
Eneoji (LN)

PureAmaterasu · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Domain Resonance - Shiva

As Shirai lay on the ground, writhing in pain, a figure approached her. She looked up to see a girl with long, blue hair and glowing eyes.

"Who are you?" Shirai gasped, struggling to sit up.

The girl smiled, offering a hand to help Shirai up. "My name is Shiva," she said. "I'm a Space-Ice Magic User. I couldn't help but notice your fight with Yuki-Onna. You put up a good fight."

Shirai stared at her in amazement. She had never heard of Space-Ice Magic before. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I'm on a mission," Shiva replied cryptically. "But that's not important right now. What's important is that we stop Yuki-Onna. She's a dangerous enemy, and she won't stop until she has what she wants."

Shirai nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. She had been so focused on her own quest that she had forgotten about the threat Yuki-Onna posed to the world. "I'll help you," she said. "But how?"

Shiva smiled again. "I have a plan," she said. "But we'll need help. There's someone I know who can assist us. Come with me."

Together, Shirai and Shiva began to make their way down the mountain, using their magic to shield themselves from the falling rocks and ice. They traveled for hours, through forests and across frozen rivers, until they finally reached a small village nestled in the mountains.

Shiva led Shirai to a small hut at the edge of the village. Inside, an old man sat hunched over a table, surrounded by strange devices and arcane symbols.

"Master," Shiva said, bowing respectfully. "We need your help."

The old man looked up, his eyes narrowing. "What kind of help?" he asked.

"We're trying to stop Yuki-Onna," Shirai said, stepping forward. "She's trying to claim the other half of my soul, and we need to find a way to stop her."

The old man studied Shirai for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I see," he said. "I may be able to help you. But it won't be easy."

Shiva and Shirai looked at each other, their hearts pounding with excitement. They knew that this was their chance to stop Yuki-Onna once and for all. With the old man's help, they could harness the power of Space-Ice Magic and take down their enemy.

The old man rose from his table, beckoning for them to follow him. "Come with me," he said. "We have much to do."

Shiva and Shirai followed the old man as he led them deeper into the hut, past shelves lined with dusty books and strange artifacts. They could feel the power emanating from the old man, and they knew that they were in the presence of a master of magic.

Finally, the old man stopped in front of a large, ornate bookcase. He ran his fingers over the spines of the books until he found what he was looking for.

"Ah, here it is," he said, pulling out a thick, leather-bound tome. "This is the book of Space-Ice Magic. It contains the knowledge we'll need to stop Yuki-Onna."

Shiva and Shirai watched in awe as the old man flipped through the pages of the book, muttering incantations under his breath. He traced his finger over complex diagrams and symbols, and the air around them seemed to shimmer with magic.

"Here," he said at last, pointing to a page in the book. "This is what we'll need to do. We'll need to gather the elements of Space and Ice, and then perform the ritual at the top of Mount Kuro."

Shirai looked at him in confusion. "Mount Kuro? But that's where we just came from. How are we supposed to get back up there?"

The old man smiled. "That's where I come in," he said. "I have a magic carpet that can take us there. But first, we'll need to gather the elements."

Shiva and Shirai followed the old man outside, where he led them to a small clearing. In the center of the clearing was a pool of shimmering water, surrounded by strange, glowing plants.

"These are the plants of Space," the old man explained. "And this pool contains the essence of Ice. We'll need to gather them both if we want to perform the ritual."

Shiva and Shirai set to work, collecting the plants and drawing water from the pool. They could feel the power of the elements coursing through them, and they knew that they were one step closer to defeating Yuki-Onna.

With the elements in hand, they returned to the old man's hut, where he began to prepare for the ritual. He drew intricate symbols on the ground and chanted incantations that made the air around them crackle with energy.

At last, he stood up, wiping the sweat from his brow. "It's time," he said. "Let's go to Mount Kuro."

The old man led them outside, where they saw a shimmering carpet waiting for them. They climbed aboard, and the old man took the reins, urging the carpet higher and higher into the sky.

As they ascended, the air grew colder, and they could see the snow-covered peak of Mount Kuro looming in the distance. But they didn't feel fear; they felt a sense of purpose, of destiny.

They knew that they were on the brink of something great, and they were ready for whatever lay ahead. They were ready to face Yuki-Onna and claim their victory.

Shiva closed her eyes, focusing her mind on her space magic. She could feel the power coursing through her, and she knew that she could use it to navigate the cavern and find Yuki-Onna.

She opened her eyes and gestured to Shirai and the old man. "Follow me," she said. "I'll use my space magic to guide us deeper into the cavern."

She raised her hand, and a shimmering portal opened in front of them. They stepped through it and found themselves in a new part of the cavern, surrounded by stalactites and stalagmites that sparkled in the dim light.

Shiva led the way, using her magic to create portals and guide them deeper into the cavern. They passed through narrow passages and climbed over icy boulders, always moving closer to their goal.

And then, at last, they saw her.

