
Chapter 7

The morning sunlight was slowing rising penetrating through the transparent window of Ella's sitting room. She was sitting on the dinning table enjoying the delicious noodles accompanied with two eggs and a cup of tea that she prepared for breakfast. While she was still enjoying her meal she had a soft knock on her door. Immediately she went and opened the door without asking who was knocking because she already knew in her heart that it was Ethan.But when she opened the door,she was surprise to see Sarah instead.

"Good morning Ella"Sarah greeted

"Good morning Sarah"Ella greeted in return but but in little harsh tone."What do you want?"

"I came to apologise to you for my actions towards you,I'm very sorry Ella.I really messed up I don't know what came over me Ella but please forgive me" Sarah begged with tears dropping from her eyes.

But Ella remained mute.

Then Sarah continued "I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness after what I did to you but please find it in your heart to forgive me."Sarah pleaded still sobbing.

Sarah couldn't control her emotions anymore,she didn't realise when tears started dropping from her eyes.

"Sarah I have forgiven very long time ago,you know that I don't hold grudges but do you know what happens when a glass cup breaks.?"Ella asked and Sarah nodded.

Then Ella continued"I trusted you with all my heart Sarah but you broke the trust and just like a broken glass cup it can't be mended. I have forgiven you but we can't be friends like before."Ella replied with tears dropping from her eyes.

"Thank you for forgiving me" Sarah replied while cleaning her face and immediately she turned to leave she saw Ethan who have being observing the scene. Immediately she passed him without uttering a word and Ethan walked towards Ella who was still sobbing and hugged her and whispered in her ears "stop crying my angel you made a good decision."

After cheering her up for some moments Ella asked him to take her to her workplace so that she won't be late.

As Ethan was driving he realized that she was still moody so he started telling her some Jokes to cheer her up and in a twinkle of an eye her face brightened, she kept laughing to all his jokes she couldn't help but imagine what a good comedian Ethan was.

When they approached the route that led to Whataburger Ethan took another route and Ella was surprised. When Ella told him that he was taking the wrong part he told her not to worry that he had a surprise for her first and he have informed Mr Whata Ella's boss about it.

Ella heaved a sigh of relief but she kept wondering what surprise Ethan had for. When she couldn't figure it out in her head she started forcing Ethan to tell her but all her efforts proved futile.

After a thirty minutes ride Ethan stopped at spot and brought and black scarlet that he used in tying Sarah's eyes despite her refusal.

Then he held her hands and started leading to where she didn't know, after a two minutes walk they stopped and then Ethan told her that they are already at the place, that he will count out of three and after that she can remove the scarlet and she nodded in agreement.

Ethan then started counting "one, two and three" and Immediately she removed the scarlet she heard people shout "surprise!". What she saw after that left her breathless. It was a huge restaurant and in the front was written in bold "ELLA'S DELICACES" she couldn't believe her eyes. Immediately she ran and hugged Ethan and laid a kiss on his lips and thanking him over and over again.

Immediately she turned she saw Mrs Whata and some of her colleagues in Whataburger who were all clapping for her including some of Ethan's friends.

After that they ask her to give a speech which she did and then they gave her a scissors which she used in cutting the rope that they used in blocking the entrance. It was a little inauguration ceremony that Ethan specially organised and everything was recorded in oder to keep the memory.

After that Ethan showed her around the restaurant and also gave her the documents of the restaurant which she signed because Ethan bought the restaurant in her name. Around twelve PM the ceremony was over and everyone returned to the various activities except Ethan, Ella and Mr Whata who was giving Ella some tips on how to run the restaurant successfully.

After their discussion he congratulated her again and gave Ethan a hand shake before taking his leave.

After Mr Whata's departure Ethan looked at his wrist watch and informed Ella that he too will be taking his leave because he had an appointment with Mr Bernard around one PM but before leaving Ethan informed her that he have employed some waitresses that will be helping her in the restaurant and that they will be coming around two PM so she had to wait and interview them.

Ella was overwhelmed with happiness she didn't know how to repay Ethan for his kindness towards her.As Ethan was about to leave she drew him back and planted a kiss on his lips again and thanked him again but Ethan told her not to mention it that it's just the beginning.

Mr Bernard was inside his office going through the monthly reports that his secretary sent him. He kept peering into the screen of the computer through his transparent optical glasses while tapping the keyboard. As he was going through the reports his phone that was on the table started ringing, he took the phone and looked at the caller ID and saw that it was his secretary. Immediately he picked the call the secretary informed him that Mr Ethan wanted to see him and he told her to let him in.

In less than a minute he heard a knock on the door and he told the person to come in. Immediately Ethan came in he stood up and stretched his hand for a hand shake to which he responded then after the greetings he sat down and also invited Ethan to sit down.

"So Ethan how much loan do you need?" Mr Bernard asked Ethan

"Well I'll be needing fifty million dollars"Ethan informed "And I'll be paying back in a year".

"But Mr Ethan your company is actually doing well so why will you be needing such a huge amount of money?" Mr Bernard inquired.

"Well there's this cousin of mine who just returned from Germany and he has just established his textile company here and he invited me to become one of his shareholders so I wanted to invest one billion into his company as a shareholder, I already have half a million so I'll add it to the fifty I'm about to take to make it one billion ." Ethan explained

"Ok I see"Mr Bernard responded. Then he handed him some documents to sign after that he informed him that his accountant will go through the documents as usual and that he'll receive the loan in less than twenty four hours.