

Devin promised Cassidy becoming a zombie wouldn't change him. He'd a solution that would preserve his quality and make it possible for him to protect those he loved. But when Cassidy gets a chance to go back and turn the hands of time, it hits her that there's more to her past than she ever imagined. And, in the future, things only get worse.

PrincessMgbadiegwu · Fantasy
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29 Chs

9 Khalid Lucian?

Looking out the window and yawning, Cassidy watched as the sea of blackness transformed into a clear blue sky that got freckled by the burning sun.

Cassidy turned her head hurriedly as she heard a pained whimper.

It came from behind.

She saw Khalid trying to cover something that was pouring out uncontrollably.



How did he get hurt?

Cassidy darted towards the first aid kit and scampered to the corner of the bed where he sat like a poor rabbit.

No, wait!

He didn't sit like a poor rabbit.

He sat like a poor kitten ( one that had been abandoned immediately after birth.)

" How did you get hurt?" she questioned as she tried to take his hand in hers.

Khalid resisted and grimaced.

It wasn't the worst injury he had ever suffered... but at the moment, he was having a hard time remembering one that had hurt worse.

The cut was deeper than he imagined.

" Leave me alone," he yelled at her as if she was the one causing him pain.

Cassidy gazed at him inexplicably.

He had never spoken to her in such manner before.

But, she was adamant, and didn't want to listen to his command.

She grabbed his hand and pulled it further with greater strength, but she was careful not to hurt him more.

" Tsk... your injury is deep. I need to wipe the blood so that I can have a closer look.

" How did this happen?"

Khalid didn't speak, and his previously violent pupils returned to its tranquility.

Those captivating leo coloured eyes stared at her.

" Why do you even care?" he asked without thinking.

Cassidy didn't speak, and continued to dress the wound.

Khalid gritted his teeth and endured.

The methylated spirit had stung him harder.

He wanted to withdraw his hand but that would be a childish thing to do.

" You're not the only one who wants to protect someone.

" I want to be nice too.

"Maybe, one last time!"

This had slid out of her mouth.

Truth was, Cassidy didn't know what she had said but she meant it.

She had suddenly begun to feel like he needed protection.

But from what exactly?

Maybe it was his past.

Of course, everyone did have a past that probably was bad, and something they want to hide forever ( something that hunted them whenever they were alone in the dark of the night.)

But whatever it was, she was ready to help.

She was ready to make things right - to make things work out well again.

It didn't matter what happened.

She wasn't a saint either way.

" What if the person you're trying to protect isn't at all what you think?" he said again.

" It doesn't have to matter as long as there's a change in the heart."

She focused on the injury as she didn't want to entertain more questions.

" Change in the heart?" Khalid muttered under his breath.

What change exactly?

He hadn't done anything that would warrant a change.

But most of all, he wasn't ready to lose this one jewel he had found.

She was different from the other ladies he had met, and he had fallen in love with her immediately he saw her.

There was definitely something about Cassidy he couldn't wrap his head around.

What would happen if she found out the truth about him?

Were they truths?

" Would you protect the devil's son?"

Cassidy felt a buzz in her ears.

Whose son?

" I'm Khalid Lucian!"

Cassidy gasped, and stared wide-eyed.

The emotion that steered right in her face..was it shock or surprise?

If he was the devil's son like rumors had it, he was supposed to have spiny horns and a tail, with dark eyes and a dark aura.

At least that was what the devil looked like in her imagination.

Although, she had never met the rumoured devil's son in person, she never thought he would be this good looking and ravishing.

She took a deep breath and let it out in a shaky exhale.

" As long as there's a change in the heart, my protection is sure."

Hold on! Was she even sure about what she was saying?

Or rather the promise she was making?

Who was going to protect someone labelled as the devil's son?

He was dangerous - that was what the rumours said.

And, the devil was associated with every evil and bad.

Danger, and doom was surely lurking behind.

What was the story behind the rumours again?

Cassidy thought harder.

It was said that he was fathered by a brutal and merciless powerful man.

He was called Draco by his business mates and mafia gang.

He was good-looking and every lady drooled in his presence and under his touch.

He owned the popular Jake Corporation.....a popular conglomerate.

His father was reckless with everything around him, especially the women that won't stop coming his way.

He had so many mistresses.

On the day of Khalid's birth, his mother went through torture.


Why would childbirth become torture?

It was supposed to be one of the amazing moments in the life of a woman - she was a wife and would soon become a new mother.

For her, it was different.

She wasn't happy about the pregnancy in the beginning.

Which wife wouldn't be happy about being pregnant?

She felt bitterness emerge from the edge of her throat and hatred from the depth of her heart.

Her husband had taken her forcefully.

She had cursed under her breath with hatred when Khalid arrived the world looking all sweet and innocent.

His big eyes radiated in the hospital ward.

His grandmother had been there at his birth, and she tried to stop her daughter from cursing an innocent child.

She had breathed her last after the curse.

And, that was how he grew up without a mother.

It pained him that his mother hated him even before birth, and his father was the reason behind that.

And from his birth till when it was time for him to take over his late father's company, his grandmother groomed him to become a better person ( not the Draco's son.)

His kind was to become a better person that would be loved, even if it was just once.

And he had found it.

He had found all he had been looking for in the most complicated circumstances.

But with his fears taking over him, he couldn't help but think about the curse.

What if it was true?

What if love wasn't for him?

Was there ever going to be a happy ever after for him?