
1B-1: Despair

Brian had loved exploring this world, he had encountered quite a few people, even two pirates! He loved the sort of freedom to explore, but today was the day he would venture off into the conflict side of the world.

He had heard some very bad things from there. Drug abusers, murderers... arsonists. But he hoped that by spreading the light... maybe be could make this world even better than it was. He prepped his things, and even requested some climbing gear. He knew that side could be quite unstable, structurally. He also brought a timer to let him know when to leave. Too much time there can corrupt one's mind and send them into a manic state.

As he crossed over, he immediately felt the difference. There was an intense change in pressure, as if he was carrying another 3 bricks. Although that wasn't the main problem. It stunk of smoke everywhere and his nostrils were drying out quickly. Luckily, he brought some water as well. He looked around to see if he could see the source of the fire.

That's when he saw a nearby cathedral up in flames.

He ran towards to see if anyone was hurt. That's when he heard screams coming from inside. He leaped through the fire to look for the victim... but it was too late. The corpse of a young man laid there, completely burnt. But it was still screaming in agony. Brian heard the structure beginning to collapse and he leaped outside into the courtyard just as it came down.

He... had left the other one to die in there... That could have been prevented... yes, that man's death was his fault. He could have done something but he didn't. He just left him there. Yes... all his fault...

He exited the cathedral only to see the next building in front of him was already in flames. If he was going to do that man right, he would have to put an end to these fires. Brian gritted his teeth, and stated running towards the next burning building. He wouldn't let fear control him and despair invade his heart!

Play Dream goes on by Tiny Minim