
ENK: Mirai Notes

The following events take place in an alternative Earth, approximately 70 years after the apparition of the physical alterations scientifically called UMA (Unknown Morphic Anomalies). Changing the human body and reshaping the concept of mankind. Humans with tails, horns, wings, claws, etc. were the consequences of the phenomenon called UMA. Although not being the same world; Cities, Nations and Continents remain the same with some minimal changes. Due to these peculiarities, some countries took measures that affected their overall structure and even their political affiliation. The number of people with physical mutations was bearable and inoffensive, people accepted them with ease. But 20 years later, dangerous new peculiarities started to appear. An extra-sensorial alteration that allowed humans, either with or without UMA, to have abilities such as: pyrokinesis, telekinesis or cryokinesis... between other elemental awarenesses. Their average control, power and stamina were minimal compared to an average police brigade, but one individual was worth a hundred in a battlefield with the right equipment. Many countries around the world set their eyes towards them, either trying to obtain or make use of their power. These cases of extra-sensorial abilities remained unknown to the public eye. Their numbers were a few thousands and didn't caused much of a threat, but since they were used by various states in military maneuvers, short time passed until their existence became a reality to the rest of the world. Public opinion was rough towards them compared to the average UMA. Xenophobic groups were impactful in some Nations. Terms such as 'morph' became depictions of the UMA definition, but extra-sensorial ability users never received a name, their powers became being called peculiarities after a pro movement of their rights in 1968. Currently 2% of the world has UMA and approximately a 0.0005% have mild special abilities. But for 20 years a new class of power was kept a secret amongst human civilization. The people in possession of these new attained powers became the main focus for the ones that knew about their existence. In consequence, governmental oppression against the average 'quirks' users became almost non-existent and a new name appeared for them, 'gifted'. The name these new individuals received was non other than 'blessed'. They couldn't be compared to humans, 'blessed' abilities far exceeded the average of a small control over elements. It is said that an individual with such type of 'quirk' could shake entire nations at its maximum control. Unfortunately, due to its immense power, they result in self-harm against their own wielders and other people, consequentially being discovered and enclosed for further experimentation on their limits and origin.  This sets up the story in the year 200X: Real historic events have no relation to the current story timeline, the only similarities revolve around the existence of two Great World Wars, but not on how they happened. Fifteen years ago, the first official organization based around the perfection and mastery of those quirks was created. With the use of swordsmanship as a tool of meditation and self-defense, the users were able to differ themselves from their own destructive "blessing" and learn a much deeper understanding about them. This organization is called Entaku no KISHI (円卓の騎士), meaning, The Knights of the Round Table. Their members perform missions around the world with their main goal of rescuing and protecting enslaved 'blessed'. Once their job is done, they may grant people the opportunity to join them and become new members of the KISHI or help them return to the normal lives they once had.

Alekai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


[main character: Shion]

- Where's July?

ANGELO: We haven't found him yet, he probably escaped. Most importantly...

COYOTE: Wow, you've really grown Angelo.

NATHAN: Shut up.

ANGELO: We are bringing you home right now.

Although everyone was worried about July disappearance, we knew what we had to do.

During our walk to the door, Coyote was staring at Noah the entire time.

NOAH: Hey, something is wrong with me?

COYOTE: No, you look very young, that's all.

NOAH: There's a problem with that?

ANGELO: Let her be Noah, there's no point in talking to her.

COYOTE: He's just a new face for me. Where you the one that found her?

NOAH: Yes.

COYOTE: Impressive.


I am angry with her, but she doesn't seem that bad. Maybe I should relax a little bit, we accomplished our objective today, right?

- Hey, Lilly.

LILLY: Yeah?

- I am sorry for earlier, I really could not hear you.

LILLY: Don't worry, but I want to know what happened to you back there.

- Even if I told, it would be hard to believe.

LILLY: Do you think that I would not believe you? I'm not sure if you even know what lying is.

That was a bit harsh.

- Come on. I will explain it to you. But if I am going to do it, I also want Kay to hear about this.

LILLY: Okay, if you are going to explain it, you prefer doing it once. Right?

- Yes... I bet she was watching the entire time and has the same questions that you have.

LILLY: Mph...

Lilly's been in her thoughts since we captured Coyote. I wonder what really happened. Maybe something else...

Would that mean that she lied to me? Now that I think about it, they didn't seem to be fighting at all when I woke up.

Hold on a second... for how long was I asleep?

