
Eneoji (LN)

PureAmaterasu · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Unleashing of Yuki

Shirai could feel a strange energy coursing through her body as she stumbled through the snow. The demon inside her was stirring, and it was making her feel more powerful than she had ever felt before. She knew that she needed to get control of this power before it consumed her completely.

As she stumbled through the snow, she could see that her village was not far off. She gritted her teeth and made her way towards it. When she arrived, she saw that her mother and siblings were standing outside their home, looking worried.

"Shirai, what happened? Where have you been?" her mother asked, rushing towards her.

"I...I don't know," Shirai replied, feeling dazed.

Her siblings gathered around her, looking at her with concern. But as she looked into their eyes, she could see something else there too. Fear.

"What's going on?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Yuki-Onna," her mother whispered, her eyes filled with tears. "We knew this day would come."

Shirai's heart sank as she realized that her mother knew about the demon inside her all along. She felt a surge of anger and betrayal, but before she could say anything, she felt a strange sensation in her stomach.

It was like something was clawing its way out of her. She doubled over in pain, and her mother and siblings backed away from her, looking horrified.

Suddenly, there was a loud cracking sound, and a figure burst forth from Shirai's stomach. It was a woman, with long white hair and ice-blue eyes. She was wearing a traditional Japanese kimono, but her skin was as cold as ice.

Shirai stumbled backwards, feeling weak and dizzy. She could see her family standing frozen in fear, unable to move.

"Who are you?" Shirai whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I am Yuki," the woman said, her voice cold and distant. "I am the demon that has been living inside you all these years."

Shirai felt a surge of panic as she realized that the demon had taken physical form. She had never felt so powerless in her life.

Yuki stepped forward, and Shirai could feel the chill radiating off her. She was like a living embodiment of winter itself.

"You can't have her," Shirai's mother said, stepping forward to protect her daughter. "You've already taken enough from us."

Yuki smiled coldly, and in a flash, she froze Shirai's mother and siblings in blocks of ice. Shirai screamed in horror as she watched her family being turned into lifeless statues.

"Now," Yuki said, turning her attention back to Shirai. "We have much to discuss."

Shirai felt a wave of anger and despair wash over her as she watched her family being turned into ice statues. She struggled to stand, her legs shaking beneath her.

"Why...why are you doing this?" Shirai asked, her voice quavering with fear.

Yuki turned to her, her expression unreadable. "You and I are two halves of the same entity. I am the physical embodiment of Yuki-Onna, the demon that has been living inside you all these years."

Shirai's mind was spinning. Two halves of the same entity? It didn't make sense. She tried to process the information, but her mind was still reeling from everything that had happened.

"You...you're a part of me?" Shirai asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yuki nodded. "Yes. And I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. The moment when I can be free."

Shirai's heart sank as she realized the truth. Yuki had been manipulating her all along, using her body as a vessel to gain strength and power.

"Why...why did you choose me?" Shirai asked, her voice trembling with anger.

"Because you are strong," Yuki said, her eyes glinting with malice. "Strong enough to withstand the power of the demon inside you. And now that I am free, I can unleash that power on the world."

Shirai tried to back away, but she was surrounded by ice statues of her family. She was trapped, with nowhere to run.

"What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice shaking with fear.

"I want you to help me," Yuki said. "Together, we can rule this world. We can make everyone fear us, and we can have anything we want."

Shirai felt a surge of anger at Yuki's words. She would never be like her. She would never use her power to hurt others.

"I'll never help you," Shirai said, her voice strong and resolute.

Yuki's eyes narrowed. "You will. You have no choice."

Before Shirai could react, Yuki reached out and touched her forehead. Shirai felt a surge of pain shoot through her body as Yuki invaded her mind.

She could feel Yuki's thoughts and desires mixing with her own. It was like trying to hold back a tidal wave.

But even as Yuki's power threatened to overwhelm her, Shirai refused to give up. She would never let Yuki control her.

With a fierce determination, Shirai focused her mind and pushed back against Yuki's invading thoughts. It was a battle of wills, and Shirai refused to lose.

Finally, with a gasp, Shirai pushed Yuki out of her mind. Yuki stumbled backwards, surprised by Shirai's strength.

"You...you're stronger than I thought," Yuki said, her voice filled with anger.

"I won't let you control me," Shirai said, her voice filled with defiance.

