
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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33 Chs

End of Apeiron [2]

We made it to Yahoma and witnessed an army of monsters striking down buildings and people. I looked around and saw a monster in the air looking down at us.

"It's Exousia. The Angelic Monster." Mayoko said.

I looked at Exousia and noticed her attire. She had on a white battle dress, her wings were purely white and she had a bright golden halo over her head. She held a sword in her hands and the blade was light blue.

{Acquiring Information on Exousia...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Exousia

Type of Aura: Angelic Aura

Overall Threat Level: 5+

Strength: 319

Defense: 210

Agility: 302

Recovery: 487

Intelligence: 301

Overall: 1,619

Ranking: B

"Everyone be careful. She's very dangerous!" Himeko said then her Battlesuit appeared on her body. "We need to deal with these monsters killing the people of this land. We need to find clues on where Apeiron is!"

"Hopefully you all can deal with Exousia?" Naora asked as her Battlesuit appeared on her body.

Bachiko smirked and nodded then looked at Exousia. "Of course we can. Tsuki create that Dark World. Weaken the light of her abilities."

"O-Okay!" Tsuki nodded then stomped her foot down and dark aura began spreading across the area quickly and the sun began to get blocked by the darkness.

Exousia's aura repelled the darkness and caused the darkness to disappear. Her aura created a White World and the intensity of the light weakened Tsuki to a great extent.

"Too..much...light..." Tsuki groaned and fell to her knees, panting.

I looked back at Tsuki then ran to her and held her shoulders, giving her a dark cloak to block the light. I stood up and looked in the sky. Exousia looked at me then descended to the ground.

"Yoshida!" She pointed her sword at me. "Give up. You can't beat your mother. Her Primordial Energy is greater than you could ever imagine."

"If I give up, then Japan is gone. My home is gone!" I summoned my katana then my Battlesuit appeared on my body. "I want these monsters to have a better life on Earth! I want my sister to have a better life and that's why I will kill her."

"Then you must get passed me." Exousia dashed to me quickly.

I dashed to her and we both bellowed then our blades clashed. We pulled back and clashed again and again. She bellowed and kicked me away and I grunted, sliding back.

"Orimi!" I said.

"Here I come!" Orimi yelled and ran towards Exousia then rock pillars emerged under her.

Naora tossed her sword in the air. Orimi jumped in the air and her eyes shined then she caught the blade and slashed downwards at Exousia. They clashed and yelled then Exousia pushed Orimi away. Orimi landed on the ground then tossed Naora's sword back to her.

"Good try." Naora said then caught her sword and dashed off.

Rimuri appeared in front of Exousia in her Abyssal Princess form and thrusted her halberd at her. Exousia swiftly dodged her attack then punched her stomach then followed it up with a kick, sending Rimuri in the air.

"Become sanctioned by the undying light." Exousia said then bellowed as a light pillar crashed down on Rimuri.

Rimuri yelled in pain as she was hit. She fell to the ground and panted then slowly stood up. She grunted then fell on one knee. "If I can't take her down...How will I be able to help against Apeiron..?"

"Bach-" I looked around and noticed Bachiko was gone.

"Looking for your little girlfriend..? The Bachiko you've been around was just a clone. The real Bachiko is within the grasp of Apeiron. You and Bachiko are her two biggest threats. You two need to be eliminated immediately!" She dashed to me and looked surprised when Tsuki blocked the attack with her staff.

"The light and dark must not collide unless you wish to awaken the Twilight Beast." Exousia said. "Besides I expected you of all people to understand why I work with Apeiron!"

"We are complete opposites and my heart belongs to Yoshida! I won't let you eliminate him. You may be my sister, but that won't prevent me from standing up for myself and my friends!" Tsuki said then watched Exousia jump backwards.

Exousia looked around then saw multiple illusions of Tsuki around her. She looked up then saw Karasu in the air. Karasu screeched and an undead knight rose from the ground.

"I can't induce death upon her since she's stronger than me, but I can use my trickery to assist Tsuki. Yoshida, go on ahead! Save Bachiko and stop Apeiron!" Karasu yelled.

