
Emperor Of The Court

I don't know what kind of hypnosis should I put to avoid spoilers. But All I can say is this a light-hearted story like my other book Don't expect drama or Yaoi haha Read it XD

IncubusIsLaifu · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 - Tokyo Japan!

It's been a month since me and aunt Alexandra arrived in Japan. It's still summer so I'm mostly found in the house and getting lectures from aunt Alexandra about the places here.

To be honest, she is teaching me about the places here and I only know a little Japanese from my father. But there is this Japanese Language Mastery in my system shop that costs Win Points and right now... I have zero.

The only way to earn it is to defeat someone and you know what gives me a lot of questions? I should love someone. I love aunt Alexandra but why did I still get no points?

Even when waking up, I always tell my aunt that I love her and she answered me back but still got no points? Is this system a cheat?

We are living in a large house right now and I don't even know how did aunt Alexandra afford this home but I'm happy that it's big enough to explore and many bedrooms too.

There is also this neighbor that has the same age as me. She has pink hair and also she is very cute, it even surprised me why she has pink hair.

Every time I'm practicing dribbling at our garage, this girl always passed and wave her hands at me with her cheeks reddened. Is she always sick?

Also within this month, I did not slack off and keep on practicing. I even started to practice martial arts.

[Blake Garcia]

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Age: 5 Years old.

Lover/s: None

Sports: Basketball

Instruments: Piano

Martial Arts: Aikido, Hapkido.

Innate Skills: Rapid Growth, Charm, Charismatic, Instant Mastery.

Aikido is a grappling art, aikido is a Japanese martial art performed by flowing with the motion of the attacker rather than opposing it straight-on. This requires much less physical strength, as the practitioner directs the attacker's momentum with entering and turning motions, followed by various throws or joint locks.

While Hapkido is a martial art that uses joint locks, kicks, punches, and other striking attacks. Weapons such as sword, nunchaku, rope, cane, and staff are also used, although their emphasis varies. Hapkido focuses on using circular motions, non-resisting movements, and control of the opponent, using footwork and body positioning to gain leverage and avoid strength against strength.

Although aikido and hapkido are thought to share a common history, they differ significantly in philosophy, range of responses, and execution of techniques.

- - - - -

I have gathered attention while dribbling at our garage and mostly are girls with flushed cheeks and I got scared because it made me feel like they all have a fever while looking at me.

'I'm still five years old and will easily get sick you know?' I thought in my mind while continue practicing different kinds of dribbling and moves.

- - - - -

It's already evening. I and aunt Alexander are currently eating dinner at the table and because I'm so curious about what happened at the garage, I decided to ask her.

"Aunt Alexandra... The people here are weird. They were staring at me with cheeks reddened... Are they sick?"

Being attentive to what I said, aunt Alexandra made a 'pfft' sound and covered her mouth. She then looked for water and it made me panic so I got one for my self and gave it to her.

She instantly gulped the water and looked at me with a wanting to laugh expression "It's because you look different, Blake. Your five years old right? But you're tall and also, your body is muscularly lean, and also, your very handsome you know?" (I will explain his appearance soon)

Nodding my head even though I did not understand what she said, we continue to eat and immediately went to bed once we're done.

- - - - -

Time went very fast and today is my last day of Home School as a grade 6. I will now be in middle school next school opening.

Yes, I'm now 12 years old with no experience outside of our house except for me and my aunt Alexandra going out for shopping.

Aunt Alexandra hasn't trained me basketball because she told me I was doing well. Though she still guided me for some flaws. What's weird is, I also noticed since then... aunt Alexandra has this face that most girls do when they see me practicing at the garage.

Some people even took photos of me and aunt Alexandra told me not to stop them... I don't know what she is planning but I hope it's a good thing.

- - - - -

"Still practicing till now? Why won't you join some people at the court?"

I suddenly heard a cute voice and turned my body to face her. I looked at her and smiled.

"Aunt Alexandra told me that I should only play when I am already in middle school. Even though I wanted, she won't allow me to go out..."

Momoi Satsuki. She is a slender teenage girl with lower-back length bright pink hair, large darkish-pink eyes, and large breast for a 12-year old girl. She is very beautiful and can rival idols maybe in the future if she grows more.

"Eh? Well, I think your aunt is very overprotective when it comes to you..." Momoi said, her hands around her back while slightly leaning forward towards me.

She has been visiting me for a while now and sometimes watched me practice or even practice with me.

"Yes, she has been like that since I was young and I'm happy about it..." I smiled facing her, causing Momoi to blush and averted her gaze from my face.

[To be Continued]