
Empress: My Husband Killed The Immortal Emperor After 10 Years Of Seclusion

# mastermind After transmigrating into a cultivation world and activating the disciple system, Li Xuan could receive rewards whenever he took in disciples or whenever his disciples leveled up. [Ding! You have taken Qin Yue as your disciple, obtained reward: Innate Divine Power] [Ding! You have taken in Zhao Tian as your disciple, obtained reward: Weather Summoning] [Ding! Your disciples have leveled up, obtained reward: Space Shuttling] After taking in a bunch of disciples, Li Xuan went into seclusion to advance his cultivation. Ten years later, when the world fell into chaos, Li Xuan returned to kill the Demon Emperor with a single slash, saving the world. At that moment, all of his disciples realized that the strongest expert had been their master all along!

Cute One Punch King · Eastern
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40 Chs

Generous Rewards

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Hearing Li Xuan's gentle words, the girl looked at Li Xuan's handsome face.

Qin Yue felt warm in her heart. She knelt down decisively to Li Xuan. "Qin Yue greets Master."

[Ding! You have successfully taken in a genius with peerless talent as your disciple. Binding successful. Rewards are being updated.]

Looking at the obedient Qin Yue in front of him and listening to the system notification in his mind, Li Xuan was pleasantly surprised and hurriedly helped Qin Yue up.

"Good, good, great, hahaha!"

The happy Li Xuan hugged Qin Yue and spun around, laughing under the strange gazes of others.

After gradually calming down, Li Xuan looked at Qin Yue seriously. Seeing that her clothes were covered in patches, he could not help but say,

"Let's go. I'll bring you to buy clothes. By the way, who else is in your family?"

"I… I don't have a family anymore." Qin Yue's voice was filled with sadness.


Li Xuan sighed and pulled Qin Yue's small hand. "In the future, I'll be your family. Let's go and buy clothes first."

"Yes, yes."

Qin Yue nodded obediently and felt that Li Xuan's words were very reassuring. In particular, when she moved the blood essence in her body, she could feel her strength increase.

This made Qin Yue feel at ease. She could not help but grip Li Xuan's hand tightly and walk quietly beside him.

Just like that, Li Xuan pulled Qin Yue's small hand and brought the two burly men to the tailor shop.

The tailor shop was very clean. The shopkeeper was instructing the employees to be busy. When he saw the dirty child, Qin Yue, appear, the shopkeeper wanted to chase her away.

However, after seeing Li Xuan and the two burly men, the shopkeeper hurriedly smiled and received them.

Qin Yue had observed all of this. She could not help but tighten her grip on Li Xuan.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you in the future."

Li Xuan rubbed Qin Yue's little head and consoled her softly before looking at the inn owner.

"Get a female shop assistant to measure her size and get us some clothes and shoes that fit her size. Bring a bit more and let her choose."

"Yes, yes, right away."

The shopkeeper hurriedly nodded and summoned a middle-aged woman to measure Qin Yue. Then, he brought over ten sets of clothes and shoes.

With so many clothes and shoes, Qin Yue was dazzled. She blinked her big eyes and looked at Li Xuan, as if she was asking for his advice.

"Do you not know which one to choose?" Li Xuan asked warmly.

"Yes… yes."

Qin Yue replied in a soft voice. She had never seen anything like this since she was young and was immediately at a loss.

"Then I'll take them all. Wrap them all up." Li Xuan waved his hand generously.

"Yes, yes, yes."

The manager smiled when he heard this and hurriedly got the staff to wrap it up.

"Here's the money!"

The two burly men behind Li Xuan were called Iron Dragon and Iron Tiger. They were Li Xuan's right-hand men. Naturally, Li Xuan did not need to do anything to pay the money. Iron Dragon paid the bill immediately.

"Alright, let's go."

Li Xuan pulled Qin Yue outside. Under Qin Yue's disbelieving gaze, he walked out of the shop and walked towards Fengyuan Inn.

Behind him, Iron Dragon and Iron Tiger followed silently with the clothes they had bought. Their burly bodies deterred passersby from approaching.

"Master, did we buy too much?"

After walking for a distance, Qin Yue asked in a small voice and looked at Li Xuan with her big eyes.

"It's not much. It's only ten sets. You'll slowly get used to it in the future," Li Xuan said indifferently.

"Yes, yes."

Qin Yue nodded and followed. Her big eyes kept sneaking glances at Li Xuan and looking at the confident smile on his face.

