
1B-2: A run-in with lunatics

"Yes, a quick glance can possibly hurt me." Lucas thought to himself as he walked closer and closer to doom. He called it doom because he didn't know what awaited him, but he really shouldn't jump to conclusions. Perhaps it wasn't as bad as he thought?

The first thing he saw was burnt down buildings, and massacre everywhere.

"Wow, some fucked up shit went down here. Maybe it's not too late to turn back…" But it was. When he turned around, he saw another man before him.

"HEHEHEHE, WHY HELLO THERE!!! I HAVEN'T SEEN A HUMAN IN AWHILE!!! I KILLED THE OTHER ONES YOU KNOW!!! HOW DO YOU DO GOOD SIR?!? WOULD YOU LIKE TO DIE?!?" Who was this maniac?! Lucas stepped back a little more until he realized he was falling off a cliff. He reached out for the crazed man who only waved bye to him.

He flailed around helplessly with nothing to cling onto. For some reason, he started to slow down as he reached the bottom. "OH BOO HOO! YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED!"

"WAIT! Can you at least help me out?!"

"If I wasn't gonna help you before, why would I help you now? Take a hint idiot!" The man cackled as he ran off. This had been a bad idea from the start. This really was his doom. What was he going to do?! He wouldn't starve, but he surely would go bored! Well… actually… it's not like he had anything to do back at the tree. Maybe Issac would come to look for him when he came back! He just had to wait.

Standing up, he realized he wasn't in a hole. He was in a crater, a very steep one. He headed towards the middle, hoping to find something. And he did! A massive sphere floated in the middle. A single crackle in the middle let rays of light shine through it.

"Heyif ne edirsen?!" Huh? Who was that?

"我问你,你在做什么?!" Lucas frantically looked left and right but saw no one.

"Εδώ πάνω!" Lucas couldn't see who was talking…

"Ugh, can you understand me now? Why do you humans have to have so many damn languages?"

Lucas finally turned to the sphere to see a boy sitting on top of the sphere casually.

"I asked what you are doing here."

"Uh… well, I slipped-"

"Don't be silly. I know why you are really here."

"No, I literally just slipped down."

"So you say you're not here to seek answers?"

"Seek answers? To what?"

"To any question you could have. Why don't you ask?"

"I mean, I don't have anything, in particular, I want to know…"

"Really? Think about it. I'm sure you'll think of something important. I'll let you out of here when you ask."

Lucas thought for a moment… then he remembered. Something had felt off ever since he started talking to Issac again.

"Am… am I supposed to be here?"

"Ah, see? I knew you'd think of something."

The boy's eyes began to glow crimson red as the sphere began to glow brighter and brighter. And in an instant, Lucas knew exactly what he had to do.

Play Reinvent by Sound Souler