
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


I leaned against the wall as Naora fussed at me about what happened. Himeko and Ochiyo watched and looked worried. My hair covered my eyes then Naora stopped fussing and looked at me worried.

"Yoshida.." Naora held my shoulders then looked surprised as I hugged her.

I gripped her shirt and tears ran down my cheeks. She held my head and closed her eyes.

"That Archon of Time or whatever she's known as...She stole a piece of his Arjé Energy. That's enough to awaken some of her Omni Time Abilities that were temporarily locked by Apeiron herself. Yoshida was lucky that his Monster Aura is deep within himself. She was only able to steal what was being released." Ochiyo said. "Are you all sure that you wish to protect this specific monster?"

"Starting a battle against this kind of monster can prove to be fatal. Bachiko is known for killing monsters, yet she left Yoshida alive. She obviously has some affection for him. He can seal her powers like he did with Rimuri and Karasu. All he has to do is kiss her." Himeko said.

Naora opened her eyes and I let go of her. "That's easier said than done. Bachiko is incredibly smart, in fact she's smarter than me, who was said to be slightly smarter than Japan's smartest person. So the only way to even gain an upper hand is to outsmart her, which would mean we would need to be ten steps ahead."

"Yeah, but how? She can just reverse time and act differently." Himeko said.

"That may be true, but there is one woman who could outsmart her." Ochiyo smiled.


"Ahh...so when shit hits the fan, you come back running to me huh?" The woman said and kicked her feet on the table then took her lollipop out her mouth.

The woman had pink hair, and pink eyes. She wore a black academy uniform with a black hoodie.

"Come on, sis! This is an S Rank Threat we're talking about. Your Lucky Star Battlesuit is so unpredictable that not even the best fighters could compete." Ochiyo said.

The woman looked at Ochiyo then sighed and stood up. "Fine...but I want one thing in return."

"What?" Ochiyo asked.

She pointed at me. "Him. I've been waiting to meet him since the day I saw him save that monster."

"N-Namiyo! You can't have him! He's our key to saving Japan!" Ochiyo said.

"Well good luck trying to stop Bachiko without me." Namiyo shrugged and sat back down in her rolling chair.

"Let her have me." I said.

They looked at me and looked surprised. I looked up and my blue eyes shined.

"Are you sure..? Namiyo is...like really unpredictable." Ochiyo said. "My sister isn't really known for good things."

I walked forward and turned around. "All I want is a better world for Orimi and the innocent monsters who arrive on Earth. Stopping Bachiko comes first. If I must learn the ways of the Battlesuit from Namiyo then so be it. I have a goal, I am bound by a fate that I can not ignore. I have an ability that no one else has...the ability to 'save' monsters. The ability to tame them. If we can stop Bachiko, then we would be able to create peace again."

"Spoken like a true Romeo." Namiyo smirked and took her lollipop out of her mouth. "I know where Bachiko is also. She's at Yahoma. I've been tracking her since the first day she arrived. We have to get to her before Mr. Avenger does."

"Mr. Avenger? You mean Yasuo?" Ochiyo asked.

"Yeah. Currently he's resting at the MHHQ. His units all took heavy damage, that gives us enough time to go for Bachiko. Since you all were planning to go to Yahoma anyway, this will give you some time to pack up. Yoshida, come with me." Namiyo stood up and walked away. "We are going to be here for a few days. You will need some mastery of your Monster Aura and Battlesuit for this upcoming battle."

I followed her without question.


A few days passed and I was standing on the roof of Namiyo's base. I looked out into the distance and she walked on the roof behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder then looked out into the distance as well.

"This will be your first battle against a monster. Make sure to remember all you've learned from our training. She won't be holding back and neither should we even if our goal is to seal her powers. If worse comes to worse, we will have to kill her." Namiyo said.

"I'm aware." I said then looked at her.

She nodded and smiled. "Let's go. We have a monster to defeat."

She walked off and I followed her. We walked inside the base and went on an elevator to get on an airship. The roof opened and the airship began to ascend to the sky then flew off and the roof closed.


Bachiko skipped down a path in the forest and hummed a little tune. She smirked and opened her eyes then stopped. She turned around and I landed on the ground. My eyes shined blue with purple pupils. "Darling! You showed up here as well? It must be fate that we keep encountering each other!"

I stood up and held out my hand then a void opened and I summoned my katana from the void then my Battlesuit appeared around me. "Bachiko. Your reign of terror ends here."

"Oh? You think you can stop me Yoshi-san?~" Bachiko smirked and summoned her naginata. Her naginata had a long black blade and the handle had a little clock on it.

I got in a stance then exhaled. I glared then yelled and dashed to Bachiko then slashed downwards. She blocked my attack and smirked then slashed upwards with her naginata, knocking me off balance. Her eyes shined then she slashed downed. Three other slashes hit me and I groaned then she slashed right, blowing me away. I landed on my feet and slid backwards.

