
Entangled Souls: The Story of the Last Bloodline

Constance has no idea who she is and what her destiny entails. She grew up beaten and locked away. On the day of her 18th birthday, she freed herself. But, will she remain free?

Thegamingmomma · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Constance - Enraptured

I moaned into his mouth as he captured my lips. His tongue took the invitation to roam my mouth. His hands roamed my body as they moved towards my breasts. He cut off our kiss and started kissing his way down my jaw.

Bambi replaced his lips on mine as he found my nipples. I moaned into her mouth, my body bucked into him as his teeth scraped my right nipple.

Bambi pulled away and whispered in my ear, "I have to go. Someone just entered the territory and they're at the border asking about you."

She got up and went towards the ensuite bathroom. I felt Dean nod as he continued to assault my breasts. His eyes twinkled as he kissed me slowly and softly down to my core.

I heard him growl in approval at how wet I was for him. "Oh Princess, tasting you is all I can think about." He licked my clit and watched me as I arched my back at the feel of his tongue.

He hummed at my response and then proceeded to attack my pussy with his tongue and teeth. My body started to twitch and I could feel myself peaking as he continued to assault my swollen bud. He placed one finger at my entrance, putting barely any pressure, my walls clenched around his finger as my orgasm claimed me.

He lapped me up before he kissed his way back up to my mouth. His kisses were light and feathery, but still insistent with need. Dean devoured my mouth as he did my pussy and I couldn't help myself as I moaned and melded my body into him, feeling his rock-hard dick poking my entrance.

"Fuck me, my prince," I whispered huskily in his ear as his cock pierced my hole. I screamed out my pleasure as he moved in and out. I moved my hands through his hair, pulling it here and there just to hear him growl in approval.

He moved his mouth from mine once more, kissing his way to the mark he'd left on my neck. He nibbled and kissed the sweet spot, making my pussy tighten and spasm in response. I felt like I was still riding the high of his first orgasm when the second one hit just as hard.

He pumped into me faster and harder, I could tell he was close as he bit his mark and I orgasmed again, my pussy clenching his dick and milking his seed. We came down from our orgasms at the same time and just cuddled for a little while.