We kept on walking until we reached our destination.

NATHAN: And here is where we part ways!

ANGELO: Don't you want to come back?

NATHAN: Nah, I'll pass... Wait! Does that mean that you miss?


NATHAN: Oh, come on! You don't need to be so serious.

ANGELO: Bors! Open the door. Everyone let's go.

NATHAN: Angelo! I'm still talking to you.

Once we all crossed the door, Angelo closed it in front of Nathan's face. A thought of relief covered my mind. "It is finally over" I said to myself.

On the other side, Kay was waiting for us with Lance and ,for our surprise, July.

KAY: Hello everyone? Hello, Tris.


Wait a second!

ANGELO: Hold up. What is he doing here? Master? Is there a reason why-?

LANCE: I spoke with him after the mission. Don't worry.

Maybe that's why he didn't wanted to fight.

- Sorry for punching you in the face. I got all nervous and angry and...

KAY: There's no need for apologies, he deserves some punishment.

JULY: ...

He looks regretful.

COYOTE: So, it was your idea, giving me wrong information to incorrectly fight against this kid's power?

KAY: In fact, it was Lance's idea.

LANCE: It was nothing.

KAY: Honestly, it was quite the show. And you Shion, you have so much to tell me about, do you?

- Yes, I do.

KAY: Excellent. Now, Lance, July, this "lost puppy", and I, have some business to attend to. I will talk to you in a moment Shion.

Did she call her "lost puppy"?

- Alright. Do I wait here? May I go change my clothes?

KAY: Yes, wait here. I'll be there in a second. And you too Lilly. There's something I would like to discuss with you as well. As for the rest, you are free to do whatever you want. See you Later.

Where are they bringing her?

ANGELO: It seems that thanks to you two, we managed to accomplish the mission.

NOAH: Hey, I am the one that found her.


ANGELO: And you as well.

NOAH: Thanks! I am leaving now. Carbon follow me.

CARBON: Understood.

ANGELO: I'll leave as well. We still need to repair that hole in the ceiling.

- But can't we use Carbon's power to repair it?

ANGELO: Let her rest. She's had enough for a couple of days.

- Yes, I guess you're right.

ANGELO: See you later then.

- See you.


Lilly looks to serious. She started acting like this since Coyote mention something about her successor.

LILLY: Kay didn't ask us to report anything to the rest. It's obvious she was watching but, do you think she was also listening?

- Why do you ask that?

LILLY: Well, if she was then, you are about to find out.

A strong silence finished the conversation. Few minutes passed until Kay arrived.

She looks very excited, I guess she's happy for our victory.

KAY: I'll start with you Lilly. I will only ask two things before we move on to Shion's part. Tell me. Do you believe in Coyote's words?


LILLY: Yes, I do.

KAY: And are you planning on accepting her offer?

LILLY: ...

Wait, wait, wait! What?!


KAY: Uhm... I see. Well, so there's nothing to worry about then, I trust you sweetie.

- May I know what just happen?

KAY: Lilly and Coyote had a very interesting discussion while you were asleep. They spoke about many things, but the most important part is were she asked Lilly for her help.

- Oh.

KAY: Lilly, didn't accept, but neither she decline. So, I asked twice to get a final answer.

- Is that what you were worried about?

LILLY: Coyote was so sure that she had a successor. But I didn't agree to anything.

KAY: Perhaps she wasn't talking about you.

LILLY: That's a possibility.

KAY: Honey, don't be so worried. Be happy everyone is safe. This is what matters at the end of the day, isn't it?

LILLY: Yeah, I guess you are right, master.

Kay's words managed to return to live Lilly's expression. She looked better now that a part of her doubts was gone. She saw the bright side of the situation and her spirit lift up again.

KAY: Well, well, now that that's taken care of, what about you?

- Yeah, that.

KAY: After you finish, I have a few things I need to tell you about.


- Anyways, allow me explain:

[54 minutes earlier]

In the instructions... was any of this was in them?

What am I supposed to do...?

What am I...

Am I...?



Wait, no, I'm not dead.

But I don't feel anything...

???: Hey, long time no see!

What is this sensation?

???: HEEEY!

Is Lilly really going to be okay without me?

???: Oh! For the love of god! Are you deaf?

No, I am not deaf, I can hear this voice shouting in my head clearly.

???: So then, open your eyes you idiot.


I rapidly opened my eyes to find myself blinded with pure bright white. A person was in front of me, talking to me. Although I never opened my mouth, he could hear what I was thinking.

