
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The World is Mine

(It was night time)

The World is Mine. Only mine.

 Patrick's alter ego has been fucking with him recently. He had created it in his previous life so that he could live in peace knowing that his inner Beast was controlled by him. But for some reason, maybe the mana in the air? God? Ddraig? (we all know he named the dragon so he could feel in control of her.), His inner Beast or ego just couldn't let him live in peace.

You call me beast but we know that You are the real monster.

Shut up thought Patrick.

This conversation must not be heard by Reg. I'm a good person, you're just the Loser side of me.

Well, Rias agreed to the engagement with Patrick, so that's a good thing.

Ha! Not great since then Rias had been staying at his house. Patrick felt his mancave was lost and Luna felt territorial. Loss/Loss for both. And Rias for some reason stays in his room. NAKED. Have I said that my self-control is terrible? 

Just fuck her, what's she going to do? cry? 

 Hm....that could be done, I can even make it romantic, woman love that shit. Wait, are you influencing my decisions?


No response.

Whatever, the next time you do this you will be in trouble.

Patrick looked at the naked body of Rias sleeping beside him. He couldn't bear that someone was sleeping peacefully when he was in agony. As punishment, he slapped her ass hard. It jiggled, Whoo! the jiggle physics is too much in this world thought Patrick.

'Ah. Patrick what are you doing?' Rias asked sleepily as she was broken from her sleep unfairly.

'I can't stand having a naked body beside me without having done anything.' Patrick whispered in a rough breath.

'So, you want to do something to me?' Rias teased Patrick with her body.

'Girl, I'll make you a woman tonight if you tease me more.' Patrick threatened while grasping her jaw.

'I wonder if you are all bark and no bite.' Rias tilted her head.

'Wait here.' Patrick commanded Rias.

Patrick had to teach this girl a lesson and make her tame. So, for the he first needed...condoms. The city light was the only thing that enabled him to see the street as he went to the pharmacy.

"What do you want?" A shopkeeper asked.

Having no shame he ordered," 5 condoms." 



The shopkeeper handed the condoms to Patrick. Patrick hurriedly went to his house since he was hungry and starved. However, Fate just couldn't let him fuck in peace! He swore to God that if fate was a woman she would get fucked by him.

What was the trouble? Oh, nothing.

Just a little-sized fallen angel and an exorcist.

"Hey, filthy human. Why do I smell the scent of the disgusting devils on you?" The exorcist.

"I am on my way to fuck one. So make way." Patrick said in an irritated way.

"Hoo! A human having intercourse with a devil. Such an abomination. You must die."

The fallen angel was silent all this time.

Since a fight was imminent, Patrick made the first move. Since he had mastered the dark element well and it was dark out. He became one with the dark. Invisible and able to attack from all places. They didn't wait for his attack instead summoned light to dispell the darkness to make him come out. He came out but as he came out he stabbed them both with a spear made out of darkness with a touch of fire at the tip. Showcasing his masterful control of the elements. 

Two spears stabbed them both and they bled. Despair and disbelief were evident on their faces. 

"How! A mere human" He didn't get to finish his words, since Patrick snapped his neck.

"W-ait. Please spare me, I'll do whatever you want." The Loli said hesitantly.

Patrick thought of this as an opportunity, "Where is your guy's hideout?"

"In the abandoned church."

"Thank you." Swiftly he cut her neck.

Wait what about all the mess he made?

Argh Someone will handle it. Anyway, Patrick went to the church since he might have been late to save a damsel in distress. I mean the perfect moment to appear as a hero. It was late at night but due to his mastery of the darkness element he could see better than most nocturnal animals. The church was where he first met Vasco Strada. He said he would find Patrick when the need arose. Patrick didn't know about Vasco's character except that he is the strongest human alive. 

Patrick sneaked his way around the perimeters of the church, looking for enemies to kill. He saw a voluptuous woman standing guard at the back of the church. Patrick used the earth element to dispel his smell, and the darkness element to make him invisible. He crept behind her, put his hand on her mouth, and slit her throat.

One gone. One more to go. According to memory, she should be in the basement holding the ceremony to get the sacred gear of Asia.

Patrick ran down the basement as fast as possible not caring about stealth. He came upon a voluptuous woman wearing latex who had a knife in her hand.

"Who is this? How come a human managed to come here? Didn't Kalawarna stop you? "

"I came here to rescue Asia Argento." Patrick said coming closer.

"Looks like she couldn't do the job. No worries I'll finish you off." Raynare unfurled her wings and summoned light spears to stab him.

Patrick dodged the spear just like how he dodged child support. Using the Boosted Gear, he also summoned dark red fire on his fists. He then proceeded to come closer but couldn't because of multiple spears in his way. Patrick somehow maneuvered around the spears and unleashed bursts of fire toward Raynare. She got distracted, and at that moment Patrick released his fury on her and recked her only using his fists and boost. As a mercy, Patrick just stabbed her throat with an ice spear.

After the fight Patrick looked around for Asia, only to find her in a corner shivering in fright,

'A-r-e you, my savior?' Asia asked hesitantly in Italian.

"You could say I saved you from death." Patrick replied in Italian as well.

"I see but what should I do now?" Asia asked horrified.

"Well, What do you want to do?" 

" I don't know what to do."

"Do you have a place to live?"


"Then how about this, you live in my place until you have managed to secure a place for yourself, you can go to school with me, have friends, and enjoy life."

Asia looked up at me and said hesitanly, "I'd like that."

"Oh yeah, whats your name?" said Patrick reaching for a handshake.

Asia touched his hand and said, "My name is Asia Argento, what is yours?"

The World is Mine. simply remember that. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LonelyTigercreators' thoughts