
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Monster of Darkness

I rested at my new home and Orimi looked after me. She held my hand then I looked at her. I smiled and looked back at the roof. "My first fight against a real monster and she was really strong. Bachiko may be a threat, but I know she will come around one day."

"You're too optimistic, big brother. And reckless." Orimi smiled then heard my phone beep.

She picked the phone up from the counter then saw the news of a new monster in Yahoma. I sat up and she showed me the screen.

"A Level 3 Threat huh..? Knowing Yasuo and the MHF...I would need to stop them from killing her." I got up and looked around my body.

Orimi nodded and smiled. "Go get her."

I gave a thumbs up then hurried out the room.


Yasuo yelled as he slashed down at the dark barrier around the girl. She sat on the ground and held her head. Yasuo and his units kept attacking the barrier, trying to break it.

The girl panted and began to sweat. "So hot...Too much sunlight.."

"Activating Anti-Energy Mode!" Yasuo yelled then aimed his cannons at the girl. "Die monster!"

I placed my hand on the barrier and absorbed some of the energy from the girl's barrier then walked in front of the anti energy beam and made a shield to deflect the beam. The girl looked up and noticed me.

"Ceasefire!" Yasuo yelled then the units stopped attacking. The dark shield disappeared and Yasuo glared at me. "You...You again?! Every fucking time! Do you ever mind your own fucking business?!"

"This is my business. I won't let you kill her." I said and my eyes shined.

"Units! Shift targets! Strike down Yoshida!" Yasuo commanded.

I glared then summoned my katana from a void I summoned then my Battlesuit appeared on my body. The units flew to me and I laid against the barrier and entered the barrier. The barrier blocked their attacks and I looked at the monster. She looked like she had a fever. I walked to her and crouched down then placed my hand in her forehead. "You're burning up.."

"It's so hot...The sun...making me..weaker.." The girl passed out from the sun then the barrier vanished.

I held the girl up and picked her up. The MHF units looked at me. "Let's see what this Esoteric Darkness can do.."

The units flew to me quickly and I looked at my shadow then stomped my foot down then my shadow began to transform into a knight with dark aura around them.

"What the..? Himeko are you seeing this?!" Keishi asked in shock.

"Wait does he just not have ANY Primordial Energy?" Himeko asked.

"I think his Arjé Energy manifested into Purely Esoteric Aura. A rare variation of the Arjé Energy. He has Arcane Aura." Naora said then smiled. "My son is more special than anyone would think. Not even Yasuo can compare."

The shadow knight began to hack and slash through the units, giving me a chance to escape with the monster in my arms. Yasuo flew after me and charging up a massive Anti-Energy beam at me.

"You won't get away! Now die!" Yasuo bellowed and fired a massive Anti-Energy beam at me.

The beam made contact and an explosion followed. I jumped from the smoke with an esoteric dark cloak around me. The cloak negated the damage I should've taken then shattered.

"Wow...so I can have absolute defense for a few seconds with Esoteric Darkness. This Nega Energy is pretty neat." I said as I landed in an area that had a lot of shade then sat the girl against a tree.

She made a little noise as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked at me then noticed me running straight to Yasuo. "He...saved me..?"

I clashed blades with Yasuo and we entered a blade lock. He glared at me and I glared back at him. I turned my sword to where the edge of my blade was against his flat then slid the sword upwards then went for a stab at his face. He flew backwards in immediate response. He landed on the ground and glared at me.

"Your sword fighting is similar to Namiyo's. You must've learned that from her. Well...I guess I shouldn't take you so lightly!" Yasuo yelled then got in a stance then dashed to em and thrusted his sword forward, releasing a ray of energy at me.

I deflected the ray of light then stumbled back. Yasuo dashed to me and slashed down. I parried his attack then a missile hit my side and I grunted then he kicked me backwards. He dashed to me again then jumped up and went for a stab at my chest. I created a dark cloak around my body, which blocked the damage then I kicked him off me.

The girl watched and stood up. She froze when she heard a mech landing behind her. The mech grabbed her and she screamed.

I looked back and noticed the girl being taken away by the mech. "Tch.." I looked back at Yasuo then parried his attack and blasted him away with a dark magic attack then ran after the mech.

"Let me go! Let me go!" The girl screamed and the darkness in the area began to spread and create a Dark World. The darkness began to block the sun and the air began to get colder. "Let go!"

Her screams began to cause Dark Dragons to emerge from the ground and roar.

"I need to save her and seal her powers immediately. Hopefully that will defeat those dragons as well." I jumped up and grabbed a tree branch then swung to the mech and used the darkness of the area to sever the mech's arm then the arm fell to the ground.

I jumped to the girl who looked at me worried. I opened the hand of the mech then grabbed the girl from the hand of the mech.

"Please...don't hurt me. I won't want to die." She said scared.

The two dark dragons roared and began to attack me. I created a dark cloak around myself and the girl. I ran off and because of the Dark World my dark cloak became permanent.

I looked at the girl and looked ahead. "What's your name?"

She held onto me tightly. "My name is Tsuki...I-I'm sorry for causing trouble on Earth, I-"

"It's fine. I'm here to save you. There is a way I must save you." I said then tanked the dragons' dark beam.

"H-How?" Tsuki asked.

"We have to kiss. That's how I save you." I said then felt the air getting colder.

"K-Kiss, b-but what if you turn into a monster?" Tsuki asked.

"I'm a hybrid, I'm already a monster." I said then stopped and set her down.

She looked nervous and looked up at me shyly. I held her shoulders then she closed her eyes and puckered her lips. I leaned forward and kissed her lips. She blushed madly then soon melted into the kiss and held my arms. The darkness around the world vanished slowly then the dragons soon met the same fate. I pulled away and blushed a bit.

"I...uh...I...ah.." She turned around embarrassed and had a firm grip on on her gothic dress.

I took a good look at her. She had long black hair that stopped at her upper back, her eyes were gold and she wore black stockings with black boots. I walked to her then she looked at me shyly. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" I asked.

"I am..okay. Uhm..." She looked down then looked a bit surprised when I gave her a headpat.

"My name is Yoshida." I said then watched her get closer to me then she leaned against me then gripped my shirt. I rubbed her head and smiled then she began to nuzzle me gently.

"The sun bothers me...Can we go somewhere that the sun isn't at." Tsuki asked.

"Yeah, I can take you back home." I said.


Tsuki sat in a dark room and all I could see was the glow of her golden eyes. I walked inside the room and crouched down in front of her then rubbed her head. She smiled and nuzzled my hand. "The darkness feels so nice. I am happy here, but...that monster looks at me with such jealousy."

I looked back and saw Rimuri looking at Tsuki with a hint of jealousy. I had a bead of sweat running down my cheek.

"Yoshida...you never give me headpats..." Rimuri said then crossed her arms and pouted. She watched me stand up then walk towards her.

I rubbed her head and she blushed then smiled. I smiled as well then she swayed from side to side happily. "There. Are you happy now?"

She nodded then looked at me. She happily skipped away then went to the kitchen.

I walked back to Tsuki then crouched down again. She got closer to me then looked at me closely. "If you need or want anything, you can call me."

"I can handle normal light, but sunlight weakens me...but I will keep your offer in mind." She said.

I nodded then stood up and walked out of the room and closed the door behind me.