- Ugh! My eyes!

???: What am I going to do with you? Argh...

- Excuse me.

???: What?

- Who are you?

???: Can't you tell?

I took a closer look at him for a few seconds and suddenly realized.

- Are you... ME?

???: Yes! You guessed right; I am SHION AOYAMA. You didn't get it last time.

- I am so confused. How is that? Last time?

SHION: So, you still don't remember...

- Am I dead?!

SHION: Almost. But this time seems rather different from the rest.

- Please, this makes no sense, and my friend is in danger, can I... like, go back or something?

SHION: Not so fast. I will explain it to you ONE more time. I'm growing tired of this. Every time that you enter a life or dead situation, moments before your death, you end up here, with me. This scenario occurred 3 times, making this one the fourth.

Four times? How is that I don't remember even one of them?

SHION: Yeah! That's what I would like to know.

- I forgot you can hear my thoughts.

SHION: Yes, I can.

- But is true, talking to my own self, being in here, doesn't feel strange to me. It feels more like I forgot about this place, rather than never being here at all.

SHION: That's good. Well, as I was saying: if you look around, see the horizon?

- Everything is white... I can't tell if this place even has walls or not, it feels endless.

SHION: Exactly!

- So, what is it?

SHION: That's the million-dollar question buddy. That's your power!

- This landscape?

SHION: Look closely, the white is not still, is actually moving, flowing, through everything it touches. This is the energy that's stored inside of you, inside of us.

- Have I always had this much?

SHION: Well it builds up over time, but yeah.

- Wow.

SHION: You're putting yourself in danger recently. About two months ago, we met again. That time, you didn't even know what you were doing neither who you were... so perhaps this time you'll remember.

- Two months ago? What about the first and the second?

SHION: Same thing, plus you were just a little kid, so I wasn't expecting you to remember back then.

- And how do I get back?

SHION: There's no hurry for that, time runs slower in here, I mean, only when we meet.

- How convenient.

SHION: Changing the topic, do you really think you could defeat her?

- Coyote?


- I don't know...

SHION: Won't you ask me for help?

- Can you actually help me? Isn't that just helping yourself.

SHION: Just a quick recommendation, don't start doing these stupid puns or it will get annoying pretty quickly.

- Oh, alright.

SHION: And yes, I actually can help you.

- Wait a second. Are you going to help but in exchange of something?

SHION: Wow there, I never said anything about that. Keeping you alive has been my job, remember? You've been through this a few times now, and the only way to get out is by lending you a hand.

- What will you do then?

SHION: Well, I am going to give you a small fraction of this energy. You are normally using the energy you create on the spot, but also, constantly building up power, and here is where it's stored.

- All of this?

SHION: Yes, all of this. You see, this isn't your mistake, Yui has part of fault, she is as stubborn now as she was as a kid. But don't worry. If you manage to remember my words, then everything will change for you.

- I will not forget!

SHION: You said that last time. Anyways, I will forcefully open the gate that connects you and this place so you can extract all the energy with maximum output potential.

- Perfect.

SHION: Not so fast. Remember, there's too much for you in here. Just put out the amount you need. If you go overboard with it, be careful, because your energy will fuse with your own skin and everything around you without control. You don't want to get physically combined with what you touch, don't you?

- No, I don't.

SHION: Okay then, your senses are in terrible condition, but your hearing is the worst. I will focus on that here. You just need to concentrate on your sight, and this power will do the rest.

- Will the venom be completely gone?

SHION: If you want that you will have to wait a little bit. Although it's true that this energy can be induced directly into yourself, it does no heal any sort of toxin or venom normally. But with this amount, I'm sure your metabolism will be crystal clear after some time.

- Alright. Let's do this.

SHION: Excellent! Also, the pressure you'll emit, will be tremendous, you will repel everything that touches you, as long as you don't exceed your limits and start fusing with things.

- Yes, yes. I do remember. No going too far and concentrate on what I am seeing.

SHION: Oh man, I wish you remember everything. Going through all these steps again will be a pain.

- Don't worry, I will remember for sure.

SHION: Well then, here we go!

A strong force was pushing from within me. It became stronger over time until it was almost unbearable.

- Ugh! It hurts.

SHION: We aren't done yet. When you wake up this will get worse. But don't worry, you'll get used to it.

- If you say so...

SHION: Trust me.

- Argh! How can we meet again?

SHION: Really?

- I enjoyed talking with you.

