
1A-1: Burn it down

At a young age, Victor loved to play with fire. Matches, lighters, and fire starters were always his favorite. When his parents told him that Santa would give him coal for Christmas if he misbehaved, he attempted to burn down the neighbor's house. Unfortunately, the smell of the gas was too strong and woke everyone inside the building up. He had gone to a Juvenile Hall for awhile before the court decided he was just too young and innocent to have meant any harm.

Even though he did.

He first found the world of light on accident, he had simply been stumbling around town when he noticed a peculiar shard of glass on the ground. Since he generally loved harmful objects, he ran to pick it up, but before he made reach it, it had disappeared. And when he went to sleep, he awoke. He didn't know how to leave, but he was somewhat excited to see what he could do here. Plus he had an alarm so if this was a dream he would wake up easily.

All around him we're strange shards of glass, which made him very happy to be there. He didn't really care about the memories, he just grabbed one and swung it around. After his first arson at such a young age, burning small things like paper and wood was quite boring. He wanted to burn something... but what? It had to be something massive and tall so he could watch it crumb to pieces. He searched around to find a canyon of sorts, a maze, and finally a cathedral. This was exactly what he was looking for.

He learned he could request almost anything and it would be summoned to him. "Gimme some gas" Suddenly in his hands was a gas container, filled to the brim. He opened it and started running around, carelessly throwing the fluid on everything. He ran into the cathedral to find two dead bodies... well one. The other was breathing but completely torn to shreds.

"And what happened to you?" The practically lifeless body simply stared back. Eh, whatever, he poured some gas on the body too and it screamed it pain as the gas fell into his wounds. Victor simply smiled and skipped away.

After awhile he was sure he had finished drenching the place in gas. The place smelled nice... for now. As he exited from the other side, he made one small trail leading out. "Matches" He had a box full of them now. He stuck one, and after watching it's beautiful glow, he let it fall, and the fire raced up the path and set the place ablaze. He was sure he could hear the screams of the body coming from inside the place. "Pillow" He placed it on the ground to sit and watch the place crumble to pieces.

I guess some people really do just want to watch the world burn.

Play Avant Raze by Sampling Masters MEGA