
Emperor Of The Court

I don't know what kind of hypnosis should I put to avoid spoilers. But All I can say is this a light-hearted story like my other book Don't expect drama or Yaoi haha Read it XD

IncubusIsLaifu · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 - Dimensional Training?

Closing my eyes, my surroundings change again as I felt something was different. Then slowly, I rubbed my eyes and opened it.

I found my self in a tile-like environment and everything was blue and empty. A few seconds later, the same transparent board appeared in front of me.

[Currently Available Functions]

[Basket ball]

[Martial Arts]

Got excited by the word basketball, I immediately pressed it and the area instantly changes with the scenery of grasslands and me, standing on a basketball court.

It's not my first time seeing a basketball court but I'm delighted that I have my own court. Then, the same transparent window appeared and five words to be selected were written on it.






"Wait, it's like the basic training my father told me... I'll try the very first. Dribbling it is."

I pressed dribbling and something, no, someone materialized in front of me that looks like me but a little pixelated.

A ball also materialized at my hand and the other me walked towards me. I got scared at first and started to walk back but the other me started to dribble while looking at me.

Realizing that he won't hurt me. A notification popped up and said [Follow what he is doing], so I nodded my hand and walked a little closer to him.

'Thud' 'Thud'

I started to dribble like how the other me dribbled, changing the ball from his left hand to his right.

It's a little bit difficult for me at first but a few minutes later, it felt like I'm facing a mirror while we dribble the ball in sync.

We were just doing basic dribbling then minutes later, the other me started to semi-crouch and a text appeared at the top of his head [Low Dribble] that is what it is written.

So as always, I copied what he did and realized that my body started to get tired. I sat on the ground to rest and my duplicate stopped dribbling while halted his movement like a statue.

It felt creepy because it was just staring at me but I know he won't do anything.

Also, what amazed me is in this Dimensional Training area. My stamina replenishes very fast and I started to practice again with another dribbling skill like speed dribble.

[When you have the ball in an open court, you have to take advantage of the time while keeping good control with the ball and your body. You typically need to use speed dribble to achieve your aim. Speed dribble is used when a player isn't guarded heavily, he/she isn't forced to protect the ball excessively. This gives him/her a good chance to make faster dribbling while achieving some distance]

The notification explained everything and all I just need to do is copy what the other me is doing.

Then, a few moments later, I realized that I took my time here, and don't want to let aunt Alexandra see me dribbling like an idiot in my room.

"Hey, I think I have been spending my time for too long in this area. I should check--"

I faced the other me and talked despite knowing that he will not answer me. But then, I started to get nervous when I checked the time at the system because I have been here for two hours!

I dont know what happens when I return but I immediately pressed exit right away and pressing it multiple times.

With that, the space changed and I found myself back in my room. I quickly look at the time and got surprised.

"Eh? I have been out for only 30 minutes?"

I remembered entering the Training thingy at 1:30 pm and return at 2:00 pm flat. I hate to calculate because I hate math! Even aunt Garcia hated math.

"So, if I enter the Dimensional Training thingy, it needs to be evening when it's time to sleep."

Yes, that the right thing to do. With that, I opened my inventory and settle on my bed, notice that the value is still 9999x. Is it unlimited? It's useless to think about it for now.

I immediately entered and do some training again.

- - - - -

A week has passed since then. I and aunt Alexandra were now boarding on the plane.

She is really famous because so many people knew her when we arrive at the airport but my cheeks are full of pinch marks by aunt Alexandra's basketball teammates. Well, I almost fell asleep because of their hugs and the pillow-like thingy on their chest. It felt very soft and comfortable...

"Are you nervous? It's your first time riding a plane right?" She asked with a smile while patting my head.

"It's my first time and I'm not nervous, aunt Alexandra."

Hearing my answer, she rubs my hair with a smile and wore her headset, telling me to pinch her if I needed something.

She let me sat near the window so that I can see the scenery below. I was amazed by it and the trip went smoothly but what annoyed me is the man starting at aunt Alexandra's chest.

I felt something in my heart as if like possessiveness and stood up from the chair and pointed at the man.

"Stop staring at my aunt's chest you bald man!"

I gathered the attention of the people and the man shyly averted his gaze. Some people chuckled and I received a hug and kiss from aunt Alexandra and she let me rest at her lap and my back felt the heavenly pillows again. A great reward that I received.