Yuki's eyes narrowed, and Shirai could see the fury burning in them. She knew that the battle was far from over. But she was ready to face it head-on. She would never let Yuki win.

Yuki's words struck Shirai like a bolt of lightning, sending her staggering back. Before she could react, Yuki lunged forward and delivered a swift kick to Shirai's stomach. The impact knocked the wind out of her, and she crumpled to the ground, gasping for air.

As she struggled to catch her breath, Shirai watched in horror as Yuki approached her, a cruel smile twisting her lips. Without warning, Yuki plunged her hand into Shirai's stomach and yanked out a shimmering blue crystal. Shirai screamed in agony as the crystal was ripped from her, the pain searing through her body like fire.

With the crystal in hand, Yuki held it up to the light, admiring its beauty. "Finally, I have both halves of the key," she murmured, a wicked gleam in her eyes. "The seal will be broken, and I will be free."

Shirai groaned, clutching her stomach as the pain slowly began to subside. "What...what have you done?" she gasped.

Yuki turned to face her, a cold smile on her lips. "You see, Shirai, Yuki-Onna and I are two halves of the same entity," she explained. "When we were sealed away, our power was split in half and locked away in these crystals. But now, I have both halves, and I can break the seal."

Shirai's eyes widened in horror as the implications of Yuki's words sunk in. "No...you can't," she whispered. "If you break the seal, Yuki-Onna will be free."

Yuki laughed, tossing the crystal into the air and catching it with a flick of her wrist. "Yes, she will," she replied. "And I will finally be able to take my rightful place as the ruler of this world."

Shirai struggled to her feet, her eyes blazing with fury. "I won't let you," she spat. "I'll stop you, no matter what it takes."

Yuki smirked, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, Shirai," she purred. "You don't have the power to stop me. You're nothing without me."

With that, Yuki turned on her heel and strode away, leaving Shirai standing there, trembling with anger and fear. She knew that Yuki was right. Without Yuki's power, she was nothing.

But she refused to give up. She would find a way to stop Yuki, no matter what it took. She would fight with everything she had, even if it meant sacrificing everything she held dear. Because she knew that the fate of the world depended on it.

As Shirai regained consciousness, she felt a sharp pain in her head and groaned. Blinking her eyes open, she tried to sit up, but the pain intensified, making her groan again.

"Easy now," a voice said, and Shirai recognized it as the innkeeper. "You took quite a nasty hit. Don't try to move too quickly."

Shirai blinked, trying to focus on the innkeeper's face. "Where...where's Yuki?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

The innkeeper frowned. "Who's Yuki?"

Shirai's heart sank. The woman didn't know about Yuki-Onna, and worse yet, Yuki had taken her other half. She had to find a way to get it back.

"I have to go," she said, trying to stand up, but the innkeeper held her back.

"Where are you going? You need to rest."

"I have to climb Frostspire Mountain," Shirai said, her determination clear in her voice. "That's where Yuki is waiting for me."

The innkeeper looked doubtful. "Frostspire Mountain is dangerous. No one has ever made it to the summit and back."

Shirai didn't flinch. "I have to try," she said.

The innkeeper sighed. "Well, at least let me give you some provisions. You'll need them."

Shirai nodded gratefully, and the innkeeper left to prepare some supplies. As she waited, Shirai couldn't help but think about Yuki and Yuki-Onna. She knew that they were two halves of the same entity, but she couldn't understand how that was possible.

When the innkeeper returned, Shirai thanked her and set off towards the mountain. As she walked, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She looked around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The wind picked up, carrying with it the scent of snow and ice. Shirai shivered, both from the cold and from a sense of foreboding.

Shirai trudged up the steep slopes of Frostspire Mountain, her body weary and her mind racing with thoughts of Yuki and the half of her soul that the ice demon had stolen. The higher she climbed, the colder it became, and the biting winds whipped at her face, numbing her skin and making her eyes water.

As she ascended, the terrain became more treacherous, the jagged rocks and icy patches making it difficult for her to find purchase. She stumbled more than once, her feet slipping on the slick surface, but she refused to give up. She was determined to reach Yuki, no matter what it took.

The hours ticked by, and the sun began to set, casting the snowy landscape in a crimson glow. Shirai was exhausted, her limbs heavy and her breathing labored, but she pushed herself onward, driven by a fierce determination to reclaim what was hers.

