
Endless Infinity Gojo Satoru x OC

You may think that the life of sorcerers is a life everyone wants. But, the more closer you look, the deeper you dive into this world, the more you realize the darkness this life carries. Betrayal, death, loss, broken hearts... Amati Tanaka has learned that the hard way. Little did she know when entering Jujutsu High, that the life she loved, the moments spent with her friends, would one day vanish by acts of betrayal and death. Alone, she leaves Jujutsu High, travels away and builds her own life. But, she couldn't stay there permanently. About ten years later she returns. The only person left for her in Tokyo was Gojo. And little did she know he needed her, all these years. Just like she needed him. _________________ I DONT OWN JUJUTSU KAISEN. This is merely a fan fiction. This story holds everything. Action, entertainment, and romance. Hope you like it!

Anime_dreamer2324 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 13

*Mature theme:sexual activity by the end of this chapter——will give a warning before it starts.*

Amati Tanaka:


It's been a day after her stupid breakdown. And she hardly left her room.

But when she heard Geto left on a mission, only then did she get out of her room and went to the cafeteria.

Shoko was there—which was strange given her harsh medic schedule, but Amati was glad to see her.

"Oi Sho." She says, sitting beside her.

"Ami." She says, putting light pink nail polish on her pointer nail. "How are you?"

Horrible. Hurt. Tired. Confused. Angry. Furious.

"I'm good." She says. "What about you?"

"Good, but tired. I hardly slept this week. Too many experiments."

"I see. But at least you're still figuring out stuff."

"Yeah, I guess so." She looks at her. "Ah. You're hair is straighter."

"Yeah I straightened it today after showering."

"Ooo. It looks good on you though." She says.

"Shoko-san!" Someone yells from across the cafeteria.

"Hmm? Ijichi?"

"They need you down in the lab! Something important happened."

"Ughhhhh." Shoko whines. "Sorry Ami, duty calls."

"It's alright." She smiles and watches Shoko hurry up towards Ijichi.

Amati sighs and starts putting Shoko's nail polish on her own nails. When was the last time she's even done this?

"Oi! Amati! There you are! Whatchya doin'?"

"Hmm?" She looks up and finds Gojo standing right before her. "Oh Satoru. Ah, nothing actually. Just... killing time."

Gojo doesn't seem convinced. "Tell me what's wrong." He says sitting on a chair beside her

She's reminded of her words yesterday. Tell me. Tell me... she said to Geto.

She clenches her fists. Should she tell this to Satoru? Will he understand?

"It's something about Suguru, isn't it."

She looks at him, surprised he guessed it. She looks down. "Yeah. It is."

"Then tell me everything." He says.

She takes a deep breath and lets it all out. All of it.

And she's surprised by how much Gojo understood her.

"I can't believe both my best friends are in this hardship." He says, putting his head in his hand. "And after you told him all that yesterday, what did he do?"

"Nothing. I left. He didn't follow."

Gojo actually seems furious. "You're kidding."

"Well, you see me here alone, don't you?"

"I can't believe this. I mean I have noticed how both of you rarely hung out, but I mean, I thought it was mostly because of missions."

"I wish it was only because of missions." She smiles sadly.

"I'll talk to him." Gojo says.

"You don't have to." She says. "He might not want to hear it."

"No. He will hear it whether he likes it or not." He stands up.

"Satoru... I don't want to trouble you with this." She says.

"Amati, it's the least I can do for you." He says, and without another word, he leaves the cafeteria.


Suguru Geto:

Little did he expect Satoru to appear right before him while he headed back to Jujutsu High.

And not just that. He had an angry expression on his face.

"Can we talk?" He says, hands in his pockets.

Suguru sighs. "What is it."

"If you want to break up with Amati, it's your loss."

That makes Suguru raise his eyebrows in shock. "What?"

"You're torturing her by just keeping her in this relation without even giving her attention. You have two options." He puts his fist in the air. Raises one finger. "You either apologize to her." Second finger. "Or you let her go."

Suguru's eyes widen. "What? First that's non of your business."

"Second," Gojo interrupts, "Amati told me everything. And she was on the verge of tears as she spoke each word. She could have been happy for a whole year. Yet you hardly made her smile."

Geto takes that one sentence like a slap to his face.

"She's lonely. Either go apologize. Or let go." He turns around. "That's all I can say for now."

And he disappears, leaving Suguru attacked with all his own thoughts.


_8:00 pm_

Amati Tanaka:

She didn't see Gojo after he left. And she's worried, anxious.

What if... she closes her eyes. What if Suguru actually wants to break up?

