
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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33 Chs

End of Apeiron [1]

The Sandworm slithered its way over to us quickly and roared at the sky then began to release poisonous blobs from its mouth. The blobs burst into acid rain. Orimi used the sand to protect us from the acid rain.

"Who could've summoned that thing here?" Ochiyo asked.

"I know everything points to me, but I promise you it wasn't me." Orimi said.

"It wasn't Orimi, I would've known if it was her. Someone else summoned the Sandworm." I said then noticed the sand barrier fall.

The Sandworm roared and opened its mouth towards us and began inhaling, trying to suck us all in.

"Karasu!" I yelled.

"Right!" Karasu turned into her harpy form then flapped her wings and propelled us backwards, away from the Sandworm.

The Sandworm slithered its way towards us then stopped when the upper part of its body turned into sand then the rest of the body turned to sand.

"Commander Ochiyo!" Nana said looked down at us from the sky.

Ochiyo looked surprised then looked under Nana. "Look out!"

Nana looked down then noticed the Sandworm emerging from beneath her, trying to eat her.

"I won't let you do that." I said and my eyes shined blue with purple pupils.

I stopped time then dashed to the Sandworm and noticed the core then summoned my katana and fused some dark energy with the blade. I yelled as I struck the core and resumed time. The Sandworm gave a pained roar then fell to the ground, coughing up a woman. Nana looked at me then at the woman. The woman stood up and her left eye was covered by her pink hair. Her right eye was blue with white pupils.

"Yoshida...I have come...to kill you." The woman looked at me then used her acid to construct a poisonous sword. She smirked and began to laugh. Her left eye shined red and she dashed to me.

She looked surprised then dodged a sand spear then jumped back. She groaned as she was punched in her stomach by Bachiko. She rolled backwards then Orimi appeared above the woman then stabbed her with a sand spear. Orimi looked surprised then the woman's body turned into acid. Her body solidified back into a human body.

"Orimi Asato...your time will come, but Yoshida comes first!" The woman said then dashed to me. She yelled and jumped up then slashed down at me.

I blocked her attack then looked at her. "Who are you?"

"I am Mayoko, but my name won't be very important at the end of this fight!" She yelled and knocked my katana out of my hand. "If I corrode your heart, you won't be able to come back!"

She thrusted her sword at my chest. I cloaked myself in my own darkness then took the hit, causing her weapon to shatter.

"Tch...Absolute Defense." Mayoko scoffed and jumped backwards.

"I guess it's my turn to attack huh?" I said then noticed Rimuri step in front of me. "Rimuri?"

"Let me fight her. I know this monster personally." Rimuri said then glared at Mayoko.

Mayoko laughed and summoned her poisonous sword. "It's been so long Rimuri. It's almost sad to think one of our Realm's Best has been tamed by mere humans."

Rimuri snapped her fingers and summoned her giant blob then began to fused with the blob. She transformed into her monster form then awakened her Monster Ability. She yelled and as her eyes shined orange then her dress turned into a large hooded cloak with large openings on the sleeve. She transformed into her Abyssal Princess form and summoned her halberd.

Himeko heard Mina's device beep then went over to it quickly.

{Acquiring Information on Rimuri...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Rimuri (Abyssal Princess form)

Type of Aura: Abyss Energy

Overall Threat Level: 5+

Strength: 413

Defense: 324

Agility: 168

Recovery: 401

Intelligence: 276

Overall: 1,582

Ranking: B

"She just got even stronger...I know this form as well.." Himeko said.

Rimuri dashed to Mayoko then thrusted her halberd at her. Mayoko dodged the attack then kicked Rimuri's stomach then Rimuri slid back. Mayoko laughed then appeared in front of Rimuri then slashed horizontally. Rimuri blocked the slash with her halberd and glared at Mayoko.

"You definitely work for Apeiron. There would be no other reason to attack my Yoshida!" Rimuri yelled and pushed Mayoko away with her monster aura.

Mayoko grunted then slid back then Rimuri held her hand out and Mayoko began to be pulled by a gravitational pull from Rimuri. Rimuri grabbed her neck and jumped into a void she opened. A void in the sky opened then Rimuri slammed Mayoko onto the sand then formed a sand crater in the ground. Mayoko coughed up blood. Rimuri looked at Mayoko then stood up. She grunted then jumped backwards, dodging Mayoko's attack.