Finally, as the night fell, she came upon a narrow ledge that wound around the side of the mountain. She could see the summit ahead, a dark silhouette against the starry sky, and she knew that Yuki was waiting for her there.

As she stepped onto the ledge, a sudden gust of wind nearly knocked her off her feet. She stumbled, her balance precarious, and reached out to steady herself against the rock face.

It was then that she felt it. A sharp pain in her stomach, followed by a sickening sensation of something being ripped from within her. She cried out, but the sound was lost in the howling wind.

Yuki-Onna emerged from Shirai's body, a dark and twisted version of Yuki, with jagged icicles protruding from her skin and a chilling aura that seemed to freeze the very air around her.

"You foolish girl," she sneered, her voice dripping with malice. "Did you really think you could defeat me?"

Shirai staggered back, her hands clutching at her stomach where the other half of her soul had been torn away. She felt weak and disoriented, and her vision swam as she tried to focus on Yuki-Onna.

"You...you're not Yuki," she gasped, her words barely audible over the wind.

Yuki-Onna laughed, a cruel and mocking sound. "I am Yuki, and so much more. You see, little one, now that I have both halves, I am whole."

Shirai gritted her teeth, her fists clenched in anger. She refused to let Yuki-Onna defeat her, to let her win. She summoned her magic, the cold energy pulsing through her veins, and prepared to attack.

But before she could even raise her hand, Yuki-Onna was upon her, her icy claws slashing through the air. Shirai tried to dodge, but she was too slow, and the claws ripped into her flesh, tearing deep wounds across her chest and arms.

She screamed, the pain searing through her body, and stumbled back, her feet slipping on the icy ledge. She felt herself falling, tumbling down the mountainside, and she knew that she was going to die.

But then, something strange happened. As she fell, she felt a surge of power coursing through her, a power that was not her own. It was Yuki, she realized. The other half of her soul was fighting back, trying to protect her.

With a burst of energy, Shirai summoned her magic, a blinding light erupting from her body. She felt the cold spreading through her, the ice forming over her wounds, sealing them shut.

Yuki-Onna hissed in fury, her eyes narrowed as she watched Shirai's wounds heal before her very eyes. She could feel the power of Yuki coursing through the girl's veins, and she knew that she had underestimated her.

But she would not be deterred. With a fierce growl, she lunged at Shirai once again, her claws extended and ready to strike.

Shirai was ready this time, her own magic surging through her. She conjured a wall of ice, blocking Yuki-Onna's attack and sending her flying back.

Yuki-Onna snarled, her body convulsing as she rose to her feet. "You will not defeat me, little one," she spat. "I am a demon, an immortal being. You are nothing."

But Shirai refused to back down. She summoned more ice, forming it into sharp spears that she sent hurtling towards Yuki-Onna. The demon dodged and weaved, but she could not avoid them all, and the spears struck her body, piercing her skin and drawing blood.

The two continued to fight, their magic colliding in a fierce battle that shook the very mountainside. Shirai was battered and bruised, but she refused to give up. She had to reclaim the other half of her soul, no matter what.

Yuki-Onna was weakening, her movements becoming slower and less precise. Shirai sensed her opportunity and summoned all of her power, unleashing it in a blinding burst of light.

For a moment, everything was still. Then, with a deafening roar, the mountainside exploded, a massive shockwave spreading outwards in all directions.

Shirai was thrown back, her body tumbling through the air. She hit the ground hard, her breath knocked out of her. As she struggled to catch her breath, she looked up to see Yuki-Onna rising from the rubble, her body battered and broken.

"You may have won this battle," the demon hissed, "but the war is far from over. I will find a way to break the seal and return, and then I will destroy you once and for all."

And with that, Yuki-Onna vanished, leaving Shirai alone on the mountainside, battered and bruised, but victorious.

Shirai lay there for a moment, her body aching and her mind racing with thoughts of Yuki and the demon that had possessed her. She knew that the battle was far from over, but for now, she was safe.

Slowly, she picked herself up and began the long journey down the mountain, her heart heavy with the weight of what she had lost and what she had gained.

"The Crystal" which Yuki stole was not that of the demon Yuki-Onna as she doesn't release the seal but instead acts as a container which holds her other half which in turn is 1/2 of Yuki-Onna - Amaterasu

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