
Endearing Little Promises

She's Lou Nylei Damandre- a cute, caring yet tsunderic kind of 15-year old girl who have been mature and aware of her surroundings despite her appearance. Like any other girls, she promised to capture his crush's heart, Lei Roland De Guzman, an 18-year old rich guy, and marry him in the future. Yet, her hopes suddenly vanished when a disorder challenged her fate as Leiro's lover. And the worst part is that Lou has to accept a decision she wouldn't want to happen, just for the sake of her wish. Will our cute little Lou handle this situation at a very young age? Will she still be able to keep her promise between Leiro and her? Together, we'll find it out...

Yhel_Writes · Teen
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36 Chs

*Chapter 15: Freedom?

Lunely's PoV

I told him that in tears... This burden I felt when I almost left him, I totally let them all out as I tried wiping my tears away.

Leiro, on the other hand, couldn't help himself but to cry too, but he suddenly stretched his arms long enough for me to notice, as I realized that he wanted to hug me. I suddenly let a burst of crying out when I finally dropped my whole self into his arms as we both cried.

"I'm sorry Lunely... I'm really sorry!"

"Please don't leave yourself unattended Lei... How will our marriage last if you disappear from my side in an instant?" Seriously, I want to hit him again- what he did back at the airport was really risky. Eep, it looks like I'm the first to die because of what he did!

Minutes passed, I realized that Leiro's hands weren't moving anymore- wait, he wasn't really moving anymore! Lei, don't leave me! Wake up Lei-

Ayt, he's just asleep. Hehe... I can still feel the air coming from his nose, as well as the movement of his stomach. Whoo... What a relief.

I slowly pulled myself out of his embrace, and as I completely let myself be free I arranged the blanket as well as Leiro's pillow. My, he's really tired of what happened today so I just let him go.

I looked out the window of Leiro's room when I noticed that they were no longer Prof. Seth as well as Leiro's parents. Earlier I saw them there talking- Leiro's mother even cried when they found out that their son's life was in danger.

I slowly closed the door when I decided to rest in the dorm first ... With so much that happened today, I can't remember it all, but the only thing on my mind now is my position as Leiro's brother...


"WHAT?! You want me to resign, Prof. Seth?!" Suddenly I shouted at Prof. Seth in his office as he showed me those resignation letters. "Y-Your decision was a bit sudden Prof ..."

"No Lou. This decision of mine, it's clear and reasonable. The fact that you will become Mr. Leiro's little sister from now on made me decide this. You must give more of your time and presence to him rather than of your work here." Prof. Seth said those as calmly as possible, although I'm trying myself not to cry.

"Look, Lou... I know that you loved this job of yours, because here you learned that being an independent can be a competitive child. You treated everyone here as a family, and you even treated this institution as your home. But, do you still remember our goal as a member of this institution?"

I just nodded as an approval. "Y-Yes... Prof. Seth. I never forget that..." I tried calming myself down as I realized that I was crying...

"Glad to know. Well, Mr. Leiro needs your help now. Your love, care and attention... And don't ever think that I am doing this just for Leiro. I am doing this with a purpose."

"Lou, do you mind if I tell you something?" Suddenly, Prof. Seth called my attention. He wanted me to approach him so I just did it.

Suddenly, Prof. Seth began petting my head to comfort me as he started speaking. "Remember the time I saved you from your nightmare?"

"The day you took me from the orphanage Prof?" I asked as I smiled at him. "Yes. It was the best day of life if you don't know."

"I know that. And you know how grateful I am to have you here. Spending your entire childhood days just to work here, and I came to realized- you're not enjoying your childhood life anymore." Prof. Seth suddenly became sad, but you can't see it on his expression right now.

"Eh? What do you mean, Prof. Seth?"

"Lou, a girl as young as you should enjoy her entire childhood life. The type where you play all afternoon with your friends- the type where you always go to school and a lot more. But, you... You are different. You're only nine years old but you've realized what 'work' means, which it shouldn't be possible at your age. You've already learned to be independent, but you're still twelve years old."

Prof. Seth slowly stopped petting me as he suddenly hugged me like a father-and-daughter moment. I could feel the anguish and the pain from his embrace when he spoke again.

"I, I'm sorry for everything Lou. Because of me you came to this. I should've treated you like my daughter more than a worker. I never gave you what is called 'freedom'."

"N-No, Prof. Seth!" I suddenly shouted at him when suddenly I cried again. "I never blamed myself for working here! This work means everything to me! And, and... If you want to give me freedom, Prof. Seth, you've been doing that for a long time!" I'm already crying as Prof. Seth tried to calm me down once again.

"Because of you, I already had freedom from my confinement in the orphanage, you gave me your love and support like a real father, and you even let me decide if I want to work here or not, right? That is already freedom! And I am grateful to be part of ML Institution!" I told him, but Prof. Seth just wiped my tears away as he slowly squished my cheeks.