SHION: Apart from you almost dying, I don't know any other method yet.

I suddenly began to disappear slowly from that place, as if I was returning to reality.

- Well! I guess we will have to figure out by ourselves.

SHION: Yeah.

- I have one more question before I wake up.

SHION: Take your shot.

- Why do you know so much about this power? I mean, how can you know all that stuff that I never heard of before?

I started fading faster.

SHION: (smiles) Good luck!

- Hey!

SHION: Tell Yui I said hello.

- ...

My awakening was almost done. I couldn't speak, but I, in fact, heard those last words that stuck with me in my way back.

Everything is black again.

I can't still move, but I regain sense of my body back.

Wait, I feel like somebody is carrying me. This is two high, and, Lilly is not that tall...

This must be Coyote!

Where is all this energy I felt before? Now she is putting me on the floor.

I sense it... it's coming, and it's coming fast.

Argh! I need to open my eyes... I need to...





- And that's what basically happened.

LILLY: So, you spoke with yourself the entire time?

- Yes.

KAY: That's how it works huh? I always wondered what happens to you when you do that.

- You're saying it as if you've seen it before.

KAY: Because I did.

- Really?

KAY: And July saw it too.


Two months ago,...

Don't tell me!

- Back at the river!

KAY: Correct.

- Maria must have seen it too.

KAY: I asked her to kept quiet and act normal. You almost died from seeing her. But when she was carrying you back you suddenly awakened. A flash of light that brightened the night. But that time you weren't awake when it happened, it seems that it was more like a defensive move.

LILLY: I was asleep back then, right?

KAY: Yes, you were. Only the three of us saw it. Surprisingly enough, Yui didn't.

- But does she know about this?

KAY: Not for now. I wish that you speak with her and let see what she has so say about it. For now, ...

- For now, ... What?

KAY: Relax! Take the rest of the day free like the others.

LILLY: I got to say, I'm pretty tired.

- Yeah, me too.

KAY: One more thing before I let you two be.

LILLY: What is it?

KAY: As for today, you have become official Entaku members.

- Did I hear right?

KAY: Yes! You've become the Tenth, and you Lilly, the Twelfth.

LILLY: Me too?

- I don't feel like I've done much. Isn't anyone more suited for this role?

KAY: Listen to me Shion, you manage to overpower one of the strongest members of this house, you should feel proud and assume your roll as the next Tenth Entaku. Isn't that what you wanted?

- Well, yeah, but I thought that it would be much harder to obtain.

LILLY: Well, technically, you just need to defeat an Entaku to do so, right?

KAY: Correct!

LILLY: So what about me? I did nothing to deserve that spot.

KAY: Of course you did, plus, July asked personally for his role being past down to you. We could say that, after what he did, July decided to retire.

LILLY: ...

- This is too sudden.

KAY: Don't worry, you aren't official members yet. In a few weeks, the annual reunion will take its event here. All the other Twelve scattered around the world will come together to discuss our future objectives. It will be then when I introduce you two.

- Are we going to meet all the strongest at the same time?

KAY: Yes! Does that sound exciting to you?

Well, a little bit.

LILLY: When?

KAY: In about two weeks and three days. Specifically on Christmas eve.

LILLY: It's already this time of the year?

- I've heard about it. But never celebrated it.

LILLY: I think we should do something around those days.

- Sound like a good idea.

KAY: Well, I leave the two of you be. You did an amazing job.

LILLY: Thanks again. I am going to go now, I stink.

- I should go too.

LILLY: See you later Shion.

- Bye Lilly!

She left, but Kay didn't.

KAY: You should go as well.

- Wait.

KAY: What is it sweetheart?

- I have things I still need to ask you about.

KAY: I was wondering when you were going to say that.

- First of all, what was the deal with the radio?

KAY: Giving a radio to you would be useless. Your power pollutes the air when it releases a dense amount of energy, cutting all frequency waves. Also, I knew you would be the one fighting so I didn't even bother you with carrying a radio around.

- I didn't know about that.

So Angelo could not communicate with us due to my power? It feels more like a nuisance than a treat.

KAY: There's lots of things you don't know about. Any more questions?

- Is it normal for people to have inner conversations just like I did?

KAY: N0. In fact, you are the only person that we're aware of having an extra sensorial experience like that.

The only one?

- Also, my... let's say; other me, had a very weird and different way of acting as I do. He felt like if it wasn't me, even though we looked the same.