"Multi slash ability? But she only slashed twice in that attack.." I said to myself then stood up straight.

I exhaled then my Arjé Energy began to surge around my body. I dashed to Bachiko and slashed at her multiple times. She blocked each attack then I slashed downwards. She blocked my attack with a downward slash of her own. I let go of my sword then palmed her stomach. After I made contact, time stopped. Bachiko rewinded time before I let go of my sword then resumed time.

I let go of my sword and attempted to palm her stomach. Her grabbed my arm and pulled me to her. A clone of her punched my stomach and I looked surprised and coughed blood then was blown away. She appeared above me and slashed down, hitting me and managing multiple cuts within that singular slash. I crashed to the ground and groaned. She quickly descended to the ground and stabbed the bottom of her naginata through my stomach. I groaned loudly in pain.

"Oh dear..~ It would seem like that hurts, my darling, but I know you can take it...which is why I prepared a special gift for you!~" Bachiko laughed. She took the naginata out of me and picked me up. Her clone held me up. "Infinitum! Break!"

She yelled and a clock appeared behind her and cracked, completely stopping time for the entire world. She giggled and dashed to me and began to swiftly pierce my body multiple times with her naginata then gave a powerful thrust from her naginata to my chest. She took the naginata from my chest then jumped back. She snapped her fingers and the clock fixed itself, resuming time.

I coughed blood and my body instantaneously became limp. My aura vanished and hair covered my eyes. The Monster Aura around my heart began to restore my heart then I gasped for air and the clone dropped me.

"That's why I love you..~ No matter how many times you die, you always come back because of your little Heart Restart ability that Arjé Energy blessed you with..~ Torturing you just became so much more fun!~" Bachiko laughed and was shot in her eye with a penny. She groaned and held her eye.

Namiyo landed in front of me and blew a bubble with the gum she was chewing on. "Should've known she'd easily overpower you. Even if you did use your power, she would've just reversed time. Looks like we'll be killing her."

Namiyo summoned her sword that had a long pink blade. She dashed to Bachiko and severed her head from her body with one slash. She heard a laugh and noticed the dead body in front of her turn into magic particles then float towards the real Bachiko.

"Hopefully you didn't think it would have been that easy to kill me. I am the Time Archon for fucks sake! I have Omni Time Powers. Even the great Apeiron feared me. Now, I'll let you choose how you wish to die." Bachiko smirked.

"You're very generous, but I'm not the one who's gonna be dying. Now prepare yourself. This is your end!" Namiyo dashed to Bachiko.

"Let's see what you've got!" Bachiko laughed and dashed to Namiyo.

Bachiko dodged her slash then kicked her away and a clone of herself appeared in front of Namiyo. The clone grabbed her arms then spun around and tossed her in the air. Four more clones appeared and slashed at her. Bachiko stopped time right before Namiyo hit the ground. She walked to Namiyo then her red eyes shined.

"Say goodbye to your time, human." Bachiko laughed and stabbed the blade of her naginata through Namiyo's stomach then looked surprised. "What..?"

She resumed time then looked behind her and Namiyo kicked her away. She grunted and looked up then noticed Namiyo gone. She looked around and sensed an attack from behind. She dodged the attack and went for a slash, but it only hit an afterimage.

"How the hell is she this fast?!" Bachiko looked around. She yelled and her clock cracked then stopped time once again. She looked around and noticed multiple versions of Namiyo around her. "What..?"

She spun her naginata in a circle then spun around releasing a cutting wave around her, hitting all of the Namiyos around her. She resumed time and noticed none of them were there.

"Lucky Star seems to be giving you a hard time." Namiyo said then appeared in front of her and kicked Bachiko away. She dashed to Bachiko and sweep kicked her off her feet then jumped and summersaulted then stabbed her sword through Bachiko's chest.

"No." Bachiko said then erased the event of her being stabbed then Namiyo appeared beside her with her sword in the ground.

"What..? Wait what..?" Namiyo looked surprised then looked Bachiko.

Bachiko laughed and her red eyes shined brightly. "Did you honestly think, you had even the slightest chance of killing me? I am the Time Archon, I perfected Time Manipulation. Anything you thought you did, didn't matter. Like seriously, did you think you landed a single hit on me? Every attack was a failure!"

"But I saw myself hit you! You were stabbed! I did that!" Namiyo yelled.

"Did you really..?" Bachiko asked then stood up straight. "I'm sure all of your attacks failed to land. I'll say though, you avoiding my Time Freeze is pretty impressive. You'd have to be moving faster than time itself or be very unpredictable to avoid something like that. Either way, that's the only compliment you'll be getting from me. I would kill you, but I'm extremely tired right now. Enjoy my mercy while it lasts."

She laughed and vanished into a portal then the portal closed.

"Perfected Time Manipulation..? Did I really not hit her at all..?" Namiyo looked surprised then looked at her sword. "Is there really no way of stopping her? No...I can't accept this! We have to find a way to stop her...she's grown too powerful too quickly!"