Yuki-Onna was standing in the center of a large, circular chamber, surrounded by a swirling vortex of snow and ice. She was tall and regal, with long, flowing hair and piercing blue eyes.

Shiva and Shirai felt a sense of awe and fear as they looked at her. They knew that she was powerful, perhaps the most powerful being they had ever encountered.

But they were not afraid. They knew that they had come this far, and they were ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The old man stepped forward, his voice strong and commanding. "Yuki-Onna," he said. "We have come to put an end to your reign of terror. We have the power of Space and Ice on our side, and we will not be stopped."

Yuki-Onna regarded him coolly, her eyes narrowing. "You think you can defeat me?" she said. "You are nothing but mortals, playing with forces you cannot possibly understand."

But Shiva and Shirai could see that the old man was unafraid. He stood tall and strong, radiating power and confidence.

"We know what we are capable of," he said. "And we will not let you harm anyone else."

Yuki-Onna laughed, a cold, chilling sound. "Very well," she said. "You may try to defeat me. But know this: I am not so easily defeated."

And with that, she raised her hand, and the swirling vortex of snow and ice around her grew stronger and more intense. Shiva, Shirai, and the old man braced themselves, ready for whatever was to come.

As the vortex grew more intense, Shiva stepped forward, determination etched on her face. She knew that this was her moment to shine, to prove her worth and protect those she loved.

Shiva stretched out her hand, and with a surge of energy, she ripped apart the ground beneath Yuki-Onna's feet, creating a deep chasm between them.

Yuki-Onna leaped over the chasm with ease, landing lightly on the other side. "Impressive," she said. "But you'll have to do better than that."

Shiva gritted her teeth, channeling more energy into her space magic. This time, she created a swirling vortex of her own, pulling Yuki-Onna toward her and trapping her in a field of rippling space.

But Yuki-Onna was not easily defeated. With a fierce cry, she broke free of Shiva's magic, unleashing a blast of icy energy that sent Shiva flying backward.

Shiva hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of her. She struggled to get up, her head ringing and her vision blurry.

"You see?" Yuki-Onna said, stalking toward Shiva. "You cannot defeat me. I am the queen of this realm, and no mortal can stand against me."

Shiva staggered to her feet, her body aching with pain. But she refused to give up. She had come too far to back down now.

With a fierce determination, she stretched out her hand once again, channeling all her energy into a single, powerful blast of space magic.

The blast hit Yuki-Onna with the force of a thousand storms, sending her flying backward and slamming her into the wall of the chamber.

For a moment, there was silence. And then, slowly, Yuki-Onna began to get up, a look of fury etched on her face.

"You will pay for that," she said, her voice icy with rage.

And with that, she raised her hand, summoning a blast of freezing wind that filled the chamber and sent shards of ice flying in every direction.

Shiva summoned all her strength, bending space to protect herself from the icy onslaught. But she knew that she couldn't keep it up forever.

Yuki-Onna continued to attack relentlessly, her powers growing stronger with every passing moment. Shiva fought back with everything she had, but she knew that she was no match for the queen of the realm of ice and snow.

Finally, with a final burst of energy, Yuki-Onna unleashed a blast of icy power that sent Shiva flying backward, her body slamming into the wall of the chamber with a sickening thud.

For a moment, everything went black. And then, slowly, Shiva began to come to.

She struggled to get up, her body aching and her head pounding. She looked up and saw Yuki-Onna standing over her, a look of triumph on her face.

"You fought well," Yuki-Onna said. "But in the end, you were no match for me."

Shiva gritted her teeth, refusing to give up. She knew that she had failed this time, but she vowed to keep fighting, to keep pushing herself to become stronger.

And as she struggled to her feet, she knew that the battle was far from over. There would be other challenges, other battles to fight.

But she was ready. She was determined to succeed, no matter what it took. And with that thought, she summoned all her strength and prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

Just as Shiva was about to launch herself into another round of attacks against Yuki-Onna, she heard a voice from behind her.

"Shiva! Are you okay?" Shirai called out.

Shiva turned to see Shirai running towards her, concern etched on her face. But before Shirai could reach her, Yuki-Onna summoned a wall of ice, cutting off Shirai's path.

Shirai stumbled, caught off-guard by the sudden obstacle. But she quickly regained her balance and summoned a blast of fire, melting the ice and continuing toward Shiva.

"Stay back!" Shiva yelled, her voice laced with frustration. "I can handle this!"

Shirai hesitated, her eyes locked on Shiva's determined face. She knew that Shiva was strong, but she also knew that she needed help.

"Please," Shirai said, her voice trembling. "Let me help you. I don't want to see you hurt."

Shiva wavered for a moment, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She knew that she needed help, but she didn't want to put Shirai in danger.

But as she looked into Shirai's eyes, she saw something that she had never seen before: a fierce determination, a willingness to fight alongside her no matter what.

