
Enkidu in Knights and magic

The mc gets reincarnated in Knights and Magic with a few wishes.

Just_A_Random · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

'Its been 5 years since I came to this world, and today is the day when Ernesti will be born, and after 5 years, he will regain his memories of his past life. I better prepare for this. Huuu... lets go stalk him.'

I'm standing by the window looking at the cradle inside. A cute baby trap is sleeping soundly. I plan on helping the mc a bit, so I'm going to make a spiritual chakra construct and seal it within him. Its going to act like a lifesaving tool which will resurrect the person multiple time; kinda like isanagi, but more advanced. It will also have the effect of regeneration, and probability manipulation which is fueled by natural energy instead of one's own luck. This will also make his body a sage body by the time he grows up and becomes my apprentice. I also planted a bit of my DNA within the artifact which will act as a karma seal. Obviously, I am not going to steal his body, its only for improving his physique while keeping the original appearance of an anime trap intact.

Obviously, I am going to make him an otsutsuki in the future and feed him a few chakra fruits but, for now this is enough.

Now, onto the main event for today; making a draconic heart with the truthseeker alloy, lifecode, a bit of dragon blood from the Gate of Babylon, and alchemy.

I am going to use the alloy along with a scaffold of my heart. First I inject otsutsuki blood into the alloy to make it conducive for biological purposes. As far as I know, otsutsuki blood goes well with truthseeker orbs, and will convert it into a living substance. This effect is also observed in the mithril that I used in the alloy, which helps me in converting ether into the magical energy of this universe. I'm going to call this magic, code magic for convention.

I then proceed to use a combination of alchemy and angel magic to produce more dragon blood. I almost have a gallon of dragon blood. For the blood, I have to synergize otsutsuki blood along with the draconic blood. This is going to take a while...

=====A few days later=====

I extracted the draconic essence out of the dragon blood and finished combining it with the otsutsuki blood. I placed a lot of prana production codes with this universe's magic into each and every cell of the heart. This takes ether, nature energy, and prana from the world and pumps it into the blood every time the heart beats. It also generates draconic energy which later gets stored in a spiritual core in the heart. As long as the heart keeps beating, the gore would get denser and purer. As for the reason I chose to do all this is because dragons are strong in many universes, and I would not like to be a god cause I am literally anti-divine chains. I'm surprised by the blood I have, I thought that being clay meant that I wouldn't have any blood, but that's not the case it seems.

I now have the best heart that I can possibly make right now, at least. I plan on using the draconic energy to harness the nothingness like Ophis and Great red did in DxD. This will help me in the conceptual part until I master my angelic abilities.

Right now, I have everything ready for my third eye jogan. A perfect body, a sound mind which was tampered the past few years with a lot of knowledge, and my angel soul. For the third eye jogan, I also prepared some chakra fruits of other dojutsus to combine together to make the strongest set of paths. The chakra fruits I am going to use this time are a bit special. I'm going to use fruits which contain cosmic energy(Read naruto fanon), pure nature energy fruits, priestess chakra fruits, and positive chakra enhanced fruits. On top of all that, I add a bit of my magical energy, and draconic energy to enhance the effects.

The dojutsu fruits I have are: Rinnegan(red, blue, purple, golden), Tenseigan(blue, pink), Jogan(Enhanced with otsutsuki blood), Gedatsugan(Standard), Rinne-sharingan, Byakugan(pureblooded otsutsuki byakugan), and Shion's dojutsu(Future sight). All these dojutsu fruits are combined and they form a large fruit. Now, I'm going to channel these abilities into a jogan fruit.

=====A few minutes later=====

After a long time of hard work, its finally done! The best dojutsu fruit! Though it looks as big as a basketball, I can finish it in a day.

to be continued...

I know, this chapter is being released at midnight. i really need sleep but, the chapters also need the readers. For the next chap, i will be writing the new improved jogan abilities. I am open if you want to suggest something for the full extent of the powers of the jogan.

This fanfic is not a powerplay fanfic, but who doesn't like the mc growing stronger? Still, I hope you enjoyed this chap. See ya when I have time to write the next chap~

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