

"Ah, Lucas, found you!"

"Oh, were you looking for me? Sorry if I caused you to go on some wild search."

"It's fine, but I don't think I've ever seen you come here. Why a junkyard of all places?"

"... See that sprout over there?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Isn't it amazing how life can come out of shit like this? It just grows without rules. Who knows, maybe it will fully grow one day. Or it might die. Anyways, were you here for something?"

"Well, I mostly just wanted to talk, I'm bored."

"Yep, school will do that to ya. By the way, what exactly are you studying?"

"Well... astrology. I know, doesn't seem like something I'd do, but I like to stargaze, and sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I could float in the emptiness of space with all of them, glistening brightly all around me. I'd be beautiful..."

"... Well, I do have something that can help with that..."

"Eh? What are you talking about?



"Relax, I'm not gonna force you or anything, BUT, I will say it's not as bad as those idiots say it is."


"Look, you can try it once, and if you hate it, I'll never give it to you again! Deal?"

"I... I guess..."

"That's the spirit! Ready to go to space pal?!"

"... Yeah! Yeah, I'm ready!"

Play Flashback by ARForest