
Enemy of the past

manallie · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Awkward day

The sun shining as brightly as ever as I walked down the staircase of the balcony of the current house I stay in. I still can't believe they build the staircase that would lead to the balcony outside the building while there is another inside, two actually.

I arrived in Dubai three hours ago, we left pretty early and here is just 4pm and the party is around 8pm while the meeting is around 10pm, I don't know why they made it so late at night.

I walked back into the mansion the light shining as though it is a circus venue, I love a bright place but not too bright and everything is literally gold, typical Arabian rich houses.

As I walked further into the house I could hear voices, few soldiers and i stay here and other civilian guest.

"The one and only General Fayrooz Abad, it is good to see you" I heard someone say behind me as I walked past the living room heading to the staircase.

"I would say the same but I don't lie" I said turning around and I gave a small smile looking at the craziest Abad, Ayman Ibrahim Abad.

"As sassy as always how have you been?"

"Still alive"

"Even though you didn't ask I am good too actually I am better seeing you" He grinned coming closer to me

"And you are annoying as always" The moment I said that he walked closer to me and the idiot hugged me. I closed my eyes sighing, opening it I met with a confused grey ones looking at me. When did he get here?

"You have two seconds to let go of me or I will embarrass you wallah" I whispered to him

"You know most Aunties get excited when they see their niece" He replied back letting me go.

"I didn't want to become your aunty" I rolled my eyes looking behind him for Jadd but I saw him walking towards the other staircase.

"You didn't have a choice either way I think you are glad I am here actually"

"Don't you have something to do?"

"Thinking about it now I do, so are you going to the party alone or?"

"Yeah alone"

"Perfect then we will go together bye!" He said and walked quickly towards the exit. I turned and walked towards Jadd who stood by the stairs, he looked bothered.

"Alpha?" I called out for him, he looked up and immediately saluted me, thank god there weren't much people around.

"Don't make it obvious we are in a secret force"

"I have to salute you either ways! You are a UAE General too and while I am just a Major out here" He looked I don't know but a little angry, over my stay with the guy I thought he doesn't get angry.

"What is with you?"

"Nothing, I was looking for you and found you busy"

"Yeah was with Ayman the current vice-marshal here"

"Oh I see" He replied nodding his head, I am trying to hold a conversation here but someone's cranky mood is all over the place I guess I will just let it be.

"When will you go the party?" He suddenly asked me, his mood becoming better

"Around 9, why?"

"Wondering if we could go together?"

"I will say yes but I already told Ayman we would go together" He frowned before giving me a small smile and nodded.

"See you later" I said remembering I have to talk to Ramis and because I saw Uncle Ali coming in with some other people, they are not familiar. And I do not plan on meeting him today or at all over my stay here.

"Yeah alright"


I always come prepared to parties and all but today for some reason I forgot that I actually need a dress! Thankfully I got Ayman to cover that for me. I went down looking for Jadd so he can go with me. I don't know why but I feel bad leaving him like that earlier and especially he was in a bad mood.

I walked towards the front getting salutes and greeting the older soldiers I met outside, that is the military world you will always have to act disciplined especially when in the country you serve.

"Yeah, I haven't been to Egypt because of the mission" Said Jadd to a lady. She is wearing a long blue Abaya, a black heels and her brown hair in a ponytail. I couldn't see her face.

"That is beautiful, so you go on missions all the time? My father does that too but since he became the defence minister he doesn't do that much" She said in a high pitch voice of hers, giggling. I furrowed my brows and walked forward, the car Ayman got for me is already outside by the garage. The yard across the house is just as big, with a lot of cars parked. And even the garage is full with cars mostly G-wagons and Range Rovers all tinted.

"Hello Fayrooz" Said the girl turning to face me, Jadd stepped from her side and looked at me, I guess now he is noticing me.

"Hello sorry but who are you?"

"Straightforward and honest... Maybe because I have changed you know I am all beautiful and that" She said and giggled looking at Jadd who gave her a small smile out of politeness, I think, it looks like that.

"So who are you?" I asked again getting impatient, I don't know why but the way she is acting around Jadd is really annoying and he is just standing there smiling, which annoyed me more, what is funny?

"She is Ameera daughter of the defence minister of Egypt, I thought you two were friends?" He asked confusedly

"No we are not" I replied

"She just forgot it, but we stayed together when she took her two year course in software engineering" She said giggling again, okay I am done.

"Enjoy your time you two, I am have somewhere to go"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Questioned Jadd

"But I thought you said you are going to the mall with me?" Said miss giggle. Before I could reply, I looked back at Jadd who is thinking about a right answer, I decided to just let them be.

"Meet you later" I said and walked to the car, immediately getting in I started the car and head towards the opened gate.