
Endless Reincarnation Into The Fictional Omniverse

A bored ROB (Random Omnipotent Being which is Panda) sneezed and killed an Otaku College Student named Xing Ye (Starry Night in English and Seiya in Japanese). Panda didn't start a conversation since Panda ignored him as he immediately banish him into a newly created Fictional Omniverse with a random gift, he pick with his eyes closed using a slot machine. Xing Ye will acquire one random permanent ability for every time he reincarnates. Xing Ye thought it wasn't a bad deal until he finally knew what world he reincarnated into. The first world he reincarnated to was the world of the Detective Conan where any murder can happen as long as the Death God named Conan goes there. Xing Ye only knew that it was the World of Detective Conan because he accidently saw the newspaper when he was 1 years old and saw titled saying Inspector Megure with his partner Police Officer Mouri Kogoro has successfully stop the criminal's plan to bomb Shinjuku. *I do not own the cover image, found it on pinterest and the character's name in the picture is Horikawa Kunihiro which is a fan art since the anime Touken Ranbu only shows the teenage looking Horikawa Kunihiro. *Updates will not be stable *This Fanfic focuses on a Harem Goal. *This is a +18 Fanfic with a lot of sexual and dangerous content, you have been warned *Don't Bash, English is not my forte. Panda's master is the google translate which means a lot of robot like text *Just like Stephen Strange: Yeah, you know, you really should have stolen (Readed) the whole book (Introduction) because the warnings... The warnings come *after* the spells (reading it).

PandaWanKenobi · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 29: Ekoda High School

The next morning, Seiya woke up feeling energetic as he went to the bathroom and took a hot shower. Sonoko who didn't sleep the whole night had dark eyelids as she slowly walks toward the bathroom, her sister didn't seem to secretly try to knock her out so she sighed in relief without knowing a certain purplish eyes was staring at her in the hallway as Seiya opened the bathroom door. Sonoko looks toward the victim of yesterday's midnight attack as her sleepy eyes widen.

Seiya's upper body was naked as he used a towel to dry his hair, if Sonoko's biology teacher were to ask Sonoko a question right now.

"What makes people nose bleed?"

Sonoko will answer without hesitation.

"A handsome yet muscular man showing his naked upper body!"

Sonoko's nose began to bleed as she spoke while stuttering. The purplish eyes in the dark corner of the hallway trembled as the edge beside the purplish eyes began to crack.

"Wh...Why ar..re you naked?!"

"Naked? I'm not, I just forgot to bring my shirt."

Seiya spoke helplessly as the towel covered his eyes while drying his hair, Sonoko couldn't help but ran towards the bathroom door. But she suddenly slips as Seiya fast reaction drops the towel while his hand was going to stop Sonoko from falling down to the ground, Sonoko who was saved by Seiya was relief but when she opened her eyes. She saw Seiya's crystal blue eyes like the ocean as his scent was accidently whiff onto her nose. The background was changing into a ballroom as it seems like they were doing a tango, when she heard the speaker saying.

"Now look at that! That's what I call TANGO! Please clap your hands for Mr. and Mrs. Karasuma."

Sonoko heard the clapping as she turned around only to see herself and her partner which was Seiya in the middle of the show. She blush as the imaginary Seiya slowly caress her cheek while saying.

"I love you, Mrs. Karasuma.."

I love you too..."

"Hello? Are you okay?"

Sonoko who was stuck in the dream world began to notice that the background was transforming back to the original as Seiya who was looking at her had a question mark on top of his head. Sonoko couldn't help but transform into a red steam train as she rush towards the bathroom and close the door. Seiya shrug his shoulder as he walks toward his bedroom to pick a shirt to wear, they didn't notice that the purplish eyes in the dark corner disappeared as what remained on it's place was a few drops of blood while the whole edge of the hallway had a few cracks.

The crime scene left by the purplish eyes in the dark corner of the hallway made the Suzuki maids create a scary rumor about ghost wandering inside the mansion as it stared at them which made others pale, as a few people wanted to resign their jobs. But that incident will happen a few months later. After a few minutes, Seiya left the Suzuki Mansion using the car that Shiro gave to him as a gift last night. It was a 1962 Black Chevrolet Corvette c1 which had a license plate number named D0CT0R1, He was fully satisfied with the car as it was inclined with his taste. Seiya's meeting with the principal starts at 7:30 am while the time in his watch was 7 am, he had 30 minutes left so he drove the car in full speed.

It took him 10 minutes before arriving inside the parking lot of the school, He called the principal who immediately went down of his office and escorted Seiya onto his office, in which they began talking about his job. While Seiya was asking about the things that should be available in the clinic, he noticed a chubby black cat staring at them outside the office window. Although it seems like the black cat was acting cute with his chubby cheek, Seiya could already assumed that the student witch of the school is spying on them. He thought of a magic item that she have which was the crystal ball that can predict the future.

He was intrigue on what she saw which made her spy on him the moment he entered the school. After 30 minutes, Seiya and the Principal finished their meeting as he handed over a faculty I.D and a Parking Lot number which gives him a free parking space inside the school. Seiya then went back to his car as he thought of what he was going to do today, who knew a random flyer flew toward his car. He curiously look at the flyer which shows the amusement park of the Tropical Land.

Seiya smiled as he started the car and drove toward the Tropical Land, he wanted to experience the amusement park of the anime. He didn't know that on the roof top of the Ekoda High School was a red hair girl staring at Seiya's disappearing car while her hand was holding a cracked crystal ball, she muttered before riding her broom towards the cloudy sky.

"Interesting....Why can't I spy on your future..."

The Plot is beginning!!!

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