
Enkidu in Knights and magic

The mc gets reincarnated in Knights and Magic with a few wishes.

Just_A_Random · Anime & Comics
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Answering some questions

I have seen some of your previous comments and I've noticed you guys asking when the story plot starts. I've also seen a comment or two asking whether or not I'm going to include some multiverse travel. I also have some points to add in this chapter to clarify the direction we are going to take.

First of all, the plot will start sometime around 5-7 years of age. Ernesti regains his previous life memories at 5 years old, and trains under his mother till he is 8. This is the point where he meets Addy(Adeltrud Walker), and her brother Archid Walker.(*insert images*)

Don't worry about figuring out which chapter the plot starts, cause I'm going to include the chapter title as "Plot starts Chapter(number)". Its probably going to be in a few chapters unless you want me to clarify the powers that the mc has, and the friendships he built.(MC doesn't have many friends yet) It might take an extra chapter or two depending on whether or not you want me to fill the preplot holes.

As for the multiverse travel, I have the idea of the mc entering the dxd verse through the dimensional gap. This multiverse is going to be a bit complex to explain cause the adjusting of physics of one universe should not mess with another universe. Here, I am using the different energy tiering, universe tiering, etc.

What I mean by tiering is something like this for example: Kaguya chakra > Hagoromo chakra > Indra/Asura chakra. or something on the lines of: Telesma is better than draconic energy, but draconic energy is easier to use in understanding concepts. Telesma is going to be "The top" tier one cause it has a very close relationship with the "true soul". True soul in my fanfic will be immortal, indestructible, eternal, and true in the literal sense of the term. It wont be erased no matter what, it cannot be manipulated because it is the self, and only few people can access their true soul. All things will have a true soul, but the soul based energies in the respective universe will condition the soul to have a "soul" that is then manipulated by gods and higher beings.

Gods and higher beings in my fanfic will be a bit more responsible by nature, so no tormenting innocents for fun or something. (A/N: Also, no Darkseid like demonic gods. Though zeus type will be allowed. At least, zeus ain't gonna go for a multiverse domination.)

The multiverse travel I am thinking of is percy jackson(A/N: I haven't read much. just fanfics and a magnus chase book.) where mc will set up a mage association. Imagine the gods seeing heroes of the past returning. The servants will be from the nasuverse of course, but they will recognize the divinity signature in them if they are demigods. Also imagine the reaction of the gods when they see normal humans using mage craft lol.

For other universes, I am thinking of ATG where the mc will quickly drop by to master laws after becoming a dragon god, and soaking in the dimensional gap. Also, should I snatch Ophis from the dimensional gap and put her in the personal pocket space that you gain in ATG once you reach sovereign profound realm? I am planning on somehow giving the mc the law of nothingness to fill his personal space and transform it into a mini dimensional gap of sorts.

An explanation of the toaru angel power: Angel magic is something very powerful, and simple, yet complex. For example, take machine code and programming language. Here the machine code is the pure angelic magic, and the programming language is something similar to harry potter magic. Both of these power systems use "will". While one uses true will, the other uses the will based on the personal experience of the soul which is not on the same level of true soul.

As the mc transforms the false soul with chakra, HP magic, ATG cultivation to divine origin, ki/chi(Life force), he will be able to gain access to all the soul related things from that universe, including magic fi it has a correlation with the soul.

The last thing I want to say is that the MC is not gay. Just seems gay cuz I made him like Ernesti too much. The "like" here refers to a onee chan/otouto type of like, but a bit more complicated in this case due to the genderlessness of the MC.

I did not pick him to be genderless because I planned in making him go to DxD. It came like a flow, no [planning in the whole fanfiction.

The fact that I don't plan does not mean that I will mess up the original direction of this fanfic; no, I won't. I just didn't plan every single chapter previously, and you all seem to not hate it so, I decided that I will keep a general direction and proceed with what comes to my mind.

Had a lot of things to tell, but these were the main points.

If you have a suggestion on what universe I have to include, tell me in the comments.

I'm using other people's fanfiction as a crutch to guide me in soem plot points. This is probably one of the few fanfics made out of other fanfics. The only one thing I purely watched was Knights and magic, and the rest were a ton of fanfics and extensive research along with some anime(Fate series).

Hope you enjoy the next chapters. They will be posted tomorrow cuz I have time.

Im sleepy... good night!

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