


Fellow - creatures had said 'being a slave would be the worst nightmare you can ever have'. Others claimed that slavery was on par with death. If you turn into a slave, you are nothing but garbage. But if I could convince them, would you rather be a slave, or are you being made to be one? With these enormous chains placed around my neck, wrist, and mouth, you will never be able to choose to argue with me or begin a conversation with me. In the Kingdom of Anopia, I was nearly treated as an animal. Almost? It was handled exactly like a real animal in this kingdom—not almost.

Have they dared to ask me why? No, because I think the whole kingdom knows my origin, which I really do not seem to understand. And whenever I got called out, being dragged in like a wild animal, they ran it on my face, teasing me and calling me names.

"Ah ah! What an animal. If we hadn't killed his parents, wouldn't they try to take dominion over us? Never knew killing them would get Astoria a greater profit!"

That old man with a crown had spoken, awakening a sound of mockery amongst the people around him.

Little did I know what he meant by that. All I know is that those people thought my parents were demons in the land, and they murdered them, taking me away and turned me into their slave.

These people had made me eat grass, wrestle with wild beasts, and tortured me for most of their entertainment. They were brutal and wicked.

All my life, I had been trained and had suffered like an animal. I don't even know who I was anymore. I just found out my name is Ash. Weird name, right? yeah.


The gate to my cell creaked loudly. I lifted up my head to see who it was. It was an ugly man in charge of my cell, who is popularly called Baron. Why is he here now?

I quickly lowered my head, avoiding his villainous gaze. I remembered the last time I stared at him, he had hit me so much.

"You seem frightened, aye?"

I felt his attention on me as he squats low to the ground. He intended to harm me again. Buy I haven't done anything, have I?

"Oh Ash. I enjoy making you feel afraid of me. And you are the strongest person in this kingdom, as I heard and observed. You still flinch when I enter your cell, though. Isn't it wonderful and satisfying?"

Indeed, I was frightened. I feared that he would torture me once more. When they abuse me like an animal, these folks believed I was fine. They had never shown any concern for my sentiments, and I doubt they ever will. They are a very bad and evil people.

"If you merely raise your voice, aye?" My cheek took a significant blow. How am I supposed to speak up with this tough thing around my lips? "You are miserable; I know that." If he knows that, then why is he talking still.

He let out a giggle, which I could hear.

This man is unclean and unattractive too!

He got to his feet and assumed a haughty posture. Does this man object to me in any way? I am the king's slave, not his.

I mustered the confidence to examine it.

I tried to excuse the sun's hard, penetrating rays by lifting my head high.

The Kingdom of Anopia is actually cursed.

The sun and rain were working against the kingdom since they had persisted longer than they actually had.

And it contained more rude, haughty, and obstinate people than ever before.

"Zein!" Baron yelled. "Sebastian!"

Two soldiers entered my cell with their heads lowered. What? Because they all believed that Baron was the only person who could control me effectively, so minor gets terrified at his presence.

Others also get frightened by my presence, but I feared them more.

These people don't ever care whether I get hurt since I have skin. They were only interested in entertainment. Which made me wonder what they were actually hoping to gain by gazing at me with their sinister gazes.They would howl and hoot whenever they see me, but get scared whenever I move closer to them, which I found very strange and have a little understanding with it. Because of my history aye? How much I hate this history of mine.

"The king, with the slave in tow. The Juice is interested in seeing our most potent monster." His statements hurt my feelings. How could they mock me by calling me a monster? I firmly believe that I was a human being who was only treated unfairly as a result of tragic events that had occurred in my life. Even a typical slave would never experience treatment like this.


They both approached me and seized my arms. I was being cruelly treated while being hauled up like a rag.

The Baron had commanded once more, "Take off his chain; the Juce wished to see the whole of him." The whole of me? Does that imply that these heavy metals are now free? I would like to grin, but these chains were still holding me down. But I wished the Juce weren't as brutal as the Anopia.

When the troops removed my chains, I was at last freed. I had finally lost the heavy metals on me. I must now meet these Juce people. No matter who they were.

I was taken to the palace by the troops. I can't remember the last time I took a real bath. Because I took a wash with the camels and goats, my body was a little less pungent. I had been wearing my unsightly clothes since the third month of the year. I've still got the torn clothes on me since five months.

I was roughly tossed to the ground as soon as I entered the royal room. I had to bow down to the monarch in order to show him respect. I had to do this since I was a slave. He once forced me to taste his purposefully soiled shoes. And he had no differences from his children. Even his wife was filled with dread and fire. Her two kids genuinely detested me, and lucky for them, I felt the same way about them. I learned that the king's first daughter had traveled to Seminu's realm for training. She had to be handled like a soldier because, of course, she is the first and will undoubtedly become queen to the king of some country one day.

The throne room was filled with loud laughter that reverberated throughout it. "I never anticipated it to be a real person. I've heard quite a few compliments about owning the best animal in the nation without ever realizing it was a person."

That must be the Juce Kingdom representative.

"Yes. I was referring to a person. He is also the toughest and rarest member of all of humanity. I'm so fortunate to have a creature like him in my realm." His Majesty's voice was that. The man in charge of Anopia's entire kingdom

Laughing menacingly was the king, and the Juce emissary What is this, then? They laugh all they want. Wasn't this only for their entertainment? They obtained the beast they desired. Obviously, a human beast, who has fears in him.

"Oh, King Jaden. I was informed that your daughter would return today and that she is a priceless gem from heaven by the elegant princes of the Juce Kingdom.

Obviously, the person speaking is a lord in the Juce Kingdom. They never gave a thought to my presence; instead, they just carried on speaking as I stood on the floor like a filthy rag, lowering my head pitifully as if I were a failure.

"Yes. Since her mother's passing, she has lived in the kingdom of Seminu. Who am I to put an end to her dream of becoming a warrior who would one day rule a powerful kingdom?"

Yeah, I've heard of this princess, although I've never actually met her. I have heard that she is the jewel of the country, but I am certain that she is nothing more than a wicked and awful royal blood. She must be a person of great pride, like a peacock! Or should I say, like her father.

"The crown prince of Juce is eager to meet her."

"Yes. What a reminder. Tomorrow, would the king of Juce really come to my realm?"

"Yes, your Royal Majesty." "Obviously, to witness the magnificent show between the slave and the monstrous bull."

I suddenly raised my head to look at them out of shock, but the soldier next to me pulled my head back down to its original position.

Tomorrow? Me? Fighting a bull in a ring? So why would they want to harm me like that? These individuals are the true monsters and beasts! They want another person to perform an action that might endanger his life for their amusement.

"Well, I can't wait!"