
Enigma of Skies

Do you think, the concept of rebirth is real? Considering, it is, does it only revolve around humans or the theory is quite the opposite? Much more intense than one could ever imagine. A life which already is a doppelganger of hell is being lived by Evanalissa Jones. All she ever wanted was to get herself over, with that obnoxious life until she came face to face with a truth that was hidden, not just from her but the entire faction of humans. Will she be able to handle that much of enigmas or there is much more for a ride to cover? She will be all her new-self with new abilities and most importantly the truth. Come and join the journey of Evanalissa Jones and also reveal the deepest and darkest enigmas of skies.

marshmellohearts · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"Again, I am here. What is this place? Every time, I come here, I feel like this is the place I need. The fire is like it could pierce through me. Every time, I show myself here, all I can engulf is a pitch of darkness, but this time its all bright, like it's telling me to go, because, this is the time. I walked through the bright path, but fear was still lingering on my heart, as I was going down the way, doom is what I felt. Taking steps were becoming heavy, as my foot approached the gates of a very big castle, it was not here, just before a second, from where did this appear? My whole spine froze. Raising my head, I tried to take in the full view of the castle, when I realized the sky, it was different from usual. The sky was about to cry, but with the teardrops of blood. Accidentally, my vision landed on a gigantic bird, resembling a multi-storage building, with long claws. What is that they are huge? As I was thinking about these monsters, momentarily, an idea of being in a place like this was disappearing. A single thought was looming inside my head, "try to not look tasty" otherwise, they will be serving me as their dinner. To hide from those birds of death, I controlled my wobbly legs, and opened that massive gate and sneaked in.

I was welcomed with silence, nobody is here except big black walls and me. The deeper I went, my heart started thumping louder, until I arrived at the garden of roses. What something, so beautiful doing at a place like this? I asked myself. Staring at this beauty is making me feel calm until I heard some whispers.

"Curiosity can bring the death of someone", mom always used to say that, but who will make my stupid head understand. Unable to comprehend, what it can be, I followed the noise, after walking a few steps, I noticed the back of a soul, being so immersed in the idea of knowing his identity that I forgot to notice the lady, over him. His back was enough to rip me apart, was this feeling, excitement or fear? Who is he? Slowly, with my sweaty palms, I walked towards that man, holding my breath I fixed my eyes on him. Carefully, adjusting myself, through all the light and fire, I tried to sneak a peek at him. Without much of my knowledge, he turned my way, and the next thing I know is that I screamed, my lungs out. He was not a human but a monster. His eyes made its way towards mine, as I was taking my steps back. I don't want to even see him. His skin is rotting, I need to leave this place, but where should I run? He started following me, leaving that lady all alone and stood in front of me, when he said, "welcome back….. my eve. I was waiting since forever." Without thinking much, I started running away from him and his hell. All I could hear was some faint voice "Eve, Eve, Eva, Ev…."

"Eva, Eva, Evanalissa wake up, my dear. You are safe now." I opened my eyes and felt warm tears were streaming down from the ocean, as I found myself in the arms of my love. I sulked myself, and answered her honestly, "mom, I am okay".

"Eva, are you seeing that again? Hannah told me you won't, we need to see her." A very sweet voice advised while patting my head. I don't want to give her one more tension, she is already going through a lot.

"Mommy, it's alright. I am fine. I don't need to see her, she is a way too creepy." I tried to convince her.

"But sweety, your dreams can't trigger just like that, there must be some reasons." Her eyes trailed at all the corners of my room when she continued "maybe I know," she picked the book that I was reading before I went to sleep as she continued, "this is the reason! Where did you find it, Eva?"

"Mommy, how can this be the reason? And for the answer to your question, when I was heading back, from school, it was just abandoned, in the middle of the road, as you know I love to read and explore, I took it when no one was there to claim it. And, mom, this place can also be the reason for it to come back, I am still not used to it." I reasoned.

"We have been to so many places, and not even once you have experienced something like this, I don't think this is because of this place." She stated.

"I know mommy, but maybe I was tired this time. I don't think so, that it will happen again, Don't need to worry, mom," I assured her.

"One more thing, you can't take my mind of this, 'how many times do I need to tell you', don't ever take something that doesn't belong to you. It will cause some severe consequences, my dear," as she pointed towards that book.

"Mommy, you told me not to take what belongs to someone else, but this book found me, and it was abandoned by someone. So, it belongs to me, I am its new owner now." I tried to reason.

"You know what, no one can win when you are the competition, you are excellent with words. Now, get ready. Anyways, excited for the new high school today?"

"Sure, a place with sweaty teenagers and blond bitches, sorry but no."

"Language girl, also, I know how you feel, but we need to keep ourselves safe. I can't afford to, lose you."

I don't know what is she trying to save me from but I need to keep myself happy for her. I smiled, and then something just clicked in my head, "Mommy, you know what, something is very weird about this book." I said.

