
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Akeno is being too Rough

The Sun announced its presence by shining its rays on me as though trying to wake me up.

I did wake up and did 200 pushups as a starter for the day. I took a cup of coffee and sat outside surrounded by trees and basking in the sun. The birds chirped to announce their presence. 

Good Morning Ddraig.

"Good Morning, Partner."

Ah...Enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting outside was quite peaceful. Little did I know my peace was soon going to be taken away.

By the time I was going to school, I still hadn't met the cat as I hadn't seen him. Was he mad or something? I knew that I had to meet with Akeno today since I technically ignored her yesterday. The plan is to be sensual and rough, I have no intentions of playing the coquette or Ideal. To be formless is the best, able to change as the situation demands. 

In the classroom, there was a girl wearing glasses staring with wide eyes at my crotch area. I of course knew her since I watched the anime. 

"Is there something wrong?" I asked curiously to the girl.

 "N-no n-nothing i-is wrong." The girl became flustered.

"There is no need to talk with such perverts, Patrick-san" said Random girl No. 2

The glasses girl instantly became down and gloomy.

"Hey, there is no need to talk like that to your classmate." I said righteously to stand up for the girl.

 "Fine. Stay with that waste if you want to." Random girl no.2 finally left.

"Anyways ignore that girl. What is your name?" I asked the girl to break the ice and converse.

"I am Aika, Patrick-san." Aika looked at me with doe eyes.

"I see. What was that girl talking about?"

"W-well the thing is I have an ability that enables me to measure the size of someone's dick." Aika became red and explained much to her embarrassment.

"Whoa! That's a weird ability. Anyway, how was my size?" I asked curiously.

''W-what? " Aika looked surprised.

"I meant how was my size compared to everyone" I explained with a straight face.

"It was average." Aika looked away and said.

My mind instantly became blank. Dick size was important for me. Back when I was the emperor I always showed my dick was the biggest (figuratively of course). I feel like I am going to cry.

"Wait! Patrick-san are you crying?" Aika said all worried but didn't realize she opened a deep wound.

"Tears are falling out of my eyes but I am not crying." I explained whilst having streams running down my face.

"Sorry Patrick-san" Aika apologized for having tears running down my face.

People started to gossip that Aika said such hurtful things to me that I started to cry. I went outside to save my reputation Aika followed after me. I came behind some bushes and stopped.

"I am so sorry Patrick-san." Aika bowed and asked for forgiveness.

"You know why don't you check again if I am average?" I asked as if trying to save myself.

Aika looked at my crotch again and said," It is the same."

"N-no. Maybe it's because of the pants. I'll take off the pants and you can check again." I asked horrified at the fate.

Aika became flustered and resisted my advances but eventually gave in because of my genuine disappointment.

"Okay, I'll take it off now. Could you come closer? I feel embarrassed." I said ready to take my pants off at a moment's notice.

 Aika came closer and sat on her knees. I took my pants off. My junk was just relaxing right now it wasn't hard. Aika looked at it carefully and curiously asked,

"Could you get it hard?" 


After the R18 Scene.

"Patrick-san. Why did you do that with me?" Aika asked in mock anger and obedience.

I gripped her chin and held her waist, "Come on. Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that? I can feel that you are wet down there." 

"Patrick, You are a bastard. You took my purity away, I will never forgive you." Aika barked in anger and tried to get away from my embrace.

"You don't need to forgive me, sweetheart. Just be mine." I spoke trying to tempt her.

"I would rather die." 

"Fine. Just this one thing." I had enough and bit into her neck to leave a mark. Aika tried to break free but she couldn't because she was weak instead she bit me back! I let her go and clutched my neck. Of course, it didn't hurt but I had to act.

"Did it hurt? " Aika asked worried that she but too hard.

"No." I replied indifferently.

"I only did it because you started it." Aika excused.

"Fine. I need to go somewhere now. Excuse me." I left immediately.

Whooah! That was fun. It had been some time since I had released Steam. I have to go to Rias's club right now since I suspect Riser to be there as I have sensed an unknown presence there. When I entered the building, I encountered Rias, Akeno, and the others in addition to a woman wearing a maid uniform and a man with blond hair. 

"Who is this human vermin, Rias?" The Blonde man said in arrogance.

"He is no one." Rias said in an attempt to save me.

"Rias dear. Why are you lying? You don't need to worry since I am here." I said and moved closer to Rias and held her waist sideways.

"Rias! What is this madness? The lady of the Gremory clan is acting like this. You are my fiance for devils sake." Riser shouted.

"Yo! Riser I have a proposition for you. Defeat me in a duel and I will give Rias to you otherwise you would live thinking that she is in attachment with another your whole life." I challenged the chicken.

"Fine. Do you think a mere human ant can challenge a Phenex? I will kill you and take Rias before your eyes."

I stood before his insults, "Try it" 

 "Grafiya! Let's go away from this place I can't bear the smell."

The maid summoned a magic circle to appear below them. As it vanished it took them with it.

"Pat! Why did you do that?" Akeno instantly jumped at me and tore me from Rias in worry.

"Don't worry Akeno." I looked at Akeno with a glint in my eye.

"She is saying the truth, Pat. That was dangerous. " Rias touched her arm.

"I did that for you, Rias." 

"No need to do that." Rias looked even more bothered 

"I think you don't understand Rias. I helped you just because I felt like it. There is no other reason okay?" I finally looked at Rias from above since I was taller.

At That, Rias went away to her room and slammed her door.

"Let her go. I think I have some unfinished business with you." Akeno called me out with a ghastly voice and cold eyes.

"What business?" I innocent.

Akeno didn't say anything and dragged me to her room. I tried to break free but I couldn't? What the hell! I should be stronger than Akeno right now. She shoved me inside her room. It was not your typical girl's room with there being dark, grey highlights around the room with no plushies. It was unfamiliar territory. She locked the door.....wait.

"So, Pat~ what's this I heard you cried because of a woman? Akeno glared at me.

"There were tears running down my face but I was not crying." Seriously.

"Are you joking with me?" Akeno's eyebrow twitched.


"I also heard something else. You went behind the bushes with that girl and did... Do I need to say further?" Akeno looked as if she would kill me if I answer wrong.

"Partner you got yourself in trouble. AND that's why you don't think with your dick." Ddraig screamed in my head. 

God was I in trouble.

"Who did you hear that from?" trying to divert.

Akeno came closer to me, "Do you think that will work? When I am yours, you are also mine. I don't want anything else."

"I remember yesterday I said that I didn't want this drama today." I became serious.

"I haven't even brought up yesterday." Akeno looked as she would blast everything.

I gripped her chin tightly and said, "What I meant to say yesterday was that I am a hypocrite. You are mine and mine alone but I am not only yours. Though I will say that all my wives will be equally loved by me"

Akeno became angry at this and hit me on the crotch! Fuck! That shit hurts! I clutched my balls in pain and fell down on the bed. Did my rizz skills go down or something? Akeno got some chains from God knows where. I knew where this was going down. So I immediately stood up and stopped her from that. I used fire magic to melt the chain. Akeno then said crazed,

"If I can't have you then no one can!"

I instantly slapped the bitch at her audacity. She came back to her senses at that slap. 

"Why are you hitting me?" She screamed.

"Bitch, I'll hit you again if you dare to try have that kind of thoughts." I warned Akeno to not overstep.

"Why are you cursing me?' Akeno cried at me calling her bitch.

I hugged her and consoled her whispering sweet in her ear. She calmed down and became tame. I tried to flirt and uplift the situation. She laughed and enjoyed my embrace. God give me power.

"Akeno, why don't we have some fun?" I touched her stomach.