
End of an Ordinary Life: Remake

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her. -------- This is a remake of the story. I wanted to rewrite it in a much better way. The original story is still up if anyone wants to read it then come back to the remake

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Welcome to Yahoma City!

A few days went by since the events of Kurosaki Mall. Himeko parked the van in front of a house and we all got out. I looked at the house and noticed it was a masion.

"Wow!" Orimi said in awe. "You live here?!"

"Not just me, my other associates live here as well. Come on, I'll get you all settled in today then we can get you going on your first day at the academy tomorrow." Himeko smiled.

We followed Himeko onto the property. She had gardeners, a few butlers and maids for housekeeping when no one's home, a few cats and dogs wandering around, a fountain in the middle of the front yard, and a few intricate statues around the area.

Himeko unlocked the door and allowed us inside. This was a major surprise to everyone because the inside was massive.

"This house has maybe eight bedrooms, six bathrooms, a sunroom used for relaxation, a pool area, an arcade, and it's close to the Secluded Training area Yan Mei uses. We have a lot of areas that can be used at your own convenience." Himeko said.

"Oh, Lady Himeko. You're back." A woman said as she walked downstairs.

I looked at the woman and sensed Monster Aura within her. The woman had a fair complexion with dark colored, luscious lips, a matured face, a beauty mole under her left eye. She had long wavy hair that was a shade of white that reached down to her waist and steely gray eyes. Her body was elegant, graceful as if she was a real princess. She wore modest white Chinese cheongsam dress with a long sleeved embroided vest to go with it. Her dress had a simple cleavage opening and was slitted on the sides. She wore sheer stockings with elegant flat black shoes to complete the look.

"Ahh, The Sound Idol~ Everyone meet, Yan Mei's Master. Her name is Melody Echo. She is a Hybrid like Yoshida and Orimi." Himeko said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Melody smiled and looked at me. "Oh~ And if it isn't Yoshida Asato."

"Eh? You know my human?" Rimuri asked and crossed her arms.

"Most Monsters from our Realm know him by now. His name rings bells after his performance at the Mall." Karasu said.

"Oh, the Abyssal Princess and the Black Angel Tengu~ It is pleasure to meet you both." Melody said and smiled elegantly at them.

Both Rimuri and Karasu grunted and looked away from her.

"Yan Mei is in the Dojo right now if you're looking for her. She's training. I would give her a visit." Melody said.

"Yeah, I was going to get everyone acquainted with one another after I settle them in." Himeko said.

Melody nodded. "I will be in my room if you need me."

"Wait, Melody." I said and walked toward her.

"Mhm?" Melody looked at me.

"You can control your powers right?" I asked.

She nodded and smiled at me. "I can hear your aura flow. It isn't controlled, but then again you did just recently awaken your powers. I can help you master it, but you'll have to pass Yan Mei's training. She can help you."

I nodded. "I understand."

Melody waved and went back upstairs.

"Alright. It's time to find out room settlements. Yan Mei and Melody already take a room. I have my own room. Mina and Keishi share a room as they are adoptive siblings. That leaves five rooms left." Himeko said.

"Well I believe that my human and I should share a room." Rimuri said with her chest out.

"Negative. Yoshida and I should share a room as we are dating." Mae said.

"It isn't even official!" I said.

"No! Big Brother and I have to share a room! We've been together for far too long and I can take care of him better than anyone else here!" Orimi said.

Himeko waited to hear Fujin and Karasu's argument.

"Oh dear, looking at me? I'm fine sharing a room with anyone!" Fujin chuckled softly.

"Yeah, same here. It ain't like it matters, most of us will be in Yoshida's room anyway at some point." Karasu said.

"Wha- What does that supposed to mean?" I asked and looked at Karasu.

Karasu smirked and covered part of her face with her fan. "I believe you know exactly what I mean, Yoshida..~"

"Hmmm~ There's only one way to find out who will share a room with Yoshida." Himeko said then nodded.


"Seriously, red light green light?" I asked and stared at Himeko, standing by a tree.

