
Endless Reincarnation Into The Fictional Omniverse

A bored ROB (Random Omnipotent Being which is Panda) sneezed and killed an Otaku College Student named Xing Ye (Starry Night in English and Seiya in Japanese). Panda didn't start a conversation since Panda ignored him as he immediately banish him into a newly created Fictional Omniverse with a random gift, he pick with his eyes closed using a slot machine. Xing Ye will acquire one random permanent ability for every time he reincarnates. Xing Ye thought it wasn't a bad deal until he finally knew what world he reincarnated into. The first world he reincarnated to was the world of the Detective Conan where any murder can happen as long as the Death God named Conan goes there. Xing Ye only knew that it was the World of Detective Conan because he accidently saw the newspaper when he was 1 years old and saw titled saying Inspector Megure with his partner Police Officer Mouri Kogoro has successfully stop the criminal's plan to bomb Shinjuku. *I do not own the cover image, found it on pinterest and the character's name in the picture is Horikawa Kunihiro which is a fan art since the anime Touken Ranbu only shows the teenage looking Horikawa Kunihiro. *Updates will not be stable *This Fanfic focuses on a Harem Goal. *This is a +18 Fanfic with a lot of sexual and dangerous content, you have been warned *Don't Bash, English is not my forte. Panda's master is the google translate which means a lot of robot like text *Just like Stephen Strange: Yeah, you know, you really should have stolen (Readed) the whole book (Introduction) because the warnings... The warnings come *after* the spells (reading it).

PandaWanKenobi · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 30: Tropical Land 1

The Tropical Land opens at 9:00 am in the morning and it was only 8:20 am when Seiya arrived in which he still has to find a free parking lot, When he found a parking lot. He saw three little kids anxiously checking their bags. they were very familiar to him at least he have watch them a lot of times in his previous life memories. He parked his 1962 black Chevrolet Corvette C1 before walking towards the three of them as he heard their panic and anxious voice.

"I... ca....n't find the tickets!!" - Mitsuhiko-kun nervously tried looking inside his bag

"What do we do?!" - Genta-kun angrily shouting

"We only have enough pocket money to go home and buy some snacks.*sniff*.." -Ayumi starting to let out tears as she counted the money they have.

Seiya suddenly felt bad as he saw Ayumi putting out the crying face, he walks towards them as he asked carefully like a big brother and not the stalker style as that would make police try to arrest him as they look at him with disgust.

"What's wrong? are guys okay?"

Genta and Mitsuhiko became vigilant as they saw Seiya, a stranger asking them a question but Ayumi who saw the handsome Seiya couldn't help but run towards his leg as she hugs it while saying.

"Handsome big brother! Can you help us? We don't have enough money to buy new tickets for the Amusement Park. "

Ayumi's big shiny eyes was like a cute cat wanting to be coax, Seiya gently touch and rub her hair as he said.

"Why not? I am kind of new to this place and from what I noticed it seems that you kids know the place so how about we make a deal? I buy you guys the tickets while treating you for some lunch and snacks while you guys can become my guide into the Tropical Land. How about it? Isn't this a fair deal?"

Seiya gently spoke of a deal that was hard to refuse, while Genta and Mitsuhiko were deciding. Ayumi immediately spoke as she smiled happily.

"Its a deal!"

"Ayumi-chan..." -Mitsuhiko feeling like they were getting kidnap.

"Lets do a pinky swear so that the person who breaks the promise will eat some sour medicine." -Seiya acting like a big brother

"Okay!" -Ayumi immediately did a pinky swear with Seiya

Genta and Mitsuhiko paled as they saw Ayumi promising Seiya since if they break their promise, Seiya might feed them some sour medicine. But thinking of the good deal made them feel better as the two of them began planning what rides they should do. Ayumi who felt tired from the panic attack a few minutes ago motioned Seiya to go down as she wraps her arm around his neck while asking Seiya.

"Big brother, can you carry me?"

"Sure, for a cute little girl like you. My arms are always available."

Seiya happily carried Ayumi which made the two boys jealous, Ayumi felt that this handsome big brother feels very comfortable and a little cold which made her want to be close to him in a very hot day. Seiya ask the boys to follow him as he will buy the tickets, the time was 8:40 am as there were still 20 minutes before the Amusement park opens. The security didn't stop them because Ayumi and Seiya looks like sibling because of some similar expression, he bought four VIP tickets as they entered the area where it is not crowded.

He talk to Ayumi who rub her head onto his neck like a cat wanting it's owner, meanwhile Genta and Mitsuhiko had already design which ride they should play first before going to the next one. They waited for 10 minutes before the security let the VIP enter the Tropical Land where Mitsuhiko lead the group towards the first ride which was the children's flying ride that would fly up and down in a circular movement, this was an easy and fun ride but for Ayumi who seem to be scared of heights held his hand very tightly as she hugs Seiya's waist while whispering.

"Big brother I'm scared!"

