
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The Grind is eternal (But the girls disturb me.)

Pain is temporary but the grind is eternal.


While Pat was running up a mountain wearing 100kg weights on his legs,

he thought of a certain bald man who was a navy seal.


Ignoring the minor distractions, he focused on his workout. What can he do to increase his power? Maybe listen to Reg and become a dragon.

He thought of this while finishing his 100th pushup. Next on the list was to:

Take down a tree with his hands.

He found a sturdy tree that was 4 feet higher than him. First, he landed a right cross but the tree shook a little providing no results. Stubbornly he continued to punch the tree until his hands couldn't move. After all of that punching, the tree only had a small hole in it.

"Ughh! Damn it!" Shouted Pat as he landed his final blow. His knuckles stung as if Mother Nature was mocking him.

Patrick thought he needed to train more today and improve his mana skills. So he didn't need to go to school.

'Reg, are you there?'

[Yes. What's wrong?]

'What do I need to become a dragon?'

[Are you sure? the process will be extremely painful.]

'I am sure.'

[Fine. To become at least a half-dragon, you need the blood of a dragon and holy water.]

 'Holy water? I can manage that. But how should I get dragon blood?..... Wait isn't there a dragon inside the place I got my familiar?'

[Sure, you can go there.]

'I see. I must talk with Rias about this.'

He jogged towards the Club to find that the door was open. When he went inside he found two women in strangely sexy clothes? talking with Rias.

"The church has jurisdiction over the Excalibur. I'm sure the Devils who manage this place will let us look for it by ourselves." The blue-haired woman said.

Rias looked at my direction and said,

"Ah, Pat, these are nuns from the church."

Yowa!, do NUNS were these latex costumes!

"Hello there," Patrick said with a straight face.

"Why is a human mixing with the devils?" Blue hair asked.

"He is a benefactor of us," Rias replied in my stead.

"What is your name?, handsome guy~" The one with caramel hair winked.

"Patrick Blackwood."

"So your the patrick I've heard about. ~My name is Irina but you can call me Irina-chan~.

Since it is our first time meeting, think of this as a gift from me~" said Irina as she handed a vial of holy water to me.

"Enough!, Irina. We have work to do." Blue hair twisted Irina's ear.

"Ouch! your no fun, Xenovia. Bye~Patrick~"

They left as though it was a common matter; shaking the heart of the MC.

 Umm~Omm~ She needs the D in her!

 "You better not do what you're thinking. Otherwise." Rias-chan just seemed to threaten people nowadays.

"I will snap it off." 

What! This crazy bitch. 

"You thought of something bad about me didn't you?" Rias interrogated the poor me.

"N-no. not really. Um..so, where are the others?" Patrick diverted Rias's attention to save his pp.

"I asked Grafiya to train them," Rias replied curtly.

Damn, that maid must give me aid!.  Patrick cursed Alter ego for that (He has good taste though.)

Rias glared at me for no reason.

 "Don't glare. You'll get wrinkles." I rubbed Rias's forehead.

Rias shoved my hand away disregarding my kindness.

"Come with me." I had enough with this tomato and decided to show her my prowess.

I grabbed her hand roughly, walked towards her room, and when inside, slammed the door with a bang.


Patrick kabaedond her and asked,

"Why are you so angry? I swear I didn't even touch Asia."

Rias met my eyes and said, "If you did, you wouldn't be alive."

"Why are you so opposed to me having a harem?" 

"No! I can't. I won't let something of mine be taken away!"

"Oh, come on. Be practical. I am a strong man who has a great future ahead of him, Women flock towards a person like me. All the great conquerors and kings of history had harems. Why can't I?" Patrick explained the truth.

"Because I said so." Rias stubborn.

"How about this? I will only have you if you can satisfy me in bed. Otherwise." Patrick proposed a great gambit.

"You men are so alike, only thinking about sex. When was the last time we went on a date?" Rias said tired.

Patrick became silent. His gambit failed and he had lost.

"I promise I will love all of you the same."

"Promises are empty."

"I will prove it." Patrick's brow straightened.

"Go kill a legendary monster or something." Rias knew for sure I wouldn't have the guts.

"Send me to the familiar forest." 

"Are you sure?" Rias felt uncomfortable that he accepted.


Rias opened a teleportation spell beneath me, "If it becomes dangerous. Call out my name."

I was transported straight to the damp, dark forest where I once had come.

'Where's the dragon?'

[It's probably in the south, keep heading there. Judging by the faint aura, it seems to be asleep.]

Patrick used shadow magic to traverse forward to the destination. He came upon a big mountain, there was a waterfall coming down the mountain.

[The dragon's here. Inside the cave it seems.]

Patrick moved carefully to not disturb the dragon. Inside the mountain, he found a humongous blue dragon sleeping. The interior of the cave was large and spacious, the weirdest thing was that there were precious gold, treasure, and weapons piled on top of each other.

[WAIT!WAIT! Leave right this instant!]

'What why?'

The Dragon opens its eyes to show yellow pupils in a silt-like manner,

"Why has a human come here? Who dares?" It snarled at me.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is the great one's name?" Patrick replied in a respectful tone.


"Ara~Ara~ At least humans nowadays have courtesy. You can call me Tiamat." The momm--dragon said in an inexplainable tone.

'Mommy Tiamat?'

[What are you thinking!!? This is a serious matter.]

"So. I don't like to talk much. what do you want?"

"I was hoping that you could lend me some blood?" Patrick made big eyes towards Tiamat.

Tiamat, "Someone visited me after so long and you ask for something?"

"wait, why do I sense Ddraig on you?" Tiamat glared at me.

"Umm. Maybe you're mistaken."

"No. I am sure."

'What now?!'

[Please forgive me Tiamat. I know I wronged you.] Reg spoke from the green gem embadded in the gauntlet.

"Forgive? After I gave you my precious treasures? Human, I will kill you." Tiamat growled and struck at me with her claws.

[Ps. GIVE me STONES and rewiews.]