"Unless you'd rather them fight, I see no issue here!~" Himeko smiled and sparked up a cigarette. "Alright ladies!~ Let's get this party started!~"

"You're going down, Robot Face!" Rimuri said.

"I would love to see you win, Slime Girl." Mae said.

"Both of you will go down!" Orimi said and swung her arms in a circle.

I sighed and turned around. "Green light."

The three girls sprinted toward me. I turned around quickly and Rimuri and Mae stopped but Orimi kept going and grabbed my arm.

"I win!~" Orimi celebrated.

"Hell no you cheated!" Rimuri bellowed.

"Actually she didn't. I never said Red Light." I smiled. "Besides, I've been playing this game with Orimi since we were little. She knows all my tricks in and out."

Mae sighed a bit and crossed her arms. "She outsmarted both of us because of her knowledge with this game."

Fujin chuckled and walked forward then clapped his hands together. "That just about settles it!~ Also, I believe you and Rimuri would be perfect roommates~"

"What?!" Mae and Rimuri said at the same time.

"I'm not sharing a room with the woman that killed my boyfriend!" Rimuri said.

"You're still on that?! We should've dropped it three weeks ago!" Mae said.

"Come on, you two have grown closer ever since that day at the mall. You two stalked Yoshida together and seemingly hung out together at the same time, both of you agreed to save Yoshida. It's a like a love hate relationship between sisters." Fujin smiled.

"I only tolerate this Jell-O Brain Monster." Mae scoffed.

"Jell-O? What's Jell-O?" Rimuri asked.

"She means your brain is like my texture!" Bip said and hopped on Rimuri's head.

"What?! My brain is not a slime! I'll have you know I'm very smart thank you!" Rimuri scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Okay then. What's 4 times 4?" Mae asked.

"Uhm..." Rimuri said then quickly turned around quickly and began to count her fingers. "Uhm...one...two...three...sixteen?"

"Damn she actually got it." Karasu said.

Rimuri turned to Mae and smiled with pride with her hands on her hips. "HA! See?! I am super smart! Never question my brain again!"

Mae rolled her eyes and walked back toward the mansion. "Just come on."

Himeko smiled and sighed a bit. "You go through this every day huh."

"Yep." I nodded. "It's amazing how I haven't completely lost my mind yet."

"Hopefully you keep your mind intact~ We still need you..~" Himeko smiled. "Let's go inside."


After that game of Red Light, Green Light, we finally got the room situation settled. Himeko gave us a tour around the mansion. As the tour went on, some of the girls decided to do their own exploring. Fujin decided to keep with me and Himeko.

"Here's where Mina spends most of her time. The Arcade. As you know, she's Keishi's younger sister. She's 18 and attends Yahoma Academy." Himeko said.

"How old is Keishi?" I asked.

"He's 22 years old. He works for the Board of Education for Yahoma Academy or also called St. Hoya Academy. Our rival school is called St. Fraskia." Himeko said.

"St. Fraskia? I know of them, they call themselves Valkyrias correct?" Fujin asked.

"Yeah, the students there are pretty strong. Specifically a student named Liao Ru." Himeko said.

"Eh? There's a student named after the famous historical figure Liao Ru?" I asked.

"Yeah you can say that. She's actually the original Liao Ru, but she's greatly weakened. She lost connection to her Deity in which, in my opinion, is for the best. Rulers have caused more damage to us 20 years ago than Apeiron ever could, but hey what do I know." Himeko shrugged.

"Keishi loses! Mina wins!" An arcade machine said.

"Another win for Mina!~ Better luck next time, Keishi!~" The woman said.

"Why do I even keep trying to play against you.." The man sighed.

"Mina! Keishi! Over here for a second!" Himeko called out to the duo.

The two looked over to Himeko and made their way toward her. Fujin and I watched them and Mina looked at us curiously. Keishi looked at me and smiled.

"Ahh so this is your boyfriend. He seems rather young." Keishi said.

"Ahh no worries." I said. "I don't really mind it."

