

Devin promised Cassidy becoming a zombie wouldn't change him. He'd a solution that would preserve his quality and make it possible for him to protect those he loved. But when Cassidy gets a chance to go back and turn the hands of time, it hits her that there's more to her past than she ever imagined. And, in the future, things only get worse.

PrincessMgbadiegwu · Fantasy
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29 Chs

20 A Living What??

Cassidy's pupils shook violently before it returned to the previous tranquility. She was awake again.

Cassidy knew she was hypnotized, and walking on cold thin tiles, it broke.

She awoke again when she felt the intensity of the sunlight hit her.

She ran faster.

" Is there someone out there?" she screamed.

" Please help me... come get me," she pleaded.

Hot tears ran down her face.

Behind her, she could hear it say.

" Follow everywhere I go, top over the mountains or valley low. I'll give you everything you've been dreaming of, just let me in. Everything you want in gold, I'll be the magic story you've been told."

She could hear the beating of the pulse in her ears as she held her breath and her heartbeat thudded wildly.

Cassidy scurried backwards when she heard something drawl out some words.

Surprisingly, the scary, old doll wasn't after her anymore. It was out of sight and there wasn't any giggling from children.

She unceremoniously pulled her gown unconsciously when she saw this person.

Was this even a person?

It looked like....oh somebody help her!

She peered about maniacally seeking out something or someone to hold onto.

This thing looked like a corpse... and she felt a sickening wave of terror well up in her empty stomach.

" Help!!!!!" she screeched as she felt her entire body become impossibly still.

" Oh, God, I can't die like this," she drawled.

In the literal sense, she was dead.... terror killed her.

She had learned that a fool dies so many times.

It meant a fool dies from fear before the actual death.

The scarecrow chortled unceremoniously at Cassidy who stood rigid with terror...too overwhelmed to move.

A living scarecrow?!

" Relax, beautiful lady," it spoke softly.

Cassidy found her voice to ask.

" What are you?"

" I'm only a harmless scarecrow."

It stretched its hand for a handshake which Cassidy declined without further hesitation.

It withdrew its hand with a slight fake smile tearing across its face.

Cassidy arched her brows at its reaction and she felt sorry because she saw its eyes brim with disappointment and hurt.

This scarecrow seemed to feel like a human too.

" What is this place?" she asked softly.

" It's an ancient place. You're currently in the garden."

Cassidy turned around with a start and her sea blue eyes glimmered with intensity, or was it relief?

" I hadn't noticed."

The garden was the brightest part of the building she had seen since she arrived two days ago.

Although the room she had been kept in was colourful too, it wasn't as beautiful as this.

The garden had trimmed grasses all over. The flowers decorated the garden with its different bright colours.

A part of the garden had the Daffodil. Another part had the Daisy and Dandelion.

The Jasmine and Bluebell stood gracefully at another corner.

The Lotus flower stood at the wall elegantly.

Cassidy found her fears melt away like mist in the face of the sun.

She sighed softly in contentment when she breathed calm air.

She sneezed when she drew near to a flower.

" Are you okay?"

Cassidy sneezed again.

" You've an allergy.

" Move away from the flower," it ordered in a soft but cold voice, and that was when Cassidy realized that the scarecrow had moved with her...it could walk?!

Cassidy moved away instantly and stopped sneezing.

" That's the California herb with pinkish purple flower. It's called Adobelily," it explained.

" Your reaction is likely to be an allergy."

" Mr scarecrow, who owns this place?" she cut him shut.

" Are you okay with me calling you Mr scarecrow?"

Her words came out soft.

" It's okay," its voice brimmed with contentment.

" The owner of this place isn't around at the moment but I'm sure he'll come around soon."

" What's the owner like?" her voice faltered.

" I woke up here two days ago. I've had a terrifying experience. I don't know how to get back to my family. I need to go."

" The master is a good person. He has a good heart. I know you're here for a reason.

" I'm one of the master's creations."

Cassidy's blue eyes stared with intensity at the scarecrow.

She mustn't speak in such manner because it might hurt the scarecrow. She must keep her thoughts to herself.

" It's okay if you want to say something about how I look," the scarecrow said as if reading her thoughts.

It didn't know how it was created but it knew it had been created.

Cassidy apologized.

" I'm sorry if you feel bad... I didn't mean it that way and..."

" It's okay. I've to admit that it's the truth. The truth always hurt."

Cassidy gurgled.

She felt pain in its voice... something that seemed like a wish to never have been created.

Its quiet, disbelieving laugh jolted her from her subconsciousness.

" Even ghosts fear me," it continued.

She felt it raging within itself.

" They all treat me inhumanely. Asides the fact that I'm only a scarecrow, I know I'm like every other person," its hoarse voice complained.

Cassidy found herself staring at the scarecrow.

She placed her left palm above her eyebrows to have a clearer view of its face.

" Mr scarecrow, I don't want you to feel bad because you're not. You may have a rough body and so much more but all that matters is your heart. You've a good heart and you're good."

" Oh, leave. You're only saying this because you pity me. I know humans are like that."

Cassidy felt the ripple of that long moan of pain on her heart.

" Not all humans are like that," Cassidy defended.

Cassidy placed her hand on her chest area.

" Mr scarecrow, I genuinely care for you although I just met you. I know you're good. You're a smart scarecrow too."

She jumped up suddenly and plucked the fruit above her head.

She had noticed the fruit above when she looked up at the scarecrow.

" Have this," she flashed it a smile as she stretched out her hand to hand the fruit over to the scarecrow.

She giggled when the scarecrow collected the fruit.