"I know Lou, I know. But, even against your will, there are times that you have things you should let go, for the sake of your future. It may be a person, a thing, or even a moment. And remember that they will still stay with you, even if you never see them or be with them again. Because this is life. " Prof. Seth smiled at me when I noticed he was crying too.

"Prof. Seth ... Don't be like this please..." I begged him, but just nodded and smiled.

"It's for the best, Lou Nylei."


"Let her continue, Prof. Salvador..."

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed near Prof. Seth's office door. He was carrying a stand with dextrose attached, which was injected into his wrist, and using it as a support since he was still a bit limp when walking.

"Pardon me, Mr. Leiro?"

"I'm saying that... Let Lunely continue, Prof. Salvador." He smiled faintly as he tried to approached us when I suddenly became angry.

"Leiro!! Shouldn't you take rest and recover yourself?! Are you even listening to me?!" I am totally in rage as I shout at him, but instead of listening to me he chose to say back what he wanted to say to Prof.

"Prof. Salvador, please, let Lou continue working here-"

"Are you even listening to yourself Lei?!"

"Please, explain."

"Thank you, Mr. Salvador. I noticed how much Lunely loves her job. And as his brother, if she's happy, then I am too. And... If you choose to resign Lunely here, it's also you're depriving her from the freedom to choose. " Leiro smiled once again as I got angry again.

"Lei! Stop this! Why are you doing this? I wasn't telling you to support me, you know? I accept the decision to resign because I'm also for your sake-"

"... Which is I don't want you to do Lunely." Leiro suddenly cut off my speech when I noticed he was crying. "I don't want you to do that for me, okay? I don't want you to leave your job just to watch over me... I don't own you and make you my slave. You are still a human. You have rights! I don't want the time to come to be angry you're with me just because I'm sick! "

"Lei ... You know what happens when you don't see me for eight hours right? I won't watch over you if I have a job-"

"What are you talking about Lunely?" Leiro suddenly giggled as he slowly went to me and pet my head. "C'mon now. there are still a lot of solutions, right? The ML Institution is close to my school so there's nothing to worry about. We can also make a video call if we have time. There are a lot of ways Lunely. We just need to figure them out."

I just smiled as I wiped my past tears ... My, Lei, this is the reason why I love you so much. "Wait, Lei... Why are you doing this? Why do you still want me to work here even though you're sick? What's wrong with me and why are you-"

"Because I love you Lunely." He said softly, which really made my heart beat so fast. Wait a sec, love me?! Did he really mean that he loved me as a woman or just because I was his sister?

"You are my love, my life, and my everything. I don't want you to be sad that's why I'm doing everything to make you happy. I may not be the best but I'm trying." He smiled at me as he suddenly looked at Prof. Seth. "So please, Prof. Salvador ... For me, I'm begging you, Let Lunely continue..."


Minutes passed my emotions suddenly mixed smoothly like a cup of coffee. It's like I want to cry but I'm smiling... I also want to be angry with Leiro but I feel like I feel sorry for him. I feel like I'm really crazy right now!!

Well, due to Leiro's eagerness for me to still work even though he is sick, Prof. Seth just crumpled those resignation letters and threw them off in the trash can near his table. I just smiled as I hugged Leiro out of happiness, as I realized that Leiro loved me- not just a little sister but also as a woman. But don't get the wrong idea! Of course, Leiro fought for my rights to still work here so it's really manly right?

After he bought me a new phone- I think I was seriously scared of him ... He told me everything about his rage- that's how angry he was, that he can even broke his windows...

Well, after buying my new phone, we decided to go home. We were riding his car that time, as I tried flirting him because he was funny to look at.

"C'mon Kuya Lei, hug me!" I said jokingly to him as I tried to hug him but he seemed to be moving away from me.

"What happened to you Lunely? You only ate spaghetti before... Why does your mood seem to change in an instant?"

"Brother, let me just ask, when we first met, are you mesmerized by my beauty?" I suddenly asked him a random question when he suddenly blushed. Nyahahaha ... Lei, I can see you. If you really love me, you should just said so!

"Lunely ... And where did you have the strength to ask that?" Leiro asked me jokingly, but deep inside he was a little shy to tell the truth.

"You're such a party popper brother! All right, if you don't answer right away, I'll really kiss you-"

"The heck is that Lunely!" Leiro suddenly said to me when I noticed he blushed even more. You're really cute Lei.

"Hehe ... You said you love me? Why don't you kiss me?" I jokingly asked him while laughing when Leiro suddenly pulled me once tickling the side of my stomach. "Brother, not there! It's ticklish!"


"Eh, I actually smell so good brother!" I jokingly told him when I noticed he was getting a little cold. "Brother Lei, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah ... I'm fine. I'm just a little cold, that's all." He smiled at me as I suddenly hugged him tightly to make him warm.

"Is that okay now?"

Leiro just nodded as he just closed his eyes and lulled himself to sleep. My ... I think I was overwhelmed by too much flirt-... ehem... with him so I just let him be.
