
The end

"You're fired".....

said Mr Jones my boss. I knew it I knew it that Tara won't stop at nothing until I get fired. My face remained expressionless as I gave out a snort " mmmh do you think that your company is the only one with jobs, there are a lot of companies that need my talent."

After collecting the files on the desk I turned around facing my ex boss " this I promise you, you will regret firing me." with that I left the office returning to my cabin to pack my stuff. "Garthy" I heard some one call my name I turned to look at the person calling me I found Yolanda my best friend. see her I immediately lost control of my emotions, burying my face on my face on her chest letting all of my grievances out.

After sometime I was only whimpering " am sorry I didn't know that it would be this serious ". Yolanda paused " gart.....

" what did I do wrong to Tara , if she wanted the promotion she would have said it but not framing me and me fired....what did I do wrong....."

I couldn't stand this anymore never did I stand any Tara's way she schemed, lay traps for others but never have I stood in her way but why uh why me.

"Yolanda I have to go who knows what else she might be planning uh" I smirked .

"sure thing darling I will drop by if I definitely have a chance." giving her a side hug I took my backpack alongside my purse as I once again scanned my cabin in which I spent my good and bad memories for four good year's. Slowly lifting into small sad simple smile I left the cabin as I walked out of the company.

I was so lost my thoughts that I didn't notice that some one was in front of me

" aaaaaaah "

was the sound that brought be back to planet Earth.

"sorry I didn't not........

I didn't even finish a heavy slap landed on my cheek

" you did it on purpose right ??? seriously Garthy can you at least have mercy on a pregnant woman "

That's when I registered what was happening ( Christ why do I have to be so unlucky that of all people I have to come cross these bumpkins)

"it's okay Austin she can't bare to see you happy that's why she's trying everything to take away your happiness let's just leave her alone" Tara said sheepishly. sometimes I even wonder how Austin fell for her tricks.

" I apologise for my rude behavior now if you would please excuse me I have something important I want to do". with that I left them. hailing a taxi i went straight to my apartment. Taking a shower, putting on my oversized sweatshirt, ripped short, babyish pink flip-flops and my headphones I left my apartment trying to get a breather from everything happing around me.

The park is my favorite place when it comes to relaxing. I spotted an empty bench in a secluded spot my lips lifted in a small smile ( just what I needed ) I thought.

A lot of things have been happening in my life. Tara framed me of licking the company's most confidential information to their rivalry company, which led me to lose the chance of being promoted. Not only that she as well seduced my boyfriend and got pregnant of which I doubt if he's the father.

I left my family and come to the city in search of a job life haven't been easy now here I am jobless I don't even know where to start from. Tears unknowingly left my Making my cheeks wet.

I sobbed silently. lifting my head I spotted a handkerchief stretch out to me following the hand I saw a man " take it " the man said. I took the handkerchief while saying my thank you wiping my tears the man asked " do you mind if I sit down beside you". I nodded "sure thing".

silence engulfed us as we watched families enjoy their time.

" you seem to be troubled "he asked.

" it's more than troubled..... more than... problems....I wish...I wish that I wasn't born" the man embraced me as he parted my back I don't know why but I found his embrace comfortable.

" I don't no what you are going through but you have to stay strong for your loved ones"he said.

"This is the last time this is the end I will never let my enemies celebrate this should be the end of my suffering." while weeping my tear.