
Empty Toss

Should you keep the others safe, or save yourself first.

kaiii111 · TV
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Keep running.

Everything I heard was only my feet hitting the wet concrete, the pained shouting of people in my back and me shorting on breath. I never expected things to be this way as just before it was too peaceful with the sun rising up from its slumber.

All around was just chaos. People killing other people just to survive. Monsters coming out of their already dug up graves. People are running, just the same as me. It was all normal just earlier, I woke up, took a shower to prepare for school like any other day. But today at exactly 9:30 a.m, it was our recess time so obviously I would be in our canteen.

I bought food and paid for them, just as I left from our canteen somebody just bit somebody so hard that blood started coming out from their neck. We couldn't do anything, everyone near that person was frozen. Until some teacher came in and helped the victim and the one who bit them got handcuffed.

But just before the teachers left the scene the one got bit started foaming out of their mouths. Moving rapidly like it was some sort of a caged animal in a Zoo. The teachers didn't know what to do. Me and my friends just watched as the victim suddenly rose up from the stretcher and started biting, and scratching everyone near it.

Everyone ran away from the scene even me and my friends. Our classroom was on the 3rd floor of the building just near the scene so we made it up pretty quick. But as soon as we got up we saw everything. The blood, the gore, the shouting, the non stop crying and killing. It was a horrible scene even the ones who were in the classroom left to see what was happening.

Some prayed, some were excited, some were joking about the situation saying it was a movie scene. And some saw the incredible horror of what was really happening and knows what exactly is going on. I was one of them, my friends and our classmates who were just playing, and talking just earlier, getting bored of class. It is the apocalypse said one of our classmates. We saw the people on the ground start climbing up the stairs.

No, they're not people anymore. We call them zombies. Biting, killing, infecting people on the first floor we saw the ocean of blood spilling. Some couldn't contain their stomach and threw up. Some couldn't hold their sanity and started crying and even denying the situation that we are in. The classroom officers and our teacher tried comforting our classmates but they. Were also scared.

Me and my friends pointed out that if they had the intelligence to go to places where there were people they would get here sooner or later. Everyone panicked and so we also came up with a plan to barricade the stairs and our doors. We went to the rooftop and started forming the word "HELP" using our bags and school supplies. Everyone worked together except for the ones who lost their grip earlier.

We cleared out our classroom of desk and chairs to create a barricade so zombies wouldn't climb up. We even made a makeshift rope for a quick escape from our classroom if the barricades don't work. We heard people shouting from downstairs, we heard their screams and cries for help. We couldn't do anything but just be silent and close our hearts to it. But there was a group of people who wanted to help them, I don't know if they were out of their heads or just underestimating the current situation. So I asked them why they would do this risking their lives for people they don't know but they simply said.

"If we want help, then we need to earn it by saving other people." said the white haired dude he was the most popular in our class.

"But it's suicide!"

"Then we'll just try not to die." Said by our president in the class she was also one of the popular ones in our school because of her scores.

"What do you mean!"

"Chill we will be back. We just need to get everyone out of there." Said by someone I was close to with a smile on his face.

I couldn't say anything else but just sat down and thought, what do you mean by "saving other people?" We can't even save ourselves you heroic wannabe sons of bitches. I was never brave in the first place. I never wanted anything in life but just a normal and safe one. I was never greedy, I was never the protagonist, I was never in the spotlight, I was normal. But why do I feel guilty now. Do I want to go with them? No way! just as I said it was suicide I will never go down, But... If I join them I will be a hero... No, what am I thinking about? I'm not someone cool and would sacrifice myself for someone for them to survive.

"I just want to live." I said to the people who wanted to save the people downstairs.

"Then just stay here, we'll take care of everything." Said by the popular guy with white hair.

"Yeah!" said by pres

"Be safe everyone!" they all said in unison just before going down the stairs. They armed themselves with bats and brooms. Some have the legs of the broken chair. Feeling something ominous from behind me there was a zombie. A small one at that, it looks like a midget but it was still a zombie. It's still dangerous to be near it, somebody then shouted.


"A ZOMBIE!? HERE!!???"




No, don't shout you idiots that will only alert more of the zombies. From downstairs, I wanna know what happened to those people that went downstairs. As I started thinking the zombie started moving. It was about to bite somebody but suddenly his head was gone and the wall was stained. One of our classmates killed it with his baseball bat. It was our athlete in the classroom and the one who led the baseball team.

I couldn't believe it. Blood was all over the walls and that was all it took for me to throw up. Some who saw the scene also did the same as me and our athlete just wiped the blood off his bat. He continued to barricade the stairs even more, he even told us that we were idiots and cowards. That we couldn't even deal with such a weak opponent and that we were nothing but a pain in the ass.

I wanted to say something but he cut me off.

