
ENK: Mirai Notes

The following events take place in an alternative Earth, approximately 70 years after the apparition of the physical alterations scientifically called UMA (Unknown Morphic Anomalies). Changing the human body and reshaping the concept of mankind. Humans with tails, horns, wings, claws, etc. were the consequences of the phenomenon called UMA. Although not being the same world; Cities, Nations and Continents remain the same with some minimal changes. Due to these peculiarities, some countries took measures that affected their overall structure and even their political affiliation. The number of people with physical mutations was bearable and inoffensive, people accepted them with ease. But 20 years later, dangerous new peculiarities started to appear. An extra-sensorial alteration that allowed humans, either with or without UMA, to have abilities such as: pyrokinesis, telekinesis or cryokinesis... between other elemental awarenesses. Their average control, power and stamina were minimal compared to an average police brigade, but one individual was worth a hundred in a battlefield with the right equipment. Many countries around the world set their eyes towards them, either trying to obtain or make use of their power. These cases of extra-sensorial abilities remained unknown to the public eye. Their numbers were a few thousands and didn't caused much of a threat, but since they were used by various states in military maneuvers, short time passed until their existence became a reality to the rest of the world. Public opinion was rough towards them compared to the average UMA. Xenophobic groups were impactful in some Nations. Terms such as 'morph' became depictions of the UMA definition, but extra-sensorial ability users never received a name, their powers became being called peculiarities after a pro movement of their rights in 1968. Currently 2% of the world has UMA and approximately a 0.0005% have mild special abilities. But for 20 years a new class of power was kept a secret amongst human civilization. The people in possession of these new attained powers became the main focus for the ones that knew about their existence. In consequence, governmental oppression against the average 'quirks' users became almost non-existent and a new name appeared for them, 'gifted'. The name these new individuals received was non other than 'blessed'. They couldn't be compared to humans, 'blessed' abilities far exceeded the average of a small control over elements. It is said that an individual with such type of 'quirk' could shake entire nations at its maximum control. Unfortunately, due to its immense power, they result in self-harm against their own wielders and other people, consequentially being discovered and enclosed for further experimentation on their limits and origin.  This sets up the story in the year 200X: Real historic events have no relation to the current story timeline, the only similarities revolve around the existence of two Great World Wars, but not on how they happened. Fifteen years ago, the first official organization based around the perfection and mastery of those quirks was created. With the use of swordsmanship as a tool of meditation and self-defense, the users were able to differ themselves from their own destructive "blessing" and learn a much deeper understanding about them. This organization is called Entaku no KISHI (円卓の騎士), meaning, The Knights of the Round Table. Their members perform missions around the world with their main goal of rescuing and protecting enslaved 'blessed'. Once their job is done, they may grant people the opportunity to join them and become new members of the KISHI or help them return to the normal lives they once had.

Alekai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


[main character: Lilly]

Come on Lilly, move!

Please flowers... don't abandon me now.

It seems she's only trying to put me to sleep, but... It didn't work?

Wait! That's it! The flowers held me awake, but I can't move a finger.

My power didn't understand that I was in danger. Due to Coyote only trying to put me to sleep, the flowers only protected me from losing consciousness; they didn't know the context.

Okay... concentrate...

- Ugh...

COYOTE: ... This will... quiet, dead... likely.

It seems that I can hear again.

Dead? Oh no Shion!

I opened my eyes to see the figure of Shion facing the ground unconscious. The light's have completely return and I could see that the room was filled with red stains.

Is this... her blood? She had all of this planned?

I managed to stand up pointing my sword to her in an attempt of gaining a bit more time until I'd fully recovered from the narcotic effects.

- Leave... him... alone!

COYOTE: (surprised) Wow. Impressive. It only took you a matter of seconds to recover from it.

- Don't underestimate us!

COYOTE: I never did. Well now. Are you planning on attacking ?

- Yes... probably...

COYOTE: So, you figured it out? That our fight will lead to nowhere? I tried to fool your power by putting you into a nice sleep, but it seems you can target that too. The only other thing I could do is cut down your head and see what happens next.

- ...

COYOTE: At this point I just want to talk with you. After our chat, you can heal your friend over there.

- Talk?

COYOTE: Yes. It seems you are the key of bringing me back, so I prefer discussing a couple of things with you.

- Is Shion...

COYOTE: He is going to be fine, as long as we have this conversation right now. The venom he's on right now will shut his brain down in approximately 20 minutes.

I need to calm down.

- So, what do you want to talk about?

COYOTE: Excellent.

She approached me calmly and sat legs crossed in front of me, then, rested her sword in the ground took her mask out and looked me straight in the eyes. I couldn't clearly see due to the bad illumination; the shadow that the light casted on her face from behind didn't allow me to recognize her facial features.

