
Empress: My Husband Killed The Immortal Emperor After 10 Years Of Seclusion

# mastermind After transmigrating into a cultivation world and activating the disciple system, Li Xuan could receive rewards whenever he took in disciples or whenever his disciples leveled up. [Ding! You have taken Qin Yue as your disciple, obtained reward: Innate Divine Power] [Ding! You have taken in Zhao Tian as your disciple, obtained reward: Weather Summoning] [Ding! Your disciples have leveled up, obtained reward: Space Shuttling] After taking in a bunch of disciples, Li Xuan went into seclusion to advance his cultivation. Ten years later, when the world fell into chaos, Li Xuan returned to kill the Demon Emperor with a single slash, saving the world. At that moment, all of his disciples realized that the strongest expert had been their master all along!

Cute One Punch King · Eastern
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40 Chs

My name is Li Xuan

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Steamed buns, hot meat buns."

"Candied hawthorn! Sweet and delicious tanghulu."

"Pancake, freshly baked."

Loud shouts echoed around Li Xuan as he stood on the ancient street and stepped on the green brick road before quietly stopping in front of a small stall.

The stall was only the size of a palm. At the bottom was a rag, and above it were some wild vegetables.

In front of the stall squatted a thin little girl. There was a birthmark on the left side of the girl's face and the right side was dirty. Because of this, the girl's original appearance could not be seen.

The little girl's eyes were very clear. Li Xuan's first impression of her was that she was a very innocent girl.

As if she had been stared at for a long time, the little girl looked up at Li Xuan.

After looking at Li Xuan, the little girl shrank back timidly, clearly afraid.

After two seconds of silence, the little girl seemed to have mustered all her courage and carefully raised her head.

"Big… Big Brother, do you want to buy wild vegetables? It's only 3 copper coins."

With that said, the little girl raised three slender fingers, looking like a weak little rabbit.

"Yes, I want them all."

Li Xuan's handsome face revealed a smile, and his long black hair danced in the wind. A huge saber hung from his waist, making him look heroic and extraordinary.

Behind him were two burly men. They also had long sabers at their waists and were motionless, as if they were his bodyguards.

The commoners in ancient clothing on the street immediately left when they saw Li Xuan and the other two. They did not dare to provoke Li Xuan and the others.

"Can you tell me your name?"

Li Xuan squatted down and looked at the little girl in front of him, his dark eyes as gentle as possible.

"My… my name is Qin Yue, Yue is spelled as Y-U-E," the little girl replied timidly, not daring to look into Li Xuan's eyes.

"What a good name."

Li Xuan's gaze became gentler as he quietly looked at the soft and somewhat timid birthmark girl.

Name: Qin Yue

Talent: Peerless

Bloodline: Unactivated Phoenix Bloodline

Fate: One of the protagonists of the heavens, the future Phoenix Empress

< Prompt > Qualified to be taken in as a disciple.

Looking at the notification in front of him, Li Xuan was pleasantly surprised. Even though he had lived two lifetimes, he could not help but be extremely excited.

As a transmigrator, Li Xuan had been in this world for seventeen years.

This world was very dangerous. All kinds of demons and ghosts ran rampant. There were also demon beasts, polluted creatures, and strange and mysterious immortal cultivators.

In such a dangerous world, it was normal for people to die. There had even been a city that had been turned into a living hell.

Even though Li Xuan was a martial artist and had a strong ability to protect himself, he had still experienced many dangers. He had only been able to live safely until now by establishing his own escort agency.

Fortunately, he had activated the disciple recruitment system not long ago.

As long as he took this little girl in as his disciple, he would be able to obtain generous rewards from the system and become stronger.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan could not wait to take the little girl in as his disciple and increase his strength.

"Qin Yue, you have cultivation talent. Are you willing to take me as your master and become a martial artist like me?" Li Xuan said expectantly.

"Eh? Take you as my master?"

The little girl was slightly stunned when she heard this. Then, she thought of something, and fear appeared in her big eyes.

Such eyes made Li Xuan frown and he could not help but think of some rumors.

The lives of the commoners in this world were very difficult. Many children were lured away for various reasons and suffered various torture. In the end, they never returned.

Now that he was rashly taking the other party in as a disciple, he had indeed frightened Qin Yue. Li Xuan could only speak gently.

"My name is Li Xuan. I'm the young escort leader of the White Cloud Escort Agency. Do you know White Cloud City? It's north of White Cloud Mountain."

"I… I've heard of it."

Qin Yue looked at Li Xuan timidly. Because of Li Xuan's patient explanation, the fear in Qin Yue's eyes subsided a little.

"I'm from the White Cloud City and I'm serious about taking you in as my disciple. Don't you want to become a martial artist like me? At that time, you can help more pitiful children."

Li Xuan consoled again as gently as possible.

As if sensing Li Xuan's gentleness, a trace of yearning appeared on Qin Yue's small face. However, she was still somewhat cautious and did not dare to casually agree.

"Don't worry, we can go to the officials to register and get them to guarantee that I'm actually taking you in as my disciple."

"By the way, this is my household registration certificate. It can prove my identity. "

Li Xuan took out a household registration certificate and handed it to Qin Yue.

"Sorry… I can't read," Qin Yue said weakly.

"You can't read?"

Li Xuan scratched his head and felt stumped. For a moment, he did not know how to prove his identity.

However, Li Xuan quickly thought of a way and said, "How about this? I'll teach you to cultivate now and teach you the body refinement technique martial artists cultivate."

"Body Refining Art?"

Qin Yue was very curious and could not help but blink.

"That's right. This is my family's Li Family Body Refining Art. After learning it, you can mobilize your blood essence, strengthen your body, and increase your strength…"

Li Xuan explained bit by bit and introduced the tricks of the Body Refining Art to Qin Yue, sharing his understanding and techniques.

This had also lowered the defense in Qin Yue's heart. After all, no one would be willing to be so patient with a dirty little girl.

Those masters and martial artists had always been high and mighty. They would not be so patient for a dirty little girl.

"This is how the Body Refining Art is. Can you remember all that?" Li Xuan explained.

"Y-Yes…" Qin Yue thought about the knowledge in her mind and said honestly.

"You got it?" Li Xuan was slightly stunned when he heard this.

"Yes… yes," Qin Yue replied timidly.

"Alright… good job."

Li Xuan was somewhat shocked and had a clearer understanding of peerless talent.

It had to be known that when he was young, it had taken him three days to remember it. Despite that, his father still praised him for being a genius.

In the end, he did not expect Qin Yue to remember it after hearing it once. This was really surprising.

"Can you give me your hand? I'll help you guide your blood essence and help you try your first blood essence transfer." Li Xuan suggested.


After Qin Yue memorized the Body Refining Art, she already trusted Li Xuan more and more. Now, she very obediently placed her right hand on Li Xuan's left hand.

A soft force began to emit from his hand. Li Xuan held Qin Yue's small hand and mobilized the blood essence in his body to inject into Qin Yue's body to help her carry out her first blood essence transfer.

To Li Xuan's surprise, Qin Yue's meridians were very smooth. After his blood essence entered her body, the circulation was completed very easily.

This outcome made Li Xuan realize the extraordinariness of a top-grade talent again and sigh at the importance of talent.

Fortunately, he still had the system.

As long as he successfully took Qin Yue in as his disciple, he would be able to obtain generous rewards. In the future, when Qin Yue broke through, Li Xuan would also be able to obtain more rewards.

Therefore, Li Xuan smiled again and asked, "How do you feel? Do you want to take me as your master?"