
Chapter 8

It's being a week since Ella started working in her new restaurant, clients kept trooping in and out as if the restaurant has being opened for years.

Ella kept wondering how many knew her restaurant despite the fact that the restaurant just started functioning a week ago. She had thought of asking Ethan if he was the one sponsoring the restaurant but the idea never came to her mind when she was with Ethan. As she was busying attending to the clients alongside some of her waitresses Ethan came in. He waved at some of the clients who were enjoying their meals and walked to where Ella was.

"Hello my angel " Ethan greeted her before pecking her cheeks and immediately Ella blushed.

"Hi babe how was your day?"Ella inquired.

"Fine my angel" Ethan responded."My aunt just called me that they are at the airport so I wanted to ask you if it was possible to follow me to the airport to pick them up.

"Yes of course" Ella responded."Please give me a seconds so that I can arrange my make up a little." With that she headed to her office and less than ten minutes she came out looking more attractive than before. When she came out she called some of the waitress and gave them some instructions before joining Ethan.

As they where heading to the airport Ethan noticed that her face was gloomy and when he asked her if anything was wrong she told him that she was only wondering if her aunt was going to like her. Ethan didn't respond her instead he only laughed at her and continued driving. In less than thirty minutes they were already at the airport and from far Ethan spotted his aunt standing near to her husband with their luggages.Immediately he drove to where they were standing. Immediately Ethan came down from the car he walked directly to his aunt who have seen him coming down from the car and hugged her.

"Ethan my baby boy how are you?"she asked hugging him.

"I'm fine mum,I really missed you"he responded freeing himself from her arms.

Immediately she turned and looked at Ella and smiled.

"You are Ella right?"She enquired and Ella nodded nervously.

Immediately she opened her arms for Ella inviting her for a hug and immediately Ella approached her and she hugged her passionately and whispered into her ears:

"Ethan has told us many things about you"and with that she pecked her on the cheeks and Ella blushed.

Ethan also approached Mr Johnathan his aunt's husband and gave him a hand shake and immediately he drew Ethan and hugged him tapping him twice on his back.

"You've become a full grown up man he told Ethan"before disengaging from the hug and Ethan smiled.

After the greetings Ethan helped them in putting the luggages in the boot of the car and after that they entered inside the car and started heading to the family's estate.

Mrs Margaret Ethan's aunt and her husband Mr Jonathan took Ethan into their custody right after the demise of his parents.They took care of him like their own son. They made sure he never lacked anything, and since they never had a child they considered him as their own biological son and because of how they treated Ethan he got used to calling them mum and dad.

They also helped him in managing the company because he was still young and inexperienced before inheriting the company.

At the age of twenty one they handed everything over to him because they had to relocate to England because of the nature of their work. Despite that they try their best to keep in touch with him through their social media handles.

The family's estate was a sprawling mansion, with a beautiful and large gardens and swimming pool. Ella was awed by the opulence of it all, she kept wondering why Ethan bought another house for himself while they had a big estate like this one.

When they got inside the estate Ella helped Ethan's aunt in cleaning the house and also in preparing the dinner.

While preparing the dinner they both discussed about many things and laughed together as if they had known each other for a very long time ago.

After cooking the dinner they dished it out and called Ethan and Mr Jonathan who were busy discussing how things have being since when they separated. Immediately the both of them joined them in the dining table where they enjoyed the Irish potato and fried chicken the professional cooks cooked for dinner.

Around the dining table the atmosphere was lively as they discussed about many things while enjoying the meal.

Around eight Am Ella decided to take her leave because she had many things to take care of at the restaurant the following day. Before leaving Ethan's aunt offered her many gifts she brought from England and after that Ethan took her home with his car.

* * * * * *

In just a twinkle of an eye the d day was there.

Ethan and Ella took a day off at the work places in order to participate fully in the party. They also helped in decorating the garden because it was the place the party was going to take place. They also invited many of their friends and colleagues from their workplaces including Sarah.

Around six PM the garden was already filled with people, the atmosphere was very cool as the DJ kept playing many love songs from Ed Sheeran, John Legend and many other artists. The garden was also decorated with many balloons on which was written "happy twenty fifth year anniversary" and it was also enlightened with many multicolored lights.

Meanwhile Ethan and Ella were busy discussing with some of their friends, Ethan was putting on a white suit accompanied by a white shoe and a gold wrist watch and Ella on the other hand was putting on a white gown and a white shoe that matched the white handbag that she was holding. As they were discussing and laughing Ethan looked at his wrist watch and whispered something in Ella's ears who responded by nodding. After that he walked directly to the DJ and took the mic and immediately the DJ switch off the music that was playing.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" Ethan greeted the audience who were already taking their seats." I want to take this opportunity and thank you all for responding favorably to our invitation by doing your best to be present here tonight "

"To start this party I invite you all to put your hands together as we welcome the couple of the night "

With that statement the DJ started playing" Endless love" by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie and immediately Mr Jonathan and his wife started walking majestically towards the party ground.

They were both putting the same color of clothing.

Mr. Jonathan was putting on a golden colored suit and a golden colored shoe and the wife on the other hand was putting on a golden colored gown that showed all her forms despite her old age and the both of them were holding their hands as they approached the party ground.

When they approached the party ground they both danced to the song and at the end of the song Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Margaret kissed each other passionately and the crowd couldn't help but applaud while some were busy taking pictures. After the dance the DJ handed them mic and they repeated the marriage vow to each other for the twenty fifth time since they got married because every year they repeat the marriage vow to each other during their marriage anniversary.

After that Ethan invited all the couple to the party ground and they all danced with their partners.

Around eight Am the party was slowly getting to an end, some people were congratulating Mr Jonathan and his wife for the marriage anniversary while others where busy discussing among themselves while sipping the wine in their glass cups.

The atmosphere was lively but suddenly the lights went off and was immediately replaced by the multicolored lights and the DJ changed the song to "All of me" by John Legend.

Ethan walked slowly to where Ella was standing and knelt down before her and brought out a little box containing a diamond ring from the pocket of his suit and immediately Ella's heart started beating.

"The first day I saw you at Whataburger I felt an instantaneous attraction towards you. Something kept on telling me that you were the one for me" Ethan admitted while on his knees. "The few months we have spent together has been the most happiest moments in my life and I don't want it to end.

I want to always wake up everyday and see you lying beside me, I want to be the one always cheering you up when you are moody always cracking jokes for you in order to enlighten your beautiful face.

No word can be able to describe how much I love you Ella."

Ella couldn't control her emotions anymore and immediately tears started dropping from her eyes.

"Mrs Ella Edmond will you marry?"Ethan asked peering directly into Ella's eyes.

Ella looked down at Ethan, who was looking up at her with love and devotion in his eyes.

"Yes," she said, tears streaming down her face. "I will."

With that Ethan inserted the diamond ring into her finger and p Ella hugged him and they both Everyone started applauding for them including Sarah and less than thirty minutes the video of the proposal went viral on every social media.