COYOTE: Let me ask you something.

Does she care about me still having my sword? Or does she know her win is assured even without one.


I'm the one underestimating her.

COYOTE: Why did you join the Kishi?

- They saved me.


- And... I want to stop the ones behind my capture and the death of my parents.

COYOTE: So, it's a composition of gratitude and revenge then (chuckles).

- Is there anything wrong about it?

COYOTE: Of course not. But trust me, you won't get revenge in the Kishi. You'll only able to care about yourself and others like you, nothing else.

- I don't completely understand what you mean.

COYOTE: The only missions that the Kishi deal with are the ones based around rescue. That's all they do.

- So what? Do you think I only care about taking revenge? If my life will be destined to save others that suffered the same hell as I did, then, so be it.

COYOTE: I see... Well, we are getting nowhere. Let's change the subject. Do you care about humans?

- Humans...

COYOTE: People without power. Do you care as much about them as you care about our kind?

- I think every good individual is worth the same, no matter who you are.

COYOTE: So! Do you want to help me?

- Uh?


COYOTE: Yes! Help me. Do you know what I've been doing this past 4 years?

- I do not want to help you.

I've heard she's killed many people. But I have no evidence though.

COYOTE: I've been trying to save humanity.

- From what?

COYOTE: From themselves.

Okay, now I'm lost. Is she lying to me?

COYOTE: Listen. Humanity has always strived to be something that it is not. They're in a constant state of hatred that makes them go up against their own kind.

- You are generalizing too much.

COYOTE: Considering the amount of death that happens in the world I think I'm not.

I still believe that's a bit extremist.

COYOTE: That's why I left the Kishi. I wanted to help them. I wanted to end the ones that began those wars, or at least, protect the innocent life caught in the crossfire. I knew that if I stayed longer many people would die.


COYOTE: Don't you think that we could use our power to help other humans too? The powerless?

- Uhm...

I still don't know if I truly believe her, but...

- I don't know if causing death will save them from themselves.

COYOTE: Well, I know how you might feel about this: my methods are too rough, I know. But this is the only thing they understand. In a world full of destruction, this is the only language they speak.

- What did you do...?

COYOTE: I freed many innocent people, I dealt with multiple mafias and corrupted police institutions. There's a lot of work to do, that's why I like to ask for your help.

- You didn't get caught?

COYOTE: That's why I wear a mask, and, I'm moving countries constantly. So hey, what do say to that?

- And... have you tried convincing Kay and the others about this?

She looked deceived at my answer, but she did not expressed anger, rather, a sense of pity towards a naive way of thought.

COYOTE: If you spoke a bit about this with them, I believe you would see them the same way as I do.

So, does this mean she tried this before?

COYOTE: The real world is as depressing as it is. Most leaders of humanity are hopeless. I don't want to rule over them, I don't think any of us should. But I would like to kick them out from their thrones, those who abuse power to their benefit.

I would like to do that too. Back in my hometown, there were issues but, I never thought I could do anything about it. Since I joined the Kishi haven't thought of using my power to fight for whatever I want.

- That sounds a bit risky... do you think they will listen to people like us?

COYOTE: They will, I already tried, and it works, many towns and cities have been saved from their threats, and they are in constant gratitude with me.

- Really?

COYOTE: Yes! By using our gifts granted to us, we can make a difference, we can change the course of the world. Doesn't that sound appealing?

My thoughts are a mess right now. What do I do? At first, I thought of playing along but now everything sounds so convincing.

- I have a final question.

COYOTE: Go ahead.

- Why, from all of us, why me?

COYOTE: I guess it's obvious, you were the only in disposition of listening. That kid over there, Shion, has the same power as Yui and he has been trained by her, whatever I tried with him wouldn't work. I bet he is as stubborn as her. Angelo has an unbreakable sense of Justice and Nathan is just an underdog of the Kishi. So, the best person I could talk this with, was you, Lilly.

So, she does know about us. I thought that from being out of the organization she wouldn't know much, but I am mistaken.

COYOTE: So, Lilly, what do you say?

There's not much of a difference between the Kishi methods and hers. We are both willing to kill to achieve our goals.

So then, what's the difference? Are we just selfish? Should we use our power to protect everyone?

I'm not sure about everything anymore...

- I... I...

COYOTE: Don't push yourself. You don't have to decide this now.

She stood up, went towards Shion, carried him in her arms to where I was sitting.

COYOTE: You have plenty of time, heal him. I don't truly wish you any harm.

- Are you just letting me do this? You know once he wakes up, he would like to fight you again.