KAY: Everyone has a duality in his personality, maybe he was your other emotions that you don't express often. Is it hard to say for now, but lets keep what you saw in mind so that we can work on it next time. You said that you wanted to see him again, right?

- Yes, he seems to know way more things than I naturally do.

KAY: So take care, and we will work our way around that strange power of yours. (smiles)

- Yes master!

She's always so nice to speak with. Although I almost die, the extend of my abilities is still unknown and Coyote said someone will keep doing her job, I feel at ease.

Oh! Before I forget again.

- Kay, regarding that note I received with the instructions.

KAY: You're right. What about it? I forgot once you two captured her. It seems that it helped, the mission was completed without any major incidents.

- Well, I think I did nothing it was written on it.

KAY: What?!

- I mean, I was so nervous when I saw July, that I must've forgot exactly what I had to do, even though I forced myself to memorize it.

KAY: ...

- The mission was a success, wasn't it?

KAY: Yes... But. Somebody will be mad about this.

- Who? Lamorak?

KAY: Shhh! If he hears us, we're screwed!

- What now?!

KAY: He's too busy normally, so let's hope he didn't see any of today's events. If he realizes that you disobeyed his famous letter of instructions, then you will be in trouble.

- Eh!?

KAY: But as I said. Relax! Don't mention the letter to anyone else, and everything will go as smoothly as always.

How can you ask me to relax after something like that!?

KAY: Now go get change. You also smell pretty bad. (chuckles)

- Alright. I get going now.

KAY: Bye! Remember to talk to Yui about this.

- I will.

I feel tired, but not as much as I thought. It was a bit painful, having all this energy at my disposal, but it didn't tire me up.

How weird.

I think I will see Yui before calling it a day.

I went directly to Yui's room where she was currently resting.


- Yui? It's me.

YUI: Argh...

- Sorry for bothering you.

YUI: Shion? Is everything okay?

- Something happened in today's mission.


Sister's drowsiness leave her body instantly, thinking I was bringing her the bad news. After a second of thought, she calmed a bit realizing her own overreaction.

- Yes, everyone is fine.

YUI: Sorry Shion. Please explain.

And so I did, she was proud of our accomplishment today. Somehow, she knew that today's events were going to play like they did. Yui was confident with my capabilities since the beginning.

Then I went around my encounter with myself. Keeping quiet of the subject would have only made things more complicated, so I never thought of not telling Yui about it.

YUI: Are you sure it was you?

- Yes. Well, more or less.

YUI: He knew and acted different that you normally do, correct?

- Yes. But we looked exactly the same!

YUI: He said his name was Shion Aoyama?

- Yes, I already told you, he definitely seemed like another part of myself. Kay said something around those lines, like, the duality of the personality.

YUI: She might be right. But there's something not adding to the question. He didn't answered you when you ask about his knowledge.

- Maybe he was avoiding the question.

YUI: ...

It seems that Yui is giving it a lot of thought. I should tell her not to worry too much, since that "other me" didn't seem to have any bad intentions.

- Also, he said something before I left. But I was almost gone from that place so it was hard for me to hear it.

YUI: Did you get it?

- Yes, he said something like: "Tell Yui I said hello".

YUI: ...

- Yui?

YUI: I need to speak with Kay right now, thanks for telling me about this, I'm very grateful. (smiles kindly)

She stood up, padded my head as a sign of a good job, and left without even changing her sleeping clothes.

What was that?

She would probably work with Kay in order to help me with this. But that doesn't explain her sudden motivation.


As for now, all I can do is rest.

The mount of stress I had relieved allowed me to be at peace. A step in my life was taken; I became one of the famous Twelve Entaku no Kishi. That achievement only meant harder missions upon the future and the courage of being among what some called, the strongest beings of the planet.

Although everything seemed solved, many questions still appeared on my mind. The role of being an Entaku was still not clear for me, "Are my days learning with Hadoc gone?", "Has Lilly really accepted her new role?" questions such as this kept on emerging.

I never asked, never needed answers, but since I met Lilly, I felt that something changed within me. Being by her side gave me a piece of humanity that was missing. During that day and on, I wondered around Lilly's words when she said that Coyote only pursued her own ideals, that Lilly believed in her words, and most importantly, I wanted to know what really drove the Tenth Entaku to become a fugitive Kishi.

Coyote fought ferociously, but she wasn't a bad person. Her capture was secured and, back then, I didn't know what they were going to do with her.

But that, is a story for another day.

The End.