
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Women are fun to deal with

Uff! I didn't really think that implementing magic to do things would be this difficult.

My innate magic nature is fire. it just means that if i release mana from my body then it will always be fire spewed unless I try to change it myself which I am trying to learn right now. I still haven't thought of a name for my cat. I'll have to ask around.

"You have the potential to turn your magic into Fire, Water, Plasma, and Lighting. It will take some time since you don't have any experience. Sit calmly with yourself and don't hasten the process. Since your core is in your heart, your mana circulates around your whole body and therefore increasing your oxygen intake, blood flow, making your life force stronger etc." The cat explained.

"Looks like you brought me lots of benefits. Anyways the time for school has come. Are you coming with me?"


I was forced to go alone.

 I was bored as hell in class and couldn't wait for class to end. For some reason a girl with glasses was looking at me, her name was Aika? or something. The class ended and tiffin period came.

I didn't bring anything with myself to eat but it looks like I didn't need to since someone brought it for me.

"I brought you something to eat Pat~" Akeno said showcasing a big bento box.

The best thing about this situation was I didn't have to lift a single finger. Since Akeno fed me. The boys were staring at me with jealousy and girls looked as if they were hurt. When the bento was finished Akeno gazed at my eyes and leaned close to me,

"Do you want a reward for meeting with me today?"

I was left wide-eyed at the situation. I was silent for a few seconds and Akeno didn't stop staring at me for a second. I eventually replied,

"I want to leave my mark on you." 

This time however Akeno was surprised. I guess she didn't expect that. She started blushing and squirming,

"w-well yo-you can if you want to" Akeno looked below.

"Will I do it now?"

"NO. I mean. don't think that I don't want to. It's just that there are too much people here. "

" Okay " I pouted.

Akeno twirled her hair around her finger to distract herself from me.

I also didn't bother with her anymore and headed for the student council office to make Sona bothered. I entered the room as if I owned it. Sona was siting on the head desk with glasses on and looking at documents. She looked at me as if annoyed.

"You must knock before entering the room Mister Pat."

"I came here because you owed me something."

Sona looked surprised, "Let's go outside."

She made me go outside with her.

"I thought you were just joking." 

"Oh, I wasn't joking about that, darling. Or could it be you don't keep your promises?" Since I was taller than her, She was forced to look up at me.

"Fine. Meet me at the school gate after 20 minutes. " Saying that she escaped from me.

All this time, I felt as if someone was looking at me but I couldn't figure it out. I walked back to class to find Akeno there with a serious expression. I didn't understand what happened but she dragged me to the back of the school.

"Where are you going after school?" She looked at me with dead eyes.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just answer my question."

 "I was thinking of going on a tour of the city with Sona." I replied calmly

"You're going on a date, aren't you?" She came closer to me.

"I don't see why you think about it like that. Me and Sona are just friends right now."

"Right now. So, In the future, something will happen." She stared at me fiercely.

"Calm down, Akeno."

"I can't be calm when something of mine is taken away!" She yelled at me. 

"You are overreacting."

"You aren't allowed to go with Sona." She said as if her word was final.

I looked at her as if I was annoyed, "I can do what I want."

"Would you like it if I hung out with other boys?" She talked back.

This sentence made me angry. I instantly pulled Akeno close to me and bit her neck intending to leave a visible mark of love. She squirmed against me begging me to back away. I didn't. I only stopped after I felt blood on my lips. She was also in a terrible state, huffing and puffing. I went to her ear and said,

"You are only mine. So, don't ever think about these things. And about me going with Sona; I will go with her. I don't expect any more resistance from you and I will talk to you later. Don't worry I will reward you well if you follow my rules."

Akeno was taken aback. She wanted to say something but stopped, seeing that I went away as soon as saying that. 

I waited for Sona at the school gate. She came after about 7 minutes.

"Did you wait long?" Sona asked worried.

"No. Let us go." Noticing that Sona had some makeup on.

We walked around the town enjoying ourselves, eating ice cream, enjoying the fresh nature of the park. At first, she was a bit uncomfortable with me but with me constantly breaking the ice and being funny, she eventually melted. We went to an arcade to play shooting games, dance and basketball. We eventually came across a plush toy machine.

"Do you want a toy Sona?"

"Sure. If you can." Sona looked unsure of my victory.

I inserted a coin inside the machine and began using the crane, I picked the toy Sona pointed at and


 Failed, Sona laughed at me since I was being overconfident.

However my reputation was saved since I managed to get the toy the second time. I handed Sona the toy and I walked her back to her house.

"Bye Pat." She waved me goodbye.

"Aren't you giving me a goodbye kiss?" I teased.

"Shut up, pervert." Sona became red and hurried away to her house.

"I'll have to deal with Akeno somehow and manage her. Anyways the plot regarding Riser Phenex is troubling me. The question is should I or should I not kill Issei? "