"What is Eva?"

"You know the name of the main character?" she shook her head when I continued "it's Evanalissa Jones."

"What are you serious? This is hell a lot of coincidence, my baby." She curiously said.

"I know, and she…. is experiencing something really out of the p..p..place stuff." I stuttered.

"Sweetheart it's just a book, and she is just a character, okay? You only said that. So, relax."

"yes, mommy, I know, but it felt different."

"Sometimes, a book has the power to make you feel different, and that expresses, the proficiency of an author. So, get up, have your breakfast, and be on your way to school without thinking about something useless." Mom ordered.

"Yes, mom."

I got up and started to do all the necessities of a day, then I thought it would be rather good if I will wear something simple. Honestly, I don't want to attract attention on my very first day. So, I chose a yellow, full sleeves top and a black skirt with a pair of black boots and tied my hair in a messy bun. Standing in front of a mirror, I was checking myself for the last time and maintaining my checklist. Ginger hair check, blue eyes check, and looking amazingly ordinary, check. With a sigh of relief, I took my bag-pack and ran towards the kitchen. The odour of pancakes….mmmm…. I swear, if I will ever find out, who discovered this amazing breakfast, I will give him all the property, that, I have under my name. Well, giving it a second thought, I don't have much property, I will stick with expressing my gratitude with my words and words, only.

"Mommy, pancakes please." I tapped on the table to make my mom realize how hungry I am.

"Just two mins baby." She assured me.

We ate breakfast together, in comfortable silence, then I kissed my mom and said, "bye." I took my car keys, started the engine and drove to my destination, 'Rosewood-high.'

The ride was very silent and relaxing. I never pictured this small town to be so developed, than any other towns, I visited. The malls, shopping complexes, salons, hospitals, mansions, parks, and stuff, everything is here. This is by far the best place mom has ever selected.

I reached the periphery of the school grounds. I can see the gates of my new future. Either, I will have my best years here or the miserable ones, but all I want is to have a trouble-free year.

When my mind was advising me, for do's and don'ts, my eyes landed on the infrastructure of the school, and hell no, this is not a school but a freaking castle. Is this Harry Potter? This building looks so old and massive. I drove myself more-deeper into the gates of Hogwarts, in searching for a spot to dump my car. After looking everywhere, for a free spot, but not even a single place was empty until my eyes landed on a place just beside the garden of…. Roses. This school is very weird, why this school has a garden of roses. But keeping this thought out from my mind for, sometimes, I concentrated to park my car over there.

After parking my car, I started to find a way towards the principal's office. When I felt someone, tapping on my shoulder. I spin around to look who that was when my blue oceans poured in a glass of red wine. Then I realized how deep and intense they were. I tried to linger my eyes somewhere, anywhere, but can't help myself, let me feel this ecstasy, for once. My vision, shifted from his eyes to his lips, and then his shoulders, and then... oh my god, Eva, stop yourself, this is not you. But I can never believe, a guy to be this handsome, god must-have, sculpted him after paying a huge, concentration. He is chiselled and lean, I need to look away, this is so not me. I have never done this before, but guess what, he caught me staring, which my pity-self can't hide, kill me, Jesus.

"Hey ginger, if you are so desperately want to check me out, all you need to do is just ask, and I can assure you, that, I will give one of the best photographs of mine." He smirked.

"Hey mister, what so ever, I was not checking you out, I was just trying to figure out the reason for your tapping. Yeah, that's it." Maybe this is the worst excuse I ever made.

"As if, I will believe, I can still see the drool at the corner of your lips." He mocked with a very disastrous smirk. I wiped the corner of my lips, embarrassingly.

"That's your choice, if you wanna believe it or not, can't help." I smirked as well, and we are back in business, as I continued "if you have something important to say then that's fine, another wise, I will take my leave." I smugly smiled, after realizing, I was dominating him and winning this game with flying colours, which, although, is a game from my perspective only, but who cares.

"Yeah, actually I wanted to inform you, that, the place you parked your gorgeous car, is taking my supernova's spot. So kindly, park your car somewhere else." He requested though it sounded more like an order.

"Whatever, as if I will be following your order, forget it." I turned around and started to walk away but all of a sudden, he came in front of me, "Okay, I will park somewhere else, but on one condition, why don't you let me guide you to the principal's office? That will be easier for you, and entertaining for me. What say?"

"Wait, I never told you that?"

"Told me what?"

"That, I am going to pay a visit to the Principal's office."

"Oh, that, it was easier to figure out, cause no one in a right mind would disobey me unless it's a newcomer. Now, that you know, shall we?" He asked.

Also, this is quite a big school and I need someone to guide me here, maybe it will be fine, anyways what will go wrong, if, he will show me around, right?

"Okay fine."

"Great, let's go, baby!" He exclaimed and gave more stress to the word baby. I rolled my eyes and followed him around. All I can hope is, this year will go as normal as it can. God, please have mercy on me.