"She's just not going down..." Ochiyo said.

Mayoko giggled and uncovered her left eye. "Die."

She threw her sword at me, catching me off guard. Rimuri turned around and looked surprised.

"Yoshida!" Rimuri ran towards me.

Mayoko grabbed my shoulder then thrusted her sword through my heart. I looked surprised and coughed blood. She took her sword from my heart then let me fall. Rimuri ran to me and held my body up. Her eyes were wide and she looked at me in disbelief.

"Big brother!" Orimi yelled and ran to me.

Orimi's eyes was filled with disbelief and anger. Rimuri looked at Orimi then back at me. Mayoko laughed and raised her sword in the air in triumph.

"I killed Yoshida! Apeiron! Can you hear me?! I killed him!" Mayoko laughed then her laugh stopped when she felt Orimi's aura.

Orimi stood up and her eyes shined purple and emitted aura. She grunted and her body shook. Her lips quivered as her memories of me and her began to overflow in her head. She held her stomach and covered her left eye. She whimpered then let out a pained yell.

Mina's device began beeping quickly.

{Acquiring Information on Orimi...}


{Information Acquired!}

Name: Orimi Asato (Galaxy Mode)

Type of Aura: Galaxtic Energy

Overall Threat Level: 5+

Strength: 437

Defense: 412

Agility: 467

Recovery: 500

Intelligence: 500

Overall: 2,316

Ranking: A

"Orimi..?" Himeko looked at the machine then at Orimi.

Orimi's monster aura began to surge wildly. Her eyes turned red then her hair went to the color black. "I'll kill you! You hurt my brother!" Orimi screamed in pure rage and held her hand out then began to take energy from the sun to charge up for a massive destructive beam.

"Everyone get away! She can manipulate the elements on a Galactic Level! She's using the energy from the sun! If we are caught it's gave over for all of us!" Himeko yelled then began to run away.

Everyone one else ran away with her. Rimuri was holding my body as she ran. She looked back at the enraged Orimi.

"Die!" Orimi bellowed and released a destructive beam of solar energy at Mayoko.

Mayoko tried to use her acid to tank the attack, but Orimi's beam was beyond measure. The beam broke through her defenses and struck Mayoko and cause a massive explosion. Orimi turned normal then fell to her knees as that one attack took all of her energy.

"Big brother...I did it. I used the monster in my heart...Wait for me..big brother." Orimi smiled then passed out.

"Orimi!" Rimuri yelled then noticed the energy from Mayoko splitting into two then entering both her body and my body.

Our hearts began to beat once more from the energy we were given from Mayoko's dead body. I gasped for air and coughed. Orimi gasped for air as well then coughed. She sat up and looked around. She stood up and noticed the others behind her. She walked towards them then noticed me and ran over to me, tackling me into a hug.

A rush of aura in the wind revived Mayoko and she stood up then yelled and her Mosnter Aura surged.

"Apeiron is on my side! No matter how many times you kill me, I will always come back!" Mayoko laughed.

I walked forward then looked at Mayoko. "I now have her Serqe Energy. I will be the one to take down Mayoko."

I dashed to Mayoko and raised my arms in the air then the mud on the beach began to rise and I began to surf on the mud. I jumped off the mud wave and my eyes shined brightly. Mayoko looked up at me and smirked then acidic serpents flew towards me. I cloaked myself in acidic armor and absorbed the acidic serpents then sent a large acidic serpent crashing at her. She groaned as she was hit then I landed on top of her.

"You just gained my power off my energy?! Who are you?! Why do you just have that ability?!" Mayoko yelled as she looked up at me.

I caught her arm as she tried to attack then pinned her arms over her head. "I don't know why I have this ability, but I can tell you one thing. I can save you."

"Save me? I don't need to be sa-mmph!" She blushed as I kissed her. Her monster aura vanished in an instant.

I pulled back then noticed her flushed face. She looked at me with disbelief and I got off her. She sat up and looked at me. She tried to summon her acid but it wasn't working.

"W-What did you do?" Mayoko asked.

"When tamed, you are under my new Obsolescence Curse. You can't use your power for the first hour you're under my curse, plus you're broken from Apeiron's hold. If you wish to live, I suggest you follow us and help stop the destruction of Japan." I said.

"I..Okay." Mayoko sighed then held her arm, still blushing.