I nodded and dashed ahead. Exousia glared then dodged the illusions attacks then flew after me. I looked back, noticing Exousia rushing after me.

"Don't let her catch him!" Tsuki ran after Exousia.

Karasu flew after us then summersaulted down towards Exousia then kicked, striking Exousia. Exousia groaned then a crater in the ground was formed. I stopped and turned around. Karasu grunted as a pillar of light pushed her away. Exousia stood up and her angel wings spread wide

"The foolish should know their place. Humans will never be above monster and monsters should never fall below humans. Apes like you humans will only be here to fill the dirt of this pathetic waste of a planet. You all can struggle to fight for the fate of this Earth, but no matter how many of you band together to strike Her down...you are no match for the divine judgement she will lay waste on this world." Exousia said then opened her eyes and her golden eyes shined. "I will smite you Yoshida...With you gone, your friends will no longer have a reason to fight. Heavenly... Judgement."

She raised her hand then snapped her fingers. A pillar of smiting light struck me and a powerful winds blew.

"Yoshida!" Tsuki cried out then looked at Exousia "Stop this madness sister!"

I yelled as I was hit. My heart began to beat faster and heat up. I groaned as my eyes turned completely white. 'I can't let it end like this..! I can't die...I won't allow myself to die..!'

"This is how it was meant to be. Yoshida was never meant to exist as he is a defect in the eyes of Apeiron. Her own son has let her down and fallen into the hands of the Humans. Apeiron wants him dead along with Orimi. Yoshida is a bigger threat than Orimi because of his...True Monster Ability." Exousia said.

"Please stop it!" Tsuki cried out.

"His ability to tame monsters, control their power...It is a problem. His True Monster Ability is called Ultimate Being. If he gains control of all 18 types of Monster Aura, he will become the Ultimate Being. Having five of the 18 has already has made him a threat to a quarter of the Monster Realm alone. He must die and for that to happen, his heart must be destroyed." Exousia said then snapped her finger and a light explosion happened.

Tsuki and Karasu covered their eyes from the bright light of the explosion. The light began to slowly dim, and Tsuki and Karasu uncovered their eyes. They looked at me surprised and Exousia smirked at me. I was on my knees, unresponsive with smoke coming from my body.

"The mission is done." Exousia said then turned around. "Now, it's time for you two to die as well."

"Y-Yoshida...you aren't dead. Get up please.." Tsuki said as tears formed in her eyes.

Exousia walked to Tsuki. "You'll be in a better place soon, my beloved sister. Your death will be quick."

Karasu looked at Tsuki then looked at me and noticed my finger move. "Yoshida..?"

My hair turned black slowly. I slowly opened my eyes then my eyes shined golden. My monster aura appeared around me then turned blue. I stood up slowly then my aura surged powerfully. I bellowed and my aura turned angelic. Exousia stopped and a surprised look formed on her face.

She turned around and looked at me. "How...are you alive? I smited you. You should be dead...how did you li-"

She was blown away by an invisible force then crashed through multiple trees. Karasu and Tsuki both looked surprised. I vanished and appeared in front of her. She stood up and yelled then went for a punch at my face. I caught her hand then tightened my grip. She screamed and escaped my grasp and stumbled backwards, panting heavily.

"What is this power I'm sensing?" Himeko asked.

"It's big brother..! It has to be him!" Orimi said as she killed the monster attacking her.

"What tremendous power...It feels exactly like his Dark Form." Naora said.

"He lived through an angel's most powerful attack...and obtained a sixth type of aura." Exousia said then looked up at me.

I averted my eyes then turned around and summoned a light barrier over us, blocking an attack from above. I looked up and noticed dark entities above us. They wore black cloaks and had black wings.

"Those are the Dark Generals, Apeiron summoned. Why are they attacking me as well?!" Exousia asked.

I lowered my hand then noticed a man land in front of us. I glared then watched his movements.

"Exousia, you have failed to eliminate Yoshida meaning Apeiron wishes for you to be eliminated as well. Failure is not tolerated with us." The man said.

