

Can we live without enemies? The answer is a big "NO!" the only way out is to know your stand and deal with it. When you discover your enemy, deal with them with maturity. Don't be too close and don't be too far. When you're too close, they get to you badly and hurt you beyond repair and when you're not too far, you study them to deal with them nicely.

Boss_B · History
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14 Chs


Juliet finished her work and it was time to go home. Her colleague joined her as they walked through the company gate.

(They are talking and giggling)

Juliet: "Babe, are we still attending your neighbor's party?"

Colleague: "Not too sure. Boss gave me an impromptu assignment and I must deliver."

Juliet: "That's true. I'm not going either since you won't be there."

Colleague: "Truly, we're both invited but that doesn't mean one of us can't go."

Juliet: "You know I'm not used to your neighbor that much. I won't be free if I go there alone."

Colleague: "You always find an excuse if you don't want to do something."

(They both laughed and stand by the side of the road waiting for a taxi). As they were waiting, a vehicle plopped in front of them. The guy driving whines down the glass to greet.

The Guy: "Hello!"

Juliet Friend: "Hi!"

Juliet: (She looked to see who is greeting), "You again?"

The Guy: "Yeah, me again. Can I drop you guys?"

Juliet Friend: "With pleasure."

Juliet: "No, thanks!"

The Guy: "Please!"

Juliet: "I said no, thanks!"

(She was angry as she gave her colleague a bad look)

Juliet Friend: "Mr?"

The Guy: "Robinson is my name."

Juliet Friend: "Thanks for trying to help but we've already ordered a taxi. Maybe next time."

Mr. Robinson: "It's okay." (He bids them goodbye and drove off)

Juliet: "Zoe, why are you always like this? You're willing to take a ride with a total stranger!"

Zoe: "I agree that is a stranger, but he's just trying to help us."

Juliet: "Really? Is the same guy that ruins my day!"

Zoe: "Oh, wow! He's the one? He's charming and welcoming." (She was blushing)

Juliet: "Are you serious right now Zoe?"

Zoe: "Calm down Juliet, I'm just saying that the guy is not as bad as you tagged him."

Juliet: "Did you know him?"

Zoe: "I think I met him in an eatery with his siblings some months back."

Juliet: "Oh, now I'm getting it!"

Zoe: "Getting what?"

Juliet: "You did send him to me, right?"

Zoe: (With awe), "how possible is that!" I met him in an eatery as I said earlier. I saw him and his siblings from distance and I admired him that's all!"

Juliet: (Sighs). "It's okay. Sorry for raising my voice."

Zoe: "I don't know why you have a trust issue, but it's fine."

(The taxi driver arrived, and pick them up while the conversation continues)

Juliet: "Are you still angry with me?"

Zoe: "How could I when I knew you're a crazy being."

(They both laughed)

Juliet: "Really?"

Zoe: "You know I don't mean that."(giggling)

Juliet: "So, how is Stephen?"

Zoe: "Oh, please! Why will you be asking of him from me? I think you're high on fever Juliet!"

Juliet: "Are you pained for asking about your partner?"

Zoe: "Which partner? He's not my partner but rather a neighbor of which you know!"

Juliet: "We all know he likes you."

Zoe: "I haven't confirmed it!"

Juliet: "Now, you're hurt!" (They both looked at one another and laughed)

Zoe: "I know that you're a crazy being Juliet! Is that revenge?"

Juliet: "Not really, it's just a play."

(Taxi dropped Zoe and took Juliet to her abode)