
Chapter 4

The early morning sunlight has engulfed the whole New York city as people could been seen running helter scatter trying to attend to their various daily activities as it was a Monday morning generally the beginning of a new week. Meanwhile Mr Bernard was in his office going through some files when his phone started ringing. He checked the called and saw that its his accountant calling,immediately he picked the call and placed it on his ear:

"Hello Lucy how are you" Mr Bernard asked the accountant.

I'm fine sir" she responded "I wanted to inform you that Mr Ethan masters just repaid the fifteen million dollars he borrowed with the total interest."She informed.

"Oh that's good" he responded before hanging up the call. After the call he smiled and whispered to himself "that's why I love that boy her never owes me time". As he was about to drop the phone he received another incoming call, once he saw the caller id he picked it immediately.

"Hi Patrick any good news?" Mr Bernard asked

"Yes sir the ship containing the goods just arrived and we are already transporting it to the warehouse"

"Wonderful anything else?"

"Yes sir, we captured Anthony this morning at the airport he was trying to escape"

"That mother fucker," he muttered to himself." I'll be in the warehouse in thirty minutes" he informed

"OK sir" Patrick responded from the other side of the phone.

After the discussion he took his car key and phone and left his office and started heading to the warehouse.

Mr Bernard is one of the best syndicate in New York city. He is engaged is many illegal activities such as drug trafficking and arm trafficking.

He is also engaged in money bleaching. He supplies weapons to many illegal terrorist organizations around the world. He is also the best drug supplier in New York and also around the world.

However he never has problems with the government because he has many of his relatives that are in politics who covers his back because his finances their political parties.Their relationship can be compared to "watch my back and I watch your back" relationship.

He also invested in some legal activities that he uses to cover his back such as Bernard Finance a non governmental loan organization that loans huge amount of money to millionaires and billionaires with a low interest rate. Many famous millionaires and billionaires prefer to take loans from Mr Bernard's company rather than the bank because of the low interest rate including Ethan.

In less than thirty minutes Mr Bernard was already at the ware house.

Once he got in the two guards who were well armed greeted him and immediately Patrick came out too and greeted him. "Where is that mother fucker" Mr Bernard asked Patrick with an angry tone. Immediately Patrick led him to where his he was kept.

He was tied on a chair, blood was gushing out from his nose and mouth and they covered his eyes with a black scarlet. One of the guards that was watching over him brought a chair for Mr Bernard and he sat down and gave them a sign to remove the scarlet used in covering his eyes. When they removed the scarlet and Anthony saw Mr Bernard sitting in front of him with a gun in his hand he started begging for his life.

"Shut up" Mr Bernard shouted. "Just shut your fucking mouth. Do you think that you can run away with my cash?" Mr Bernard asked with a smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry Don B I invested the money in my Bitcoin business but it didn't go as I planned and I lost everything" Anthony explained with tears flowing from his eyes.

"Well you should have explained that to me instead of trying to escape with my cash"

"Please Don B don't kill me I have a family" Anthony pleaded with tears rolling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry my friend but this is where the journey ends for you". With that statement he pointed the gun at his forehead and pulled the trigger boom the bullet sank directly into his brain and he fell down like a dried leaf blood gushing from his head.

"Clean up this mess" Mr Bernard commanded Patrick handing the pistol to him."I don't want any stories like the last time"

"Yes sir" Patrick responded collecting the pistol from Mr Bernard

"Lucas come and show me the new goods that just arrived" he commanded one of his guards who followed him immediately.

Meanwhile it has being such a busy day in Whataburger. Ella and her friend Sarah and the other attendants has been busy attending to the various clients who have being coming in and going out from the restaurant. Around three P.M the number of clients in the restaurant seems to have reduced and Sarah who have noticed the good mood of her friend Ella and how she has being smiling to herself decided to enquire the source of her happiness.

"Hi Ella how are you?" Sarah greeted as she approached Ella who was busy in the kitchen cleaning and arranging the dishes and other utensils used by the previous clients.

"Hi Sarah I'm fine" She responded still arranging the plates.

"So babe what's up I've notice that since morning you have been smiling all to yourself" what's the good news.

What that question Ella stopped arranging the plates and turned towards Sarah smiling. "It's nothing" she responded "I'm just happy today."

Sarah gave her an are you sure look. "Or have Ethan finally taken you out" Sarah asked.

Ella nodded in affirmation smiling.

"Wow" Sarah exclaimed. So that's why you have being smiling to yourself since morning?. Sarah asked smiling. too

Ella nodded in agreement still blushing.

"So what happened?" Sarah enquired.

Ella narrated everything that happened to Sarah including how Ethan took her to one of the best and expensive restaurant in New York, how he also took her to the mall and asked her to pick anything she desired and finally how she kissed Ethan.

"Wow" Sarah exclaimed "But you shouldn't have kissed him first, you should've allowed him to make the first move" Sarah advised.

"It's true but I don't know what got over me I think I'm falling for him."Sarah admitted shyly

"Someone is in love with a billionaire " Sarah teased."But babe don't rush things so that he won't think you are cheap or you are throwing yourself at him" Sarah advised.

"I understand babe" Ella said to Sarah hugging her."And thanks for your concern"

"What are friends for?" Sarah asked.

After the discussion Sarah helped Ella in cleaning and arranging the remaining plates. As Ella was about to go back to the restaurant Sarah called her back and borrowed her phone with the excuse that the battery of her phone just ran low and she needed to do an urgent call. Immediately Ella left she entered into her contacts and copied Ethan's number from Ella's phone after which she joined her and gave her back her phone.