Everyone continued to walk and quickly arrived at Fengyuan Inn. After instructing the waiter to prepare hot water, the few of them arrived at the A region on the second floor.

"Young Escort Leader!"

"Young Escort Leader."

In A region on the second floor.

When the seven burly men saw Li Xuan appear, they ran out and bowed immediately. One of them, a dark-faced middle-aged man, wanted to say something but hesitated.

These seven people were Li Xuan's subordinates and belonged to the White Cloud Escort Agency.

"You guys go back first. Uncle Li, I'll meet with you in a while."

Li Xuan looked at the dark-faced middle-aged man who wanted to say something but hesitated. He knew that it was about the escort mission.

"Yes! Young Escort Leader." Everyone bowed again and respectfully sent Li Xuan back to Room A1.

In Room A1.

After the waiter got the hot water, Li Xuan arranged for Qin Yue to take a shower behind the screen. He sat on the coffee table and checked his rewards.

[Ding! You have successfully taken in a peerless talent disciple. Reward: Sharpshooter.]

[Ding! Your disciple is the chosen one. Additional talent reward: Innate Divine Power.]

[Innate Divine Power: In the future, as your physique increases, your innate divine power will gradually be unlocked, making your powerful strength even more powerful.]

As the mechanical voice sounded, Li Xuan seemed to have transformed. His hands started to move as if he was nocking an arrow.

His understanding and comprehension of the bow and arrow increased crazily. His body underwent a subtle change from the inside out and he became a sharpshooter in a short period of time.

Not only that, but a large warm current also surged in Li Xuan's body. A talent called innate divine power formed in his body, making his strength increase crazily.

The speed of this increase was very fast, and an explosive strength surged from his entire body. Most importantly, this strength was endless.

At this moment, he seemed to have transformed. His eyes became deep, and his control also became better and better. It was as if he had become a natural hunter.


The blood in his body surged, and his strength actually broke through at this moment. This made Li Xuan's eyes light up, and he could not help but open the data panel.


Name: Li Xuan

Physique: Seventh level of the Body Refining Realm

Talent: Mid-grade

Talent: Innate Divine Power

Abilities: Sharpshooter, Gale Saber Technique

Disciple: Qin Yue

"Very good. Not only has my strength increased, but I also obtained the sharpshooter's ability. Not bad."

Li Xuan smiled and felt that he was too lucky to have taken Qin Yue in as his disciple. The key was that his innate divine power would continue to increase as his physique increased, making his strength far greater.

In this world, immortal cultivators were illusory and ordinary people were basically unable to see them. Even a martial artist like Li Xuan who had traveled everywhere had only seen them once.

This also caused martial artists to become the main component of this world. Everyone worked hard to circulate their blood essence and train their bodies to become martial artists and increase their survival ability.

Martial artists were divided into many levels, from the first level of the Body Refining Realm to the tenth level of the Body Refining Realm, and then the Body Refining Master level.

The difference between Body Refining Realm martial artists was huge. Three first level Body Refining Realm experts could only fight a second level Body Refining Realm expert.

Likewise, it would take three people at the second level of the Body Refining Realm to fight a third level Body Refining Realm martial artist to a draw. In this way, the difference between them would become greater and greater.

Li Xuan was 17 years old this year and had cultivated diligently since he was young. He had long reached the sixth level of the Body Refining Realm. It had to be known that most people of the same age lingered at the fourth level of the Body Refining Realm. Because of this, Li Xuan became known as a genius.

Unfortunately, he had been stuck at the sixth level of the Body Refining Realm and was unable to break through for a long time. It was not until he finally broke through just now that Li Xuan also felt even more confident.

As someone at the seventh level of the Body Refining Realm, he was already qualified to look down on everyone. Coupled with his innate divine power, he was definitely even more terrifying and not to be trifled with.

"When I cultivate a heavy weapon later, with my innate divine power, I will definitely be able to pose a huge threat to the enemy."

Li Xuan muttered to himself and also prepared to buy a powerful bow to increase his combat strength.

"Master, I… I'm done showering."

A soft voice sounded from behind the screen. The voice was trembling as if the other party was somewhat shy.

"Yes, I'm going next door to discuss something. Call me if there's anything."

Li Xuan threw the clothes he had bought behind the screen and walked out of the house to close the door. Only then did he look at the door next door.

There, Uncle Li was walking around anxiously.