

writers pvo

Garthy woke up due to the loud alarm. Doing the daily routines showering and cleaning of her apartment. The way she is carrying herself it's like Sha has flipped over to the next page leaving everything that happened yesterday like it never happened.

"Delay is not Denial, everything gat it's own time so be strong " these words kept playing in Garthy's mind. these where the words the stranger told her, the silver eyed stranger.

He was carrying the air of nobility around him sure thing the guy is not a simple person. Too bad Garthy couldn't see his face cause he wore a mask.

Glaring at the handkerchief in her a blush crept on her face as she remembered how he embraced her.


"Master breakfast is saved," said the maid outside the door.

"alright" said a deep hoarse voice

Meet Gerant Evans a might billionaire, one of the most eligible bachelor in town and on top of that a mafia King.

Gerant lay in a big bed that might be able to acquire five people at most. glaring the ceiling he seems to not for get what happened yesterday at the park. He some how felt uncomfortable when he saw the lady crying. He had no choice but to step in ( since when did I ever give a darmn about someone's private affairs this is darmn uncomfortable).

He some how couldn't stop thinking about the lady. uh' shrugging off this thought he decided to not think about the lady ( she's just a stranger we won't meet again).

With that thought he left for work. Gerant being the only son in his family accompanied by twins specifically girls. It's some how crazy that he is the one in his family with silver eyes, his mother has sky blue eyes together with the girls while his father has chocolate brown eyes.

No one city M not even his employees knows how the son of the might king Evan's looks like. All they know is that he has a son.

It's rare to see Gerant in a suit, when he's going out, because he's always in hoodies, face masks and sunglasses even at work and meetings to make matters worse he conceals his eye color with brown ones and diamond earrings to make him more mysterious.

Soft music was playing in the background. Stepping on the brakes he spotted a familiar figure. ( it's her ) the one he thought that he will be able to forget but couldn't. releasing a deep breath he didn't Know where he was excited or annoyed with what he was feeling but he some how found it cute.

Garthy applied to a lot of companies looking for a job yet so far so bad nothing seems to be on her side. groaning in frustration she stamped her feet not caring about what around, some looked at her with pity, others with confusion, other in awe because everyone one why a beauty could be acting crazy.

Garthy's beauty was second to none having bewitching green eyes, thin pink lips, sized pointed nose, thin long lashes, fair white skin and black waist length silk soft hair, it can be said that it was a doll inform of a human.

A phone call is what brought Gerant to planet Earth "mmh" he responded

" sir, t-the directors are waiting for you," said his assistant while stammering.

"you can start i will come and take over when I reach there"

without hearing the response he hung up. (very well then will meet again Missy) with roll up the window of his car and drove off.

(i can't give up not now not now i can't give up I can do this yes I Know I can) Garthy kept chanting these words as she tried to keep calm. ' delay is not Denial keep cool keep it cool ' releasing a deep breath she continued looking for a job.

The sun was almost setting when she returned from the job hunt. checking the mail box she got the mails and went inside only checked less than five the rest she dumped them in the bin knowing that they are love letters.

after dinner Garthy laid down on the couch watching TV when a knock at the door disturbed her.


"duh what took you so long " Yolanda complained as she pushed through the day.

"I didn't know you were coming" said while settling " how are things going for you at work? " Garthy asked.

" My dear pumpkin ever since Tara got promoted we have been working like crazy maniacs......." they continued chatting until they slept off.


Gerant worked until 9pm Knocking off at 10pm, on his way he stopped by the park where he met her sitting on the bench he suddenly missed her without realizing it ( this is madness I think am going crazy this feeling is weird how can I miss some one I barely know oh my please please take away this feeling I don't like it ) gerant kept complaining cause he was feeling damn uncomfortable. Relaxing a bit he drove back deciding that he will spend the night at his apartment. On his way he received a call with a certain ringtone indicating where the call is coming from,

" mmh "

" boss other organizations are declaring war at us, what should we do," silence............... after sometime


" show them.what we gat"

"hehe boss I knew that you will never let these bumpkins off, um boss are you coming?" the person on the other side anxiously waiting for an answer.

" NO, the mess is too tiny for me to show up call me when you have good news to announce" hanging up without hearing back from the other side.

( so declaring war with me huh, looks like if I continue sitting like this I will forget how to walk ) a murderous intent flashed through the piercing silver eyes. stepping on the gas pedal the car flashed through the night leaving the dust behind dancing as the sky rumbled.