kept in a glass sphere. He is equipped with a beam sabre and a laser pistol along with a ton of combat skills and jets in his hands and in his legs that deploy whenever he has to fly to another area, he doesn't really need the weapons as he can win most battles just with his fists that he can surround with energy to power up his attacks temporarily. He came from a universe that is nothing but dust now where he was fighting a war before being struck down in combat and since Michael was the military's greatest soldier, his soul was transported to a new body so he could help win the war he died in... which he did. Despite getting to know quite a lot of people, Michael never told anyone how he ended up in The Multiverse as he claimed that he didn't remember. It was quite fantastic when he joined The Protectors of The Multiverse though as he quickly became known as their strongest member and everyone knew that if Michael was around, The Multiverse was safe.

Michael's main missions now that he is a protector are simple, these are: To protect The Sanctuary which is in the very centre of The Multiverse and is known as a safe place for all and the second mission is to stop The Destroyers from causing chaos throughout The Multiverse. He is currently on his way to a fellow protector known as Dream who had said that he saw Error (A well known Destroyer) causing mayhem, Michael had run into Error quite a few times throughout his life and he gets really annoyed when Error starts rambling on about how everyone else is a "Dirty glitch in The Multiverse." As Michael was getting closer to his destination, Dream used his staff to shoot a beam of light so Michael wouldn't accidentally fly past him, Error however noticed the beam of light as well and it almost immediately got his attention. As Michael flew towards Dream, Error was not too far away from taking Dream's life without him noticing... thankfully however, Michael managed to get Dream to notice Error by pointing towards him in time for him to avoid the attack. "You idiot!" Michael shouted. "Did it ever cross your mind that Error can see things as well?" Dream knew that when Michael was like this, there was no point arguing and so he just returned to The Sanctuary without saying a word. "We-ell I didn't expe-ect to see you-ou around he-ere... I had barely-y just started-ted having fun." Error spoke with his glitching voice. "I'm not here to make you talk Error... I'm here to make you go back into the Anti Void and sit there for the rest of eternity...or you could just not try to kill everyone you see and then I'd be fine with you wandering The Multiverse!" Michael replied. "Wow-ow how RUDE! Glitches like you don't-t deserve all the gifts that the-e gods-s-s have given you... all that pow-ower... that s-safe h-h-haven." By this point, Michael was tired of listening to Error babble on so he shot a laser blast in Error's direction and it hit. Error paused for a moment before continuing. "Fine I get-et it... LET'S GET STRAIGHT TO THE FUN PART THEN!" Error then started preparing his attacks... but Michael was tired of having to deal with Error day after day... so he just shot a sleep blast at Error's soul to make him fall asleep... thankfully Michael had done this before and it seems to be one of the only things that affects Error. Michael then grabbed Error's hand and moved it around in a weird motion... Michael had observed Error before and had seen him do this to summon a portal that led straight into the Anti Void he then pulled Error through the portal and closed it behind before returning to The Sanctuary... yet another crisis averted.

"A strange person visited me today... I don't know who they were... they didn't say a thing but they looked terrifying! They were covered in this black... stuff... I don't know what it was but I think it was some kind of liquid... I'm unsure of how I should think right now...happy that I know that I'm not alone... or frightened that the only other people out there are as scary as that person. The eye is glowing again...the last time that happened... oh god I don't want to think about what happened last time... maybe that's why I ended up here? Maybe she wasn't at fault... what if it was me? All I know is that she's watching me... I know she's not dead... I know that she's waiting until the perfect moment... I won't let her... I'll do everything in my power to keep her away."

So, I hope this isn't too unbearably uninteresting already. I wrote this part of the story when I was like 12 so I can't really blame myself for all of the Undertale referances and all of the AUs and stuff like that. Regardless, I promise that all of this Undertale stuff will leave the story eventually. Well, I'll just say that Michael and Lukas are OCs ahead of time along with a few others that I'll mention when they're introduced. Also, this isn't gonna be one of those fanfics where I add in my own ships or stuff like that... in fact, I'll be trying to keep stuff like that to a minimum. (Please leave any tips if I did any of this incorrectly, I'm new to this site and I have no idea how it works, thanks) Oh, one more thing, I've already written up to chapter 23 on a different site so I'm gonna just be copying and pasting from there. Please give me any feedback as I'm hoping to start writing as a career, this story is more of a practice run for me.

Anyways, Sorry for the wall of text, I just needed to say a lot before I continued there is one more thing but I'll say that in the next chapter. Thank you in advance and good day y'all.

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