And with that realization, Shiva felt a surge of gratitude and respect for Shirai. She knew that she couldn't do this alone, that she needed someone by her side who was willing to stand up to Yuki-Onna and fight for what was right.

"Fine," Shiva said, her voice firm. "But stay behind me. And don't get in my way."

Shirai nodded, relief flooding her face. And with that, the two of them turned back to face Yuki-Onna, determination etched on their faces.

For the next few moments, the three of them engaged in a fierce battle, each one unleashing powerful attacks against the other. But with Shirai by her side, Shiva felt stronger, more confident in her abilities.

And finally, with a final surge of energy, she unleashed a blast of space magic that sent Yuki-Onna crashing to the ground.

For a moment, there was silence. And then, slowly, Yuki-Onna began to get up, a look of fury etched on her face.

"You will pay for that," she said, her voice icy with rage.

But Shiva was ready. With Shirai by her side, she felt invincible, a force to be reckoned with.

And as Yuki-Onna launched herself into another round of attacks, Shiva and Shirai stood firm, ready to face whatever came their way.

Shiva's heart pounded in her chest as she faced off against Yuki-Onna, her mind racing with thoughts of her next move. She knew that Yuki-Onna was a formidable opponent, but she also knew that she had a secret weapon up her sleeve.

"Shirai, stand back," Shiva said, her voice calm and controlled.

Shirai nodded, a look of concern etched on her face. She knew that Shiva had something planned, but she also knew that it would come at a great cost.

Shiva closed her eyes and focused her energy, channeling it into a new ability type that she had been developing for months: Domain Resonance. With this ability, she could create a separate dimension, a space that she could control and manipulate at will.

And with a sudden surge of power, she unleashed the ability, calling forth a new domain that was shrouded in ice and snow.

As the ice and snow began to swirl around them, Shiva felt herself become one with the domain, her consciousness expanding to fill every inch of the icy landscape. She was everywhere and nowhere, omnipresent and yet noncorporeal.

Shirai watched in awe as Shiva's body began to glow with a brilliant light, her aura expanding to fill the entire dimension. She could feel the power emanating from her friend, a force that was beyond anything she had ever experienced.

And then, with a sudden burst of energy, Shiva unleashed the full power of the domain, calling forth a massive avatar of ice that towered over them like a giant colossus.

Shirai gasped in amazement as she saw the giant avatar, its form shifting and changing as Shiva exerted her control over the domain. She could feel the power of the domain resonating through her, a force that was both terrifying and exhilarating.

But then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the domain began to fade, the ice and snow melting away to reveal the real world once again.

Shiva stumbled, her body shaking with the effort of using the domain resonance. But she knew that she had accomplished what she had set out to do. She had shown Yuki-Onna that she was not to be trifled with, that she had powers beyond anything the ice queen could imagine.

And with a smile on her face, she turned to face Yuki-Onna once again, ready to face whatever came her way.

Shiva's smile faded as she saw Yuki-Onna summoning another figure from the ice. She knew who it was even before the figure appeared, for Yuki-Onna had mentioned her earlier. It was Freya, the ice goddess.

As Freya materialized before them, Shiva could feel the temperature drop even further. She knew that this was going to be a tough battle, but she was determined to come out on top.

"Shirai, be ready," Shiva said, her voice firm. "We're going to need to work together to take her down."

Shirai nodded, her eyes locked on Freya's icy form. She knew that this was going to be a true test of their abilities, but she was ready for it.

The three of them stood there for a moment, sizing each other up, before launching into another round of attacks. The air was filled with the sound of ice cracking and snow flying as they unleashed their powers against each other.

Shiva called forth the power of the domain resonance once again, creating a separate dimension that was shrouded in ice and snow. She felt her consciousness expanding once again, becoming one with the domain and existing as a giant avatar of ice.

But Freya was ready for her this time. She summoned her own powers, calling forth a blizzard that threatened to engulf them all.

Shiva felt herself struggling to maintain control of the domain resonance, her body shaking with the effort. She knew that she needed to act fast if they were going to survive this.

"Shirai, combine your fire powers with mine," Shiva yelled, her voice barely audible over the howling winds.

Shirai nodded, her eyes locked on Shiva's glowing form. She summoned her own powers, calling forth a blast of fire that combined with Shiva's ice powers to create a massive explosion.

The explosion was so powerful that it broke through the blizzard and sent Freya flying backward. But she was not defeated yet. With a roar of rage, she summoned more ice and snow, calling forth an even more powerful blizzard.

Shiva and Shirai were pushed to their limits as they battled against the blizzard, their powers combining to create a shield of fire and ice that protected them from the worst of the storm.

But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the blizzard subsided, and Freya disappeared back into the ice.

Shiva and Shirai stood there for a moment, catching their breath, before turning to face each other. They both knew that this was far from over, that they still had a long way to go before they could defeat Yuki-Onna and her minions.

But they also knew that they had each other, that they could work together to overcome any obstacle that came their way. And with that knowledge, they set off once again, ready to face whatever lay ahead.