She puts her arm over her eyes, lying on her bed. "Why did this have to happen?" She whispers.

She was about to drift to sleep, that is until—

Knock knock knock...

Amati's eyes open and she sits up.


Her heart sinks. No, no, no... she's not ready for him, no...

"Amati, please open up." Suguru says.

I wanna disappear.

I wanna shrink or die or—

Her betraying hands open the door.

As she looks into his eyes, she can't help but think about the handsome, beautiful, kind hearted man she knew. Not the imposter he is now.

"Amati, I'm—"

"Don't." She says. "I don't want to hear it." She tries closing the door but he pushes it open.

"But I will say it. I'm sorry. And I don't want you to forgive me. But I know I've been bad, and I was horrible."

She was about to say something but he cuts her off.

"A single sorry today will never change the past and I know it. That's why you don't have to forgive me."

"I never said I'd forgive you." She snaps.

"I know. And I don't want you to. I don't deserve it." He looks her in the eyes. "But I'm sorry. I really am."

She clenches her fists. She's angry, furious, seething in rage.

She slaps him across the face.

The room echoes with a satisfying sound. But before he could recover and look back at her, she jumps and wraps her arms around his neck tightly.

"You asshole. You bastard. You dumbass!" She says, her voice shaking.

After a while, he hugs her back. "I deserved that."

"Yeah. You did. I can't forget the days that passed," She says. "But... I'll forgive you." She snuggles in his neck.

He takes her chin in her fingers. "I still don't want you to forgive me though."

But before she could say another word, his lips come crashing over hers, silencing her.

His hands hold her tighter, pulling her towards him. His kisses are hard and deep and strong, which will make her lips swollen for sure, but that's what she wants. And she kisses him back harder.

Amati's heart pounds hard against her chest, knowing that she'll take the chance tonight. To make him hers, to make her his. They have a long night awaiting them.

She pulls him towards the bed without breaking the kiss.

And the magic starts.


🔈Sexual content

Geto takes his shirt off, and Amati guides his hands to her shirt, in which he pulls off with ease.

"Are you really sure we should do this tonight?" He asks between kisses.

Amati has never done this before, of course. But, she knows how big this step is. How important it will be for their love life. She's eighteen now, and free. She wants him. And she wants him to take her first. Her fingers tangle in his hair and she rests her forehead on his. "Yes. I can't wait any longer."

With one swift motion, Amati is on her back and Geto is over her. Their clothes are now a full set on the floor, and only the moonlight gives a slight luminous light, highlighting their skin in the dark.

Geto kisses her lips, parting them and sliding his tongue inside, exploring. She kisses back, hungrier, wilder, their tongues caught up in a battle.

One hand cups her jaw, while his other fingers slide against her side, over her hips, her stomach, lower, lower...

"Suguru?" She sucks in a breath when she feels his fingers between her legs. She shivers, her hands become fists in his hair as Geto starts rubbing in her low area.

This... this is too new to her. Her cheeks redden, embarrassed. Especially at the wetness. She wants to tell him to stop, but she whimpers instead.

They pull apart from the kiss, and Amati grinds her teeth as Geto's fingers circle deeper and deeper until—

"Mmfgh!" She claws at his back, breathing heavily. Her whole body is flushed at the foreign feeling of his fingers inside of her.

He smiles against her neck, pulling them out only to put them back in repeatedly. "I love it when you blush." He kisses her cheek.

"Credit goes back to you." She winces at another thrust of his fingers.

"Can I?" He asks after a while, bringing his tip close and pulling out his wet fingers.

Amati nods shakily, nervous.

"It'll hurt." He whispers, tugging her hair behind her ear.

"I know."

And yes, for a first time, it hurts. Hell it hurts too much. He wasn't even half deep within her when she cried and almost sat up.

"Should I stop?" He asks, and she knows he can feel warm liquid go down, but she shakes her head and pulls him in a kiss.

"No." she winces. "Keep going."

Amati's fingers dig into Geto's shoulders as he thrusts in deeper.

"Fuck. It hurts."  She whimpers, blinking back her tears. She never once in her life, felt so weak and embarrassed. Well, except that battle with Toji, but that's different.

"I know, Amati. I'm sorry." He says, slowing down as he reaches fully inside, giving her time to adjust. He kisses her lips and thumbs away the tears on the edges of her eyes. "But you'll forget the pain."

And she does.

In a few moments, pleasure builds in, making her arch her back, inviting Geto to thrust faster and faster.

