
1A-5: Welcome to our space

Issac woke up in the bright world again, but his eyes were prepared this time. He looked around to see the two separate sides, still there. He wondered if there was anyone on the darker side since the bright side had nothing but rubble. But what was on the other side? He wouldn't venture there until he knew the definite answer to this question.

So because of this, he continued to walk through the empty white void. He kept walking and walking with no end in sight. Was this purgatory? Had he died when he fell down the hill? Does this mean he would see Lucas? Probably not. Eventually, he happened upon something. A tree surrounded by a massive lake. Its trunk was completely white but its leaves were pale green. How beautiful. But upon closer inspection, he saw Lucas's name engraved on the trunk. Was he here?

"Well, yeah, there isn't much else around."

Issac turned his head to see a ghastly figure of Lucas floating behind him, upside down. He completely froze. He hadn't seen him in a dream in awhile...

"But this isn't a dream."

What? How did-

"I know your thoughts? We are in the same state of mind, our thoughts are connected. You missed me as much as I missed you, right?"

Issac slowly nodded his head, still in shock.

"I know, I miss you too. But, since you managed to make it here, that means we can hang out like we used to!" He pulled out a cigarette, thought of a lighter, and one came to him. "Thanks for all of these, by the way, I mean I could always make these myself, but getting one from you feels more special, ya know?"

"Y- yeah..." Issac was talking to his dead friend. How was he supposed to react to this? He was just dreaming, right? But maybe it would be better to just talk to Lucas, even for a little bit.

"So, have you just been here this whole time?"

Lucas let out a puff. "Yeah, I don't see anything else but that dark side, and I don't trust it, neither do you."

To have someone read your thought, with little to no control or privacy was very

"Invading? Yeah, but I can't stop myself. Like, literally. I can't stop myself. I can hear everything you say."

"Then why can't I hear anything you say?"

"I don't know, maybe cuz I'm a spooky ghost!"

"Well, what have you been up to this whole time? With all this nothingness around, you must have felt lonely."

"Actually, no! Every time you came to talk to me, I could always hear you! It's like getting a call, but yeah it does get lonely in here after a while. Anyways, what have you been up to?"


Play Axium Crisis by ak+q

Thanks to everyone for reading my story! I'm sorry I've been so spotty with my updates but with the quarantine, my teachers think it's ok to give me work on the weekend??? Also, I just haven't had much inspiration as of late and I don't want to write half good chapters, so please bear with me!

ArudAstracreators' thoughts