
Back home to meet a knight


The city was windy, and the beautiful sky waved at me. I hadn't been to my father's homeland, Anopia, in a very long time.

I truly can't wait to enter the castle, my home, while the cool summer and later spring sing a wonderful tune to my skin.

I had to pull my head back from the window when the carriage came to a complete stop. I had to be helped out of the carriage by a soldier, who took my right hand.

I exited the carriage and eventually set foot on a stunning red carpet.

I said, "Thank you," to the guard who had assisted me in leaving the carriage.

He showed me respect by bowing to me and placing his hand on his chest. My father truly had trained good individuals.

"Sister, are you back yet?" I recognized the voice. I carefully turned around to see who had just referred to me as her sister, and a frown came across my face. This girl!

Her face was beaming a phony smile at me.

"I'm so glad you're back! That's excellent,"

She facetiously clapped her hands. She frequently acts cordial with me, but I knew this. We are never able to get along. Their mother is a tremendous showoff, and she and her sister are pathetic pretenders.

I also gave her a false smile and said, "Yes," then excused myself by moving in close proximity to her. I thought the bothersome call was finally over when I received another call. "Sister, you've returned." Oh my goodness.

I didn't move, and I sighed. Then the other blood of pretense moved closer to me. I smirked and said, "Yes, I am."

"Wow, that's fantastic. Common, our mother would love to see you again after all these years."

Oh, her mom! That woman wouldn't ever like me. She hates having me around and has probably been content ever since I left the kingdom. Before I made the decision to leave this kingdom and forge my own path in the Kingdom of Seminu, I had suffered so much at her hands. I went well there, earned my full-pledge soldier certificate, and then made the decision to return home. And from this point forward, I am positive that nobody would ever abuse me. I would bully them instead, and I will make sure they would later regret ever meeting Princess Alice. And I'll undoubtedly begin with my fictitious family. Together with my stepmother's pitiful daughters.

I just said, "Um," without further explanation.

A royal guard halted my stepsisters as they approached the gates.

He bowed and said, "Your highnesses, I believe you're seeking the Queen? She instructed me to send you this note. She and Duchess Marie would enjoy a treat. She thus requests that you remain with Alice, the first princess, until she arrives."

"Oh, okay. I'm grateful. I said with a smile, "Mr. soldier," before turning to face Beatrice and Deborah "I'd like to go meet my father since she isn't in the castle. Apologies princesses."

I turned away, leaving them both standing. They certainly were at a loss for words, and of course, I couldn't wait to meet my loving father and get away from their gazes.

Oh, I hadn't seen him in a very long time. I've been hoping to be a great soldier and make my father proud ever since I left for Seminu. Before I decide to depart for my betrothed, I believe I will be a soldier who will carry the name of Anopia, my father's homeland. Naturally, I don't have a fiancée. And I vehemently oppose any man who approaches me and asks for my hand in marriage.

I headed for the throne room by ascending the stairs. I was too excited to pay attention to my steps. I stopped myself from falling over by holding onto a block on the wall just in time. I thought I might strike my head on something hard as I crashed to the bottom of the steps. I clung to the suit, which was supported by itself. I felt someone clutch my hand as they nearly fell on me.

Who did I land on when I plummeted to the ground?

I gradually opened my eyes to discover a man. an attractive man with brown hair?

My face automatically smiled.


Queen Jennifer was busy sipping tea with the grand duchess Marie. She had a slight frown on her face as she was busy with the duchess. Ever since she had heard from her husband that her stepdaughter would be coming back today, she had been down and unhappy. Of course she wished the girl could get married at Seminu and leave her alone with her husband and her children. And now, she is back, as a full pledged soldier.

The grand duchess who had been observing her face for a while finally spoke out.

"You don't look happy, your Royal majesty." She also took a sip from her tea, before dropping the cup with a smile on her face.

"Yes I am not happy, Lady Marie."

"What's wrong your majesty. Please, do share your conversation with me." Queen Jennifer sighed, turned around to speak of her problem to Marie.

"It's my husband's first child."

"Um, I heard she serves at Seminu as a trainer. It had been long since I heard of that kid. Tell me aye, is she back?"

"She will be coming back today."

"So tell me your majesty. Why are you worried?" She picked up her tea, taking another sip from the cup.

"I don't want that girl to be anywhere close to the kingdom. I don't like her at all. Infact, I have never liked her ever since I knew she was the first before my princesses."

"Then get rid of her, your majesty." Lady Marie suggested without bathtub an eye. She then dropped the cup to look at the queen who was very shocked. If duchess Marie was in her shoes, of course that would be exactly what she would have done to the girl. She would have poisoned her and get rid of her ever since she had known she could become an obstacle to one of her daughters.

"I should?" The queen frowned.

"You are the Queen of queens, the mother of all mothers. You should be able to do and undo. An obstacle cannot just come on your way, you just have to make that obstacle fall, and then get rid of it once and forever like a snap of my fingers." She snapped her fingers and smiled at the queen who was still shocked.

Queen Jennifer picked up the cup, stared at the content, before taking a sip.

She would think about it.