"But Daiko! It's not my fault he-"

"There are no exceptions. Now prepare to die." Daiko said then dashed to us with the rest of his team.

I turned my body fully to them then dashed to them. I air dashed then placed my feet against a tree then flew towards Daiko and palmed his chest, delivering a concussive impact. Daiko looked surprised and a light blast happened seconds after palming his chest then an explosion happened. Exousia yelled and covered her face.

The light vanished then Daiko and his team were on the ground dead after one blow. I coughed blood then turned normal.

"He smited them.." Exousia said then noticed me fall on one knee. She looked a bit surprised then hurried over to me. "Why did you help me? I tried to kill you!"

"So did other monsters...It doesn't mean you deserve to die. I want to save you...if that means I have to die a thousand times then so be it. I won't stop until my biological mother..is dead.." I said then stood up. "Just a bit further...and we will reach her location."

Exousia looked ahead and noticed me walking forward. She followed me.


"You've got me...so what now? You're gonna wait until Yoshida arrives to kill me? Remember, bitch, you gave me my power. I didn't ask to be revived." Bachiko said as she sat in her cage.

"It's because of you and your alternate that I have to take drastic measures. Your very existence is a threat to the Monster Realm. Yoshida's existence is also a threat." Apeiron said.

"And Orimi isn't a threat? At full power she can control elements on a Universal Scale. If anything she poses more of a threat than current Yoshida." Bachiko said.

Apeiron looked out the window and placed a hand on her hip. "False. Right now Yoshida has control over his Light and Dark Forms. With those two forms he has access to the Pure Form. Not only is his Pure Form the complete form of himself, but he can also use the Purest Forms of the powers he gained from the monsters."

"What do you mean by Purest Forms..?" Bachiko looked at her.

"What happens when you and your alternate become one?" Apeiron asked.

"We become complete and we gain full mastery of our original power and the power of our inversion self." Bachiko answered.

"Exactly. Knowing that fact, take Rimuri for example. Her original self can create voids. Those voids can drain the life force of any living thing and store them. Her inversion self can destroy those voids, and absorb all the energy stored inside to make herself stronger. He will be able to do the same thing. The reason he is more of a threat than Orimi is because he is the one monster who can combat the strongest monsters of our Realm. Look at his stats and you'll understand why I have to eliminate him. He breaks the hierarchy, just like you do." Apeiron said then tossed a tablet into the cage.

Bachiko caught the tablet and looked at it.

{Acquiring Information on Yoshida...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Yoshida Asato (6/18)

Type of Aura: Esoteric Energy

Overall Threat Level: 5+

Strength: 457

Defense: 432

Agility: 500

Recovery: 500

Intelligence: 500

Overall: 2,389

Ranking: A

"He's damn there perfect around the board, but it is balanced since he is part human. Although he has the strength of a monster, he can't supersede the limitations of a human." Bachiko said as she looked up from the tablet.

"His ability to also survive any attack makes him harder to kill because of the monster aura around his heart. To destroy his heart you would need to drain his monster aura, something you were able to do by reversing his time when your clone stabbed him." Apeiron said.

"So what you're getting at is you want me to fight him...reverse his time to rid him of his monster aura then kill him?" Bachiko asked.

"If you manage that, I'll let you live. You have an ability your clones didn't...Event Recreation. You can just create an event for the future to happen. In doing so, Yoshida shouldn't pose any issue." Apeiron said.

Bachiko looked at her then closed her eyes. "Hmph...Your offer sounds nice, but listen...I actually have attraction towards him and we kissed, multiple times. His curse makes it impossible for me to use my power on him."

"Is that so...I guess I should kill you now, shouldn't I." Apeiron looked at Bachiko.

"It wouldn't be wise as my hero has arrived." Bachiko smirked.

Apeiron looked out the window and noticed me outside with the others following behind me. "Hmph...I know you can't get away with those power negating chains. I'll make this quick." Apeiron walked away.

Bachiko closed her eyes then heard Apeiron exit the room and close the door. She smirked and her clock heart ticked then the chains began to rust and she easily broke out of the chains. "Never underestimate the power of Chronos..." She stood up and used the same technique to break out of the cell.