"Ah...ah!" She grits her teeth, trying to control her breathing, but that shit's hard. Especially as Geto goes faster than before, hitting the deepest parts of her.

Geto takes her wrists in each of his hands, pinning their intertwined fingers on each side of her head, preventing her from touching him as he continues his thrusts. "S-Suguru—" she growls, trying to pull free.

He smiles. "I want you to feel every part of this." He kisses her hard on the mouth, making her moan inside him. The bed creaks in rhythm with Suguru's thrusts, and Amati hopes no one hears it.

Her legs ache from staying in the same position, that she couldn't help but put one leg over his shoulder.

He breaks from the kiss, his breathing is deep and heavy, sweat beads on his chest shimmer in the moon light. He kisses the leg over his shoulder, biting teasingly. As he hovers above her, Amati could only watch him pant as he thrusts faster and faster. "You're tight..." He whispers.

Amati pins her lips together. "Is... is that a good thing?" She asks, too clouded in pleasure to even feel timid about the question.

"Hmm..." he grins and leans forward slightly. "The best." He lets go of her wrists, but before she could even try to touch him, he says, "let's try a different position." And he slows down slightly, grabbing her hips and adjusts their position so that Amati is now on top. "Suguru!" her face heats up.

"Just follow my lead." He whispers, guiding her hips up and down until she slowly takes the lead her self. In this position, he gets in deeper than before, making her insides swell.

"Suguru..." she moans. She dips her head back, overwhelmed with all this sudden feeling, sweat drops sliding down her body.


She looks at him, her hair falling over her shoulders.

"You're mine." He whispers. "Mine and only mine." He pulls her closer in a kiss, and all the while the thrusts continue.

He kisses her jaw and neck, leaving small marks. Amati sucks in her breath at every new mark, enjoying this all too much. But then—

"Uh... Suguru?" She says weakly, sitting straighter.

"Yeah." He pants, pushing his hips up and down at the rhythm.

"I..." her face can't take all this heat anymore. "I think I'm gonna pee." Her voice cracks.

He smiles mischievously, and leans closer to her chest, wrapping an arm around her tightly so she wouldn't get up. "That's a part of this."

He plays with her chest, making her urge to come higher and higher.

"Shit..." she moans, and he hugs her waist, flipping them over so that they're in their original position with Suguru on top.

She grits her teeth, finally caving in after one more thrust, letting her fluids out. "I'm—this is embarrassing as fuck..." she says, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief and pleasure.

"It's not." He whispers, kissing her neck. "It feels good doesn't it?" He whispers.

Too good... she almost admits out loud.

He leans over and slams his lips hard over hers, surprised, she brings her fingers to his hair, the back of his neck, stroking his back gently in contrast to his continuous deep fast thrusts.

"Amati..." he groans her name, and after a short while, she feels him twitch, and warm thick liquid pours inside of her in a full load, making her gasp and grab tighter onto Geto who pants against her chest.

He released...

"Uhh..." she groans, closing her eyes at the new feeling as Geto gets up, pulling himself out.

Geto slumps on the bed, bringing a panting Amati to rest on his chest. She aches inside, but she's smiling.

"Are you hurt?" He whispers, his voice worried he might have done something she didn't say.

She shakes her head and snuggles closer. "No. Im just... tired. But I'm happy. I really am." She smiles, looking at him.

He smiles back a really happy genuine smile, a first in such a long time, and he kisses her deeply. "Me too."

"Promise... promise you'll never go." She blurts, breaking their kiss.

He pauses, stunned. "Go where?"

Her eyes move to his chest, and she bites the inside of her cheek. "Go anywhere but here. I don't... I don't want you to leave me." Her fingers shake.

"Amati..." he winces at the desperation in her voice. "I-I won't leave you."

She lets out a small embarrassed chuckle and looks down. "I sounded too desperate didn't I..."

He embraces her tightly. "No, Amati. I won't leave you. That's a promise."

She smiles against his warm chest. "I would never leave you either, Suguru." A pause. "I love you."

His arms come around tighter. "I love you more."


But little did Amati know, that the promises...

They will break like shattered glass.

Right before her eyes.


and the one thing that ran around Suguru's head for days, was what special grade sorcerer Yuki told him after a single meeting.

The only way to stop this,

Is to kill all non shamans.

the words echo in his mind.







*Yours truly snuggled in a corner out of embarrassment right now*

Damn this is the first time I EVER in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE publish something like this😭🤚🏻

More to come btw👁👄👁

I mean... not very soon but still

I should shut up, receive punishment from hell

If you liked this chap be sure to ⭐️💬⬆️