
Entangled Souls: The Story of the Last Bloodline

Constance has no idea who she is and what her destiny entails. She grew up beaten and locked away. On the day of her 18th birthday, she freed herself. But, will she remain free?

Thegamingmomma · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Bambi - Fear

I left as quietly as I could while they were in their throws of passion. I mind-linked the border guard to let him know I was on the way.

"Heading your way Brody,"

"Quickly Bambi, he's powerful and I don't know how long we can keep him waiting without someone from the family getting here."

I closed the link while I ran down the stairs and out of the house as fast as I could. I shifted into Angel and headed to the west border.

When I got there I could see a very upset and powerful Alpha. I shifted back human, not caring I was naked. "I'm Bambi, warrior, and daughter of Alpha Skip. Why have you crossed our borders without invitation or previous warning?" I asked, my power radiating from my voice.

The man looked at me and scoffed, spitting at me. "I won't answer to you girl, get me the Alpha, or I'm going to attack."

I looked at him and raised my right eyebrow. "Why would you threaten us when we've done nothing to you," I replied haughtily.

Brody watched the exchange with wide eyes and mind-linked me, "Bambi, he's dangerous, I'm linking your dad in to hear."

"Alpha, please keep your link open. Your strongest warrior was just threatened," my dad brushed my mind but said nothing while keeping the link open.

The man growled at me, his eyes changing color. "I can smell her on you, she belongs to me."

I smirked and let out the most menacing growl that I could, letting all of my power flow off of me as a royal warrior. It froze the man in his place as he felt it wash over him.

"She belongs with me. You will never see her face again, and if you cross me ever again, I will personally rip your heart out and eat it."

His eyes widened and he laughed, "was that a challenge little girl?" He stepped toward me and that's when my dad and the king pulled up in a sedan behind me.

"That is enough Bambi," Skip said, "Stand down now, run it off."

I turned and stared at him, he could tell I was on the verge of shifting.

"As I am still your Alpha and Father, you will do as I ask without question."

I turned my back on the outsider and walked away. I heard him growl in anger as he saw the giant wings on my back. I didn't walk far, but I shifted and sat behind the sedan to listen.

"I am Skip, I apologize for my daughter's diplomacy, she has anger issues." He reached his hand out for a shake, but the man ignored it. Skip looked at King Damien.

"Alpha Larry," King Damien said lowly, "you've been holding the tiger princess hostage. We will not release her back into your care, especially now that she is mated to my son." He said with finality.

Larry's nostrils flared in anger as he backed away from the border. "That's your mistake Alphas," he shifted and howled as he ran back towards his territory.

The King looked to Skip and sighed. "He has friends in low places and contacts that shouldn't be his friends."

Skip nodded and rubbed his eyes. "The question is, is he dumb enough to start a war?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

I huffed as I listened to them. I trotted to my dad, mind linking him.

"I will die for her, just so she never has to see his face again. I'm ready to train. It's time for us to go."

He nodded agreeing and I ran back to the packhouse to finish getting everything ready.

I ran up the stairs straight to my room, stopping just outside the door to engage the smell of my mates. They were done making love and I could hear them talking softly. I rubbed my eyes with my forefinger and thumb trying to release any tension I had before walking into the room.

As a warrior, it was my duty to keep my emotions in check. To not worry the soon-to-be royals in the room before me. I may be only her warrior, but Dean was a close friend, and now my mate. I didn't want him to have to hide anything from the princess.

I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. I smiled at them both as they were cuddled together on my bed, getting to know one another.

My wolf bristled, "he may know more about her than I do now." I ignored it and continued my way towards the bed.

Constance reached out to me, begging me to crawl into the bed. "I'm sorry love, we must finish packing," I said quietly as I sat down on the side of the bed.

Dean looked at me and tried reading my thoughts and I audibly growled at him. He raised his eyebrow at me. "Was that a challenge Bambi?"

I rolled my eyes, "we need to move. I need to train with your warriors." I got up from the bed and returned to the closet to finish packing our things.

Dean got off the bed and followed me into the closet. "Tell me." He demanded as I continued to add clothes to the suitcase.

I growled at him, "careful Prince, I'd hate to scar your pretty face."

He raised his eyebrows at me. "I always forget how protective you are," he walked closer to me and embraced me from behind, his arms wrapping around my belly. "Who threatened our mate?" He whispered in my ear.

"Some Alpha dick named Larry," I replied a little louder than I had intended. I felt her fear before the first sob racked through her body.

Constance's fear had Angel on high alert as I ran to her side.