
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Life is like Piss. Sometimes clear other times.

Have you ever stopped to think why you must be so strategic? in life?

I mean some people complicate life so much. Just enjoy it, don't say why. say why not? Enjoy Life.

Patrick thought of himself as an enjoyer of life. But can you always be an enjoyer?

You must Think.


Patrick thought solving Rias's mood was secondary but disturbing Sona was priority.

"Yo! Sona, how you doin'? " Patrick waved at Sona in the Council room.

Sona looked at him worried since her sister was there with her,

"Hey! Are you the boy who made my Sona-chan fall in love?" Her sister exclaimed 

"Who are you?" Patrick is acting confused.

"I am the great magical girl! Levi-tan ^_~" 

 Patrick stared blankly at her, "So, you're a magical girl."

 "Yes!" She replied energetically.

"Just ignore her Patrick," Sona said.

"Hey! Don't talk like that with your sister!" 

They just ignored her.

"Why did she come here?" Patrick asked curiously.

Sona looked nervous at that question.

Serafell said in her place, "Oh! I came here to talk about your engagement with Sona."

"What!" Patrick looked bamboozled.

Sona blushed, "I forgot to tell you that I promised my family that whoever defeats me in chess will marry me."

Patrick just looked at Sona and Serafell.

"Do you not want to?" Sona looked at Patrick with doe eyes.

Patrick couldn't have felt better in this situation. I mean not one but two wives? Any day of the week. 

 "I accept," Patrick said shamelessly.

"It's final then! I'll talk with our parents." Serafell said.

Serafell disappeared after saying this. Patrick not wanting to waste time, talked to Sona about Asia attending school. Sona said that it was okay for her to come from tomorrow onwards. Patrick being a sneaky bastard pecked Sona's cheek and left.

His person to meet this time was Rias, as he had to appease her anger and calm her down.

"Hey Akeno, where is Rias right now?" Patrick asked as he stumbled upon Akeno.

Akeno felt angry at his question, almost asking with her gaze, what's wrong with you?

"What?" Patrick said.

"It's been two days since we last saw each other and you ask about Rias? not me?" Akeno said aggressively.

Patrick stopped momentarily and threw his hands up,

"OK ok! My mistake!" 

 Then, after careful deliberation, Patrick closed on her and asked Were you lonely?

Akeno hesitated before smacking him across the chest, "Are you trying to make up to me after you left me?"

"Darling. I was busy." Patrick said hoping Akeno would understand.

"How busy were you? working a 9-9? huh?" Akeno said crinkly. 

"Akeno~You'll grow ugly if you put on such a face." Patrick poked her face.

"Why? Will you leave me if I become ugly?" Akeno said with an even more distorted face.

"That would be even better since no man other than me would look at you."

"What?" Akeno stood confused.

Pat, what the fuck?

Patrick didn't stay there long in fact he left as quickly as possible. He acted as if nothing had happened earlier. He also thought he was being weird.

Looking for Rias, he found her in the clubroom.

"Hey Rias, how you doin'?" 

Rias pointed daggers at me and asked, "You ask me that? How's that whore you got for yourself last night?"

"I'll say, Her behavior is better than yours."

 Rias pouted angrily and looked away.

"Ay, Rias you have a big pelvis."

 "Do you mean to say I am fat?" Rias asked.

"I meant to say that you would be able to accommodate healthy babies. My babies." Patrick said sweetly.

Rias was red as her hair for a few seconds but regained her focus and said,

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Aren't we married?"

"N-no. not yet,'' Rias said.

"Don't you want to?" Patrick said leaning close on her head.

"I-i mean it's a m-matter of time."

".....You shouldn't worry about other girls. Alsoo, You should not stare at other boys, otherwise, you'll make me jealous. Okay?"

Rias hesitatingly said, "Y-yes."

Patrick as if satisfied with her response pecked her on top of her head. Not satisfied, he kissed her again and again trying to mark her as his. Rias tried to put on some resistance but accepted his advances and locked lips with him.

Patrick lifted her head when he felt that Rias was out of breath. A string of saliva was seen as they had to unwittingly put a stop to their activities. 

"Do you want to fuck, Rias?" Patrick asked.

"I-in here? What if someone sees us?" 


"No. not now." replied Rias confidently.

"Fine," Patrick grumbled.

"What should I do now?" Patrick said.

What's the meaning of life?

There is no meaning. hence just be good and enjoy it while it lasts.

Oh wait, in this world he could live forever if he wished..... Anyways.

"Rias, I'll go outside for a bit."

Rias said ok.

The air outside was warm and breezy. Making one's day peaceful and serene. Patrick just wanted to relax, think, or train his abilities.


'Yes. partner.'

'I feel weird today. Like I feel disconnected from the world. Today it felt like I was watching everything from a third-person perspective. Acting fake, Smiling fake. Everything felt fake.'

'Maybe you are tired today, partner. Why don't you rest?'

Patrick thought to take on her advice and decided to sit under the shade of a tree, to relax.

He closed his eyes.

Meditation is gay.

Shut up bitch.

Seriously, you should be training like a madman right now. Did you forget your mission?

Yeah. Your right. I am procrastinating.

(After an epic training montage)

I am dead tired.

Think about the future.

I want to enjoy the present.

Keep your laziness to a minimum. 

A black cat approached him as he was lying down exhausted. it licked his face, ticking him. In his past life, cats weren't that close with him but why was a cat rubbing it's face against his in this life?

He played with the cat, of course, lifting it up, swaying it side by side. Also Scratching her chin, she seemed to enjoy that.

"Do you want to be my pet?"

The cat nodded. Patrick seemed surprised at the cat understood him.

He got some treats and fed the cat. However when he went to go home the cat didn't follow him. Instead it ran away.

That was weird thought Patrick. Though his day today coudn't have been weirder.

You must meditate.

This was more weird. His alter ego giving him good advice? What's next? tell him to get married?


Anyway he just went to meditate.

He needed a power up. So he asked Reg.

'How about you become a dragon?'


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