Seiya stared at Ayumi's expression before saying.

"Don't worry, just close your eyes while holding me tightly. It will be over soon~"

Seiya swear that he could see Ayumi acting scared as she just tried to take another whiff of his scent, he was pretty sure that Ayumi is transforming into the second Ayako. Genta and Mitsuhiko felt sour as they saw Seiya and Ayumi hugging, they turned their face at the opposite side as the ride they were at felt meaningless. The next ride that Mitsuhiko recommended was River cruise ride, it was the one where Conan used a boat to escape with Ran from the doctor killer.

This time Ayumi and the kids were scared because the sea dinosaur that appeared were very close to their boat, Seiya could only coax Ayumi with his hug and scent while the two had their legs trembling. After this ride, Seiya lead them to the nearest restaurant that serves delicious lunch. Ayumi kept on clinging onto Seiya's neck as the two boys carefully walks with their legs still trembling from the horror they experienced, Seiya asked.

"How about we eat over here?"

"Do they have eel bento?" -Genta

"I think so, this looks like a seafood restaurant. Genta-kun, do you like eel?" -Seiya

"Hmn! *Genta nodding as he wipes the saliva from his face* I love Eel with Rice!" -Genta

"Then it is decided, we shall eat here!" -Seiya

Seiya asked the waiter for a table of 4 as they look at the menu of the restaurant, Ayumi ordered Fried Calamari while Mitsuhiko ordered Fish and Chips as Genta only ordered two meals of Tempura Eel under Ayumi's glare as she felt embarrass if her classmate would eat a lot in front of the handsome big brother she felt like the prince of her story. Meanwhile Seiya ordered 2 orders of what the kids ordered which made the waitress have doubts if he could ever finish it. As they were waiting for their meal, Seiya heard someone calling him which made him turned around and saw his old acquaintance.

"Oh? Brother Seiya, is that you?" -Ran

"Hmnn? Oh! aren't you Shin-chan and Ran-chan? Are you guys on a date?"

"Huh?! What date?! This was a promise reward for her winning her Karate Match!" -Shinichi

Ran blushes as she heard the question about dating but when she heard Shinichi's grumpy statement, one big bump appeared on Shinichi's head as he quietly settled down in the chair close their table. Although Shinichi was mad about the case one year ago, he still admire Seiya because of the cases he solved. The newspaper in L.A even gave Seiya a Title as the American Sherlock Holmes which made Shinichi wanting to be the Sherlock Holmes of Japan, of course Seiya didn't know about that title because at that time he was too busy figuring out how to retire without causing too much reluctant feeling of his co-worker. Mouri Ran asked as she curiously look at the three kids with Seiya.

"Seiya-san are these your relatives?"

"No, they are my guide for the tropical land."

Seiya explained their situation which made Mouri Ran chuckled, while Shinichi felt bored. Seiya did this because he knew if Shinichi started the conversation maybe Ran will feel very bored since he could feel Shinichi's desire to speak about cases that he solved, even at the time they met in New York Musical Performance. Mouri Ran was like a gentle wife while Shinichi was like an arrogant playboy who talks crap, so leading the conversation would make the girl interested while the boy more focus on their surrounding.

It was unknown if this was planned by Seiya as Shinichi saw two strange people wearing black suit in the middle of the day, Seiya also noticed it but focuses onto Ran speak about what has happened in her daily life while also adding the fact that she is Sonoko's friend and text mate. After 10 minutes, both of their meals arrive which made Ran widen her eyes as she look at Seiya's food. Mouri Ran couldn't help but ask.

"Seiya-san, Can you really finish all of that?"

"He can, I saw him eat a couple of plates full of food a long time ago.." -Kudo

Shinichi said while observing Seiya weirdly because he was also curious on why is this big brother is still thin after eating so much. Seiya continued on devouring in a etiquette manner, this shock everyone including the other who was going to eat in the restaurant. It only took him 10 minutes to finish everything as he wipe his mouth with a tissue, he cough as he said which made everyone mind their own business.

"*cough* Its rude to stare at people eating!"

"*cough* Sorry.." -Civilian

The waiter and waitress help removed the plates as everyone continued in eating while Seiya stared at the dessert in the menu which made the Waitress and the Waiter feel nervous, they thought the same thing.

'He is still going for the dessert?"

"*cough* Can I order 2 complete Apricot Pie, while also three puddings and some honey syrup for the kids.."

"It will be coming right up!"

The kids didn't know how Seiya knew their favorite dessert but this made the three kids very happy as Mouri Ran look at the three while envying of their feeling of happiness, meanwhile Shinichi ate like a sloppy man which made Mouri Ran displease but she still bear with it. She didn't know why but she suddenly felt like something bad was about to happen.

Panda just noticed how Panda screwed himself in creating the timeline of the second world, anyway. Panda will try to ignore the timeline and just connect things up, there will be a lot of age errors and plot errors in the second world..

PandaWanKenobicreators' thoughts