"It shouldn't be too weird, Shiro has dated a woman 20 years above his age and his successor dated a woman that was in the same circumstances Yoshida is in. I made sure he was legal." Himeko smiled.

"Anyways, Yoshida, Fujin, meet Mina Sako and her brother Keishi Teshima." Himeko said.

Mina Sako was a woman of very well kept skin, blue eyes, and long light brown hair that goes down to her bottom. Her body was rather petite with a bit of a small bust, possibly the smallest bust out of all the women I've met so far. She wore a white hoodie that had a cute panda bear artwork plastered on the middle of her hoodie, black and white stockings, and white shoes.

Keishi Teshima was a muscular man with dark brown hair that reached his shoulders, amber colored eyes and tanned skin. He wore a black hooded cloak and chest armor, black pants. He had the appearance of a Shinobi and his headband was marked with his Clan's symbol.

"Mina here is a pretty smart analytic here. She possesses the second highest IQ out of everyone here with the first being Yan Mei. Mina also refers to herself in third person, not because she has a big ego, but because she has illeism." Himeko said.

"Mina doesn't have Illeism! Mina is being herself!" Mina said.

"No she's- Nevermind." Keishi sighed.

"Keishi here is a Ninja. A Shinobi who's mastered the art of Chakra and is able to wield fire, wind, lightning, and earth. He and his father are the only members of his clan that is alive." Himeko explained. "He also helps work on battle suits and weapons needed for our missions."

"A ninja as well huh. I was taught the ways of a Shinobi as well. The only Ninpo I know is Wind." Fujin said. "I don't use it often...or at all since I haven't really been in a situation where I need to use it."

"I shall teach you to master your Chakra then. If you need any assistance with it, you are free to come to me." Keishi smiled and nodded.

Fujin nodded and smiled. "I appreciate it."

"Alright there is one last person to meet." Himeko said.

"I'm gonna hang around here for a bit. You all have some great games in here." Fujin smiled.

"Mina will show you her favorite game!~" Mina said and hurried toward one of the fighting game machines.

Himeko smiled and looked at me. "That leaves just you and I~"

I nodded and smiled back at her. "Well let's go meet the final person."


Himeko and I walked into a large dojo and I looked around noticing training dummies, treadmills, dumbbells, and other training supplies. I looked ahead and noticed a woman sitting in the middle of the dojo, meditating.

The woman has fair skin and waist length dark blue hair with a white strand. She was relatively slender having a curvaceous yet more modestly endowed figure compared to the other women, from her build she was taller than the other women other than Himeko. She wore a blue qípáo that was similar to Melody's clothing.

"Lady Himeko. I sense you've finally brought your boyfriend." The woman said and opened her eyes. Her eyes shined a very light blue. "His aura feels...uncontrolled. He has no tranquility within him. Are you sure someone like him is safe with us?"

"Well he just recently unlocked his Monster Aura. He's going to need to be trained and we'll taught. Who better to train him than you and Melody? Your lessons of the Mythic One could help him calm his aura." Himeko said.

The woman nodded then stood up. She looked at me and held her arms behind her back. "My name is Yan Mei. I come all the way from China to Japan to learn more techniques. Might I trouble you for one battle to see where you might stand in my training?"

I looked at Yan Mei and was distracted by her gracefulness and her beauty. I broke out of my trance then averted my eyes. "Not...today."

Yan Mei nodded and closed her eyes. "Another time then."

"That's everyone so far. Naora is still...out somewhere hiding away. I suspect she's somewhere in the rundown area in between Yahoma and Fujitori. Things have been tough for her for the last couple of years." Himeko said.

"If I'm guessing...she should still be in Kimotari. Orimi and I made sure to not move away too far from her. I might go visit that residential area." I said.

Himeko nodded. "If you do, tell Naora to come to Yahoma. She can't hide forever."

I nodded. "I will."

The MPT had some powerful members based on what I saw. If Himeko and Naora are the only two who can combat the MHF, that only means the MHF had more advanced weaponry. I wanted to do something to help but I know I'm weaker than the entire organization itself. My new life officially starts today in Yahoma and St. Hoya Academy.