"Hey! I just want to live guy, come here I already know you don't want to be called that. so let's test you out if you really are not a pain in the ass okay?"

"What kind of test?"

"kill five zombies then I'll say that you are actually pretty useful."

"But that's impossible!"

"Shhh... don't shout now, you'll alert the guy below."


"Good. Then be on your way then."

"Can I borrow your bat?"

"No way! you can't. I'll be dead before you can even use my bat"

"Then what should I use?"

"That" he said while pointing at the wooden stick

"But that's just a stick..."

"It's still pretty durable you can just think of it as a bat."


"What? chicken out already?"

"No, I'll do it!"

"Good, now go!"

Why did I do that!? was it pride? did what he said hurt? everything he said was true. I'm just a pain in the ass but why did I accept his task? Am I really that desperate to die? or was it my lack of desperation for anything? Did I really want to go with those people before? did I ever want to be a protagonist!? What do I get from doing this? I'm not confident in anything. But I'm pretty good at running, since when I was a kid I was always called speedy because no one could tag me. I wanted to go into the track team when I was in middle school. I easily got in because I was fast, faster than everyone in my school. But my parents got into a car crash, my grandma decided to take me in. But she couldn't properly pay anything because she was old so I needed to work a part-time job just for me to continue my senior high.

I stopped going to the track team because of my schedule. But I'm still very fast not like those on TV'S fast but fast enough to not get caught by zombies.

As I went down I could hear growling and very loud banging, there was a very faint noise of people talking. I couldn't tell where they are but I'm glad some people made it alive. As I continued going down the stairs I could smell rust or metal. The railings got dirtier, and dirtier, bloodier, and bloodier. Dead people laying on the ground as I reached a certain height of the stairs there was even more blood. They were drenched with it. I almost threw up by the scene I saw just right before my eyes.

I continued walking down the stairs and my sight suddenly is looking up. I didn't know what happened but I was now covered in blood laying down. I must've tripped and landed near the dead body. Its eyes were reflecting the horrors it saw before dying. Its mouth is still open, its torso torn open. Scratches on the left hand, and right hand bitten off. No, it was devoured its fingers are still near it and even more bodies down the hall. As I stand up, my head and back hurts because of the fall but while I was checking myself I felt the same feeling I felt from before.

The feeling of incoming danger keeps going on till I see the body I was near when I fell stood up. Its guts spilling in the ground, the right arm with the hand bitten off released a lot of blood like it was tap water. Slowly dripping out just like a used water bottle. It was a horror right there just in front of me slowly trying to balance. But I didn't let it finish and started running away as fast as I could. But when I ran past the dead bodies all them slowly started to stand up. I couldn't do anything but run and just run, I ran through the zombies blocking the stairs.

As I went down thousands of zombies were there waiting for me like they knew I was gonna go there. I don't have any choices but to run again but now I'm going to the large food truck supplying our canteen. I saw the keys to the truck on the belt of the driver but he became a zombie. And he's too far away from the truck I couldn't possibly run through a horde of zombies. As I think the truck suddenly shook, the zombies were pushing it left to right. Because I was standing I almost fell down head first but gratefully I recovered my balance and lay down on top.

As I laid down I tried closing my eyes and fell asleep because of the exhaustion and adrenaline finally hitting me. I felt my hand moving, something wet hit my face and it woke me up and the moving got more aggressive. I woke up with my arm almost getting bitten because it was dangling over the truck, I quickly removed my arm from the edge. Panicking I checked my hand if it did get bit, but I don't know if I am lucky or is this God's doing that I did not get bit.

Zombies gathered around me like ants surrounding a food on the ground but thank God for that I have a way to get out. A straight out of the school because zombies gathered where my arm was. Now there was a way but there were still some zombies but I can just avoid them then get out of the school. Should I do it? thinking about it I have more confidence now. Is it because I just survived a horde of zombie attacks? Maybe it is then I'll get out of this hell.

I'm doing the stretches I used to do when I was in the track team, because I'm preparing to run. Now I look once again at the way if it was okay to run and it still was. Then I ran and jumped down the truck I continued running even when zombies almost grabbed me. There was two zombies at my side so I went to the left a little bit then I kicked off the ground to move even faster. I continued running and dodging until I arrived at the gate. The guard that everyone liked was also the first one to get bit, I remembered him giving me a drink when I was thirsty. I feel sorry for him, but I need to survive now. I think he would get why I need to do this he's a nice guy after all.

Passing through the gate I could see car crashes and a zombie cut in half because of it. But unfortunately no living person, it was like a ghost town I could see some zombies but there were no people. There was only some zombies maybe people actually survived. But as I passed through a house I could see people? No, they were zombies and a lot of them this school zone was high and it was also raining. Zombies started rushing out of the houses and I could see a horde coming out of the fog. I was so scared and surprised I couldn't do anything but just run away. I continued running, running, and running.