COYOTE: Of course, but I would like you talk with him. Tell him what I said and let's see what he thinks. If it doesn't work, I can put him back to sleep, I won't hurt him anymore, promise.

- Alright.

Is this really the best? Now that I think about it, Kay might get mad at us. And what if Shion...

Nevermind, let's heal him now, I'm sure he was suffering all this time.

Wait, I am not sure if my power will work, how can I enter someone else's bloodstream with my flowers. Well for now let's try this.

Coyote was looking at me, maybe wondering if I could also heal other's poisoning. Her look reminded me of Kay's every time I tried something new with my power.

- Han-.


???: ...

My power didn't even activate, and huge bang of light blinded me and Coyote at the same time. A wind with tremendous force pushed us meters back. Shion was the one causing this.

SHION: Soul, Strength...


He still was laying on the ground, but from his light, flames appeared, but this time, they were completely white. Coyote picked her mask midair.

- Colorless flames...

COYOTE: What in the-?

All the stains in the room disappeared as Shion's white energy combined with the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. After, that, he stood up. Covered in a white aura of his power, he opened his eyes.

SHION: ...

Pure light came out of his eyes after fading a second later. She looked at me but didn't spoke a word, then faced towards Coyote and hold a stance ready to attack.

- Shion! Stop! Listen to what I have to say!


Where did he...

COYOTE: Nice punch.




- Shion! Stop!

After Coyote intercepted his punch, Shion's energy infused with Coyote's body repelling her at high speed towards the wall behind her, breaking it.

SHION: ... (looks towards Lilly) ... (smiles)

Why is he smiling?! Doesn't he hear me?

I need to get his attention.

I ran in front of him before he attacked Coyote again. Opened my arms and said loudly:

- STOP! That's enough!

SHION: (points at his ears, then, rises shoulders in confusion)

- Wait you can't her me?

SHION: (rises shoulders again)

- C A N Y O U H E A R M E ¿?

SHION: (dissents)

Is he deaf?


- Agh!

He pushed me aside as Coyote was ready to charge towards Shion. Their bare-handed clash made the walls tremble heavily.

COYOTE: I know Yui's power can be very flashy, but this is some-.


She went flying back again!

It seems that Coyote can't touch him. Shion's energy stores in her body until it gets her repelled.

COYOTE: This is getting annoying. (runs towards sword).

SHION: (raises hand)

His sword, in a corner of the room, went flying towards him. Coyote picked up hers and took a stance, Shion placed both hands on the handle of his' and even more flames imbued the area around.


Their duel started again, now with both armed with their blades.


- I can't stop either of them...

What do I do?

Suddenly, Shion strengthened his grip, and his sword cut through Coyote's blade tearing it into pieces. She evaded the swing, but she was now unarmed.

Apparently, Shion's aura emitted such winds of pressure that Coyote couldn't properly breath close to him. The next 45 seconds were Coyote only able to closely dodge Shion's attacks.

I stood there powerlessly thinking that I could not do anything even if I wanted to. Until I saw it: Shion's next attack cut through Coyote's arm.

She grabbed her own dismembered arm midair and rushed directly towards Shion's mouth. With her hand soaked in blood centimeters away from her objective, Shion irradiated yet another wave of flames that wiped all her red soaked hand and pushing Coyote back once more.

Back on the ground, she looked at Shion with a smile. Maybe she desired being defeated.

COYOTE: Wow kid, are you sure you are Yui's brother...? Hahaha...

SHION: ...

Cornered by Shion's flames, Coyote's sight started to blur out...

Is she...?


Shit, I forgot he can't hear me.

I tried to approach him, but the pressure was too intense.

No, No, NO! She cannot die. I must protect her. I believe she is worth saving. And I don't think I will be able to heal her if she dies.

- I need to try this... Hana no...

Screw this ritual!


Thanks to my tears of frustration, from the floor they appeared. My flowers were bigger than ever. They grew a path through the flames and grabbed Shion's ankle.



I crashed him into the wall!

- I'm sorry!

What is this? My flowers did combine.

In fact, my power developed into some sort of extension that allowed me to not only use it as a whip, but also with incredible force.

Oh no she already fainted; I need to heal her! Quick!

- Come on. Coyote! Can you hear me?

After running towards her, my power did effect faster than I thought.

COYOTE: Oh, Hi...

- You are going to be fine.

COYOTE: oHOh! My aRm is BAck!

Wait, is she high?

- Are you alright?

COYOTE: You... saved... me...

- Our mission was to capture you, not kill you. Things aside, there's a lot more I want to ask you about.

COYOTE: Well then. I guess this is my defeat.

- Do you need help on standing up?

COYOTE: Yeah, I'm still a bit overdosed with painkillers. But your healing capabilities are no joke, you even removed part of the intoxication of my blood.

