

Devin promised Cassidy becoming a zombie wouldn't change him. He'd a solution that would preserve his quality and make it possible for him to protect those he loved. But when Cassidy gets a chance to go back and turn the hands of time, it hits her that there's more to her past than she ever imagined. And, in the future, things only get worse.

PrincessMgbadiegwu · Fantasy
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29 Chs

26 The Strange Servant

This strange being shifted her gaze from Lucas to Cassidy.

Her intense green eyes beamed in the sitting room and Cassidy felt her heart skitter to a halt.

" Move away from him," it said to her.

Her voice didn't seem normal and that was when she noticed something on its face.

Cassidy pulled away obediently and it carried him away; it trailed through the stairs until she couldn't see its back.

Cassidy gaped in awe.

How could this being who looked like a female carry such masculine man?

It returned to meet her standing away from the broken porcelain.

" It's an allergic reaction. He's asleep now. We need to clean your wounds. Come with me to your room."

It trudged towards Cassidy's room; Cassidy trailed behind.


" What are you?" Cassidy asked after it finished treating her wounds.

It placed the kit away cautiously.

" My name is Jasmine. I'm a cyborg."

...it explained everything ( her strength, the lustrous thing on one side of her face.)

" Do you feel like a human?"

" I'm whatever you may think of me, even a human. The only difference is my physique."

" You're pretty."

" Do you work for him?" she asked.

" I've never seen you before," she added.

" I'm one of his creations. I don't stay here often."

" Hmmmm. He has a good taste."

" The master is a good person," Jasmine proclaimed.

" I don't know so much about him, although I'm married to him. I can't remember anything ( even the slightest detail.) I only know his name," Cassidy said.

An ache started deep down in her stomach.

She turned away as her eyes welled up with tears.

Her lips trembled as she let out an audible sigh.

She wiped her drooping eyelids with the back of her right hand.

" Each time I force myself to try to remember; I get hard headaches. I don't know anything he likes.

" I only made food for him because he looked hungry and tired. He just threw it away violently."

Jasmine consoled.

" I'm sorry."

Cassidy sat upright on the bed and leaned on.

" You must know something about him, right? What does he like? Please tell me.

" What's his favourite food?"

In the literal sense, Jasmine didn't have so much answers to the questions.

" I know the master has a good heart despite all that has happened..."

Cassidy cut her shut.

" What happened to him?"

" I'm not in a position to divulge it.... the master doesn't like someone invading his space. Regardless of his temper, he is lovable.

" You only need to try again."

Jasmine patted her sympathetically on her back.

Her touch felt warm and safe.

" Go to sleep now. Tommorow will be a big day."

She walked out of the room and closed the door gently behind her back.


Cassidy yawned and rubbed her eyes in a sleepy manner.

The ray of sunlight sipped in through the window.

The birds chirped outside and it reminded her of the Disney Cinderella. She pulled out the bedsheet that enclosed her body energetically.

Cassidy gasped and galloped out of the bed.

Her impetuous rush out of the room and on the stairs startled Jasmine ( who sat on the couch.)

" The master isn't around.

" His health is fine now."

Cassidy stopped on the stairs.

" Where's he?"

" The master is away for work."

" Work?" she repeated ( not as a statement but as a question.)

" He has said that I should look after you," Jasmine continued.

" I've made breakfast for you."

Cassidy looked back at Jasmine and smiled wearily.

She knew she felt something but maybe it was just delusional - it wasn't true.


" Welcome back sir," they chorused; they stood erect in a bid to welcome the CEO of the popular Meng Corporations.

" I was so afraid. I thought you won't come back to us," a beige skinned young man who appeared to be older and taller than Lucas said.

The man's black coloured eyes matched his chocolate brown hair perfectly.

His tallness made him stand out in the crowd of other employees.

Lucas sneered.

" You never change, Jackson."

" I won't in the entire world.... I'll always remain my boss's personal assistant."

Lucas embraced him.

They had come a long way.

They had been friends for so long that neither of them could remember when. Jackson had come to work for him after the death of Lucas' father; he had come to help grow the company and help the heir of the Meng Corporations - Lucas, even though he was older.

" It's been a long time."

" It sure has been a long time," Lucas repeated.

" But not to worry, I'll surely feed you with the details later," he added.

" It's good that you're over it now..."

Lucas' face suddenly lost its light.

He pulled away almost reluctantly from the embrace.

" I'll be in my office," he announced and walked away briskly.

Other employees felt the relaxed air return.

They all wondered how Jackson and the boss got along so well.

Jackson was surely fearless to be able to communicate so well and intimately with the boss - this was something no one had ever done.

The boss was just too strict with everything.

" Lucas," Jackson called when he walked into his office.

Portraits of the Meng Corporations' descendants lay on the wall gracefully. The line of the portraits ended with Lucas' photo.

At one end, the bookshelf stood.

It had so many books on it.

One part was painted with bright colours having a tint of red.

" A client wants to buy some shares," Jackson began.

Lucas twirled the pen in his hand while he turned around on the chair.

" Jackson, you know we don't have shares for sale. We're trying our best to satisfy our shareholders, you know it."

" She's offering a lot of money. She's desperate to buy and invest," Jackson continued; he trudged absentmindedly towards the window.

" Stephanie Nicholas... that's her name."

" I don't care who she is or what her name is...we won't sell. Let her go elsewhere."

Jackson broke into a giddy laugh almost immediately.

" Pardon... but I've always wished to be like you. I love the resolve, man."

Lucas smirked.

" One of your mistresses came around while you were away," Jackson continued.

" And..."

A knock on the door cut him shut.