So, she changes her blood to medicines to sustain the pain. Now that I think about it, her powers seem rather useful for medical treatment rather than to make poisonous gasses.

Once Coyote stood up with my assistance, we look up ahead to see Shion with a complete expression of perplexity after seeing us both walk together.

- W E W O N. F I N I S H.

SHION: Huh? (surprised)

- Y E S. Let's go.

SHION: (points at Coyote)

Is he dumb?

- Yes we got her. I'll call the others.

By that time, Shion's flames haven't turn down a bit. Instead it seemed that he didn't understand the situation at all. He took a step forward and his aura increased once more, but not as much as last time.

He seems angry with her. How can I change his mind? If only he heard what Coyote told me.

I let go from her and stood in front of Shion looking him straight in the eyes. It took for him a few seconds to focus on me rather than Coyote. I grabbed both her hands and told him to go home. But then, I realized what happened to him.

What is...?

- Shion, your hands!

He reacted with me touching them with a bit tick of pain.

SHION: Auch.

- Is this for using your power this much?


After healing his hands the aura of Shion decreased heavily and he regain complete sense off hearing.

SHION: I have so much to tell you.

- Finally you are back.

SHION: But what happens to her?

COYOTE: (waves hand in the background)

SHION: Did she really surrendered?

- I mean, after you almost kill her, I guess she has no choice.

COYOTE: To be honest I've never thought that someone as young as you will have such power.

SHION: The venom you used on me left my brain blocked. Giving me very little room for thoughts. My ability works similar to Yui but it powers up the opposite way.

COYOTE: I see. That damn July (smiles). He told me you and Yui were the same. But it seems he was wrong, or he lied, either way, it was an incredible exhibition of power. I really hope you can make an ally out of this one Lilly.

- I don't think it will-.

SHION: An ally? What is she talking about Lilly?

- Nothing. We need to contact the others and end this now.

ANGELO: [Lilly! Lilly! Do you copy?!]

The radio! Perfect timing.

- Yes I do, did Noah find Carbon?

ANGELO: [We've been trying to contact you many times, why didn't you respond!]

- Huh? I just didn't received any signal.

ANGELO: [How strange. Anyways. Yes, Noah did find her a while ago.]

- Nice. We've also "captured" Coyote.'

ANGELO: ["captured"?]

- She got beat up by Shion and surrendered.

COYOTE: Yes I did.

ANGELO: [Really? Wait! Is that Coyote that I hear? We should meet up at the entrance. Be careful on your way back, don't take your eyes of her.]

We walked our way out. I used my new learned ability to tie both of Coyote's hands and we head straight to the exit.

COYOTE: They are way more resistant then they look, this aren't conventional flowers I see.

I somewhat feel proud of her comment.

- Yeah. They've protected me from many dangers and I wish to help others as well.

COYOTE: That's a great way of thinking.

SHION: (confusion) ...

- Don't worry Shion. She is not a bad person. She had an idea and pursued it if her life depended on it. It's not like she attacked the Kishi for pleasure.

SHION: She did try to put a hole in your chest.

- You know I would've healed from that.

SHION: Yeah. Most likely.

- Relax. Our mission is done, also, I would like to discuss some things with Kay after this, would you come?

SHION: Of course. And, thank you for healing my hands.

LILLY: You don't need to thank me.

COYOTE: You two look so cute.

SHION: Shut up. I'm mad at you.

What is this feeling? Have I ever felt it before? I just feel like I belong somewhere near him. Wait! Don't tell me...

SHION: Is everything okay Lilly?

- (blushes) It's nothing.

COYOTE: Hahaha. Your friend over here is a bad liar, you know that?

SHION: I said that's enough! And why are you so happy. I don't understand a thing! You just got captured by the ones you ran from after being defeated by a teenager.

COYOTE: If it is by people like you two, I don't mind coming back. But either way, I already decided what I'm going to do back at the palace. Don't worry, It won't be anything risky, I don't intent of attacking you guys anymore.

SHION: You better not.

COYOTE: My work is already passed down to someone else. I can rest easy now.

SHION: Huh? Who?


COYOTE: I'll will peacefully walk with you, but this doesn't mean I would tell you whatever you want.

SHION: Fine. Kay will probably ask you about this. Perhaps you know something Lilly?

- I... I don't.

Was she talking about me? I haven't agreed to anything. I just feel that Coyote isn't wrong but, she wasn't doing good either.

I'm conflicted about this.

ANGELO: [Lilly. Do you copy?]

- Yes Angelo, we're almost there.

We arrived to surface level where the rest of the team was. Carbon hided behing Noah, Angelo and Nathan seemed kind of upset, then I realized:

July was nowhere to be found.