
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 60

Just like that the girl called Alaya, decided to end the lives of Naruto's companions because of misplaced hatred. With her special eyes that showed her lineage as an Otsutsuki, Alaya located her targets and understood their power levels.

Alaya had eyes that were shapes like eight pronged wheels and it signified the eight abilities the eyes held. One of the abilities allowed her to scan a limited region and categorize them according to her desire.

The eyes made it almost impossible for anyone to hide from Alaya, and with it she found all of Naruto's people easily.

Looking at the list, Alaya locked on to the person that held Naruto's interest the most. The target turned out to be Supergirl.

"Is she one of his new whores or is she another victim of his games?" Alaya wondered

"It doesn't matter either way, let's kill her. It is better than being his slave."

Alaya agreed and found Kara visiting New Atlantis on Neptune. She had decided to explore the new regions that Naruto had created and enjoyed the new sights.

Seeing that Naruto wasn't in the region, Alaya activated another ability and walked through a spatial portal like her mother. The ability allowed Alaya to become invisible to all senses and sensors, making her an invisible figure.

Appearing like a ghost, Alaya fused to the water planet like her mother and gained complete control. She was the planet and her target was within her grasp.

Focusing on the area, Alaya used the invisibility ability and made it impossible for others to know what was taking place.

Kara was not touring alone and was accompanied by Aquaman and Mera. Naruto had talked to him and convinced the man that it was better to move out of Earth since the Atlantians held anger towards humans. Neptune was better for them and the Atlantians chose it when given the option.

Regardless, Arthur and Mera wished to explore the unexplored world before letting their people roam around. Knowing Naruto and his plans, Neptune was filled with powerful monsters that would keep them on edge and allow them to grow.

Just within a short time they had already come across many creatures and looking at them, the team could see that Naruto hadn't lost time checking the Pokemon and Digimon wiki. It was an interesting experience that brought them new knowledge of their friend.

It was cute. However after seeing those things in real life and feeling their power, they understood the horror and knew that Naruto had terrible training plans for his people.

Nonetheless, it was a wonderful tour which came to an unexpected end when the water around them captured them in its hold. The water pressure kept on increasing and some kind of corrosion started infected them. The corrosion affected their bodies, mind and soul, killing them in the most painful manner.

That was how it would have gone for normal people, but the team were the elites and they had survived worse attacks. Supergirl used her superior strength to overpower the pressure and Arthur utilized his Trident to control the water.

It was fortunate for Kara that Arthur had his Trident or the trio would have died. With the Trident, Arthur allowed them to escape the water and reach the surface of the water while it tried to drown them.

Seeing that the water was out of her control, Alaya changed her tactics and controlled gravity to pin down Arthur and Mera since Kara could easily overpower it.

But before Alaya could crush the Atlantians to paste, Naruto arrived through flight as teleportation was being blocked in the area. He had immediately senses the hole in his senses and found out that someone was blocking out a small portion. Furthermore, he had given various protections to Kara.

With his arrival, Alaya had no chance to escape or kill the targets.

Seeing the scenario play out, Alaya decided not to take that step. She decided to think of another step instead of attacking Kara.

Everything played out inside her head, as Alaya never took a step without thinking it through to the end. It was the one of the things that her mother kept on putting in her head. It was also something she despised, as it reminded her of her villainous father and his manipulative ways.

'How do I kill her?' Alaya thought as she looked at her abilities. She could create pocket dimensions and if the other side had no resistance she could even expand it inside the enemy. She could manipulate space, so she could trap her targets inside cage that they could never break or escape without space manipulation. She could also use unblockable attacks with space manipulation that could cut anything.

She could manipulate gravity to mess with the movement of the enemy and produce similar gravity to neutron star that could easily crush her foes.

She had the ability the combine with a planet or a pocket dimension to utilize everything inside it, meaning even time could be controlled when she was inside her pocket dimension. However, that required heavy use of energy.

She could use soul attacks and even devour souls.

She could make black rods to disturb energy and even block it. These rods could also erase her foe completely if she wanted, soul and all.

She also had minor reality warping ability that allowed her to change the outcome of battles and even cancel her death.

She also had the ability to cause explosions with a thought and these explosions could be only done to things with value. It meant that higher the value of something, the stronger the explosion. Using dollars, one dollar could cause an explosion that would destroy a house. However, she didn't need to use money to make explosions. She could even make the house itself explode, if she knew what the cost was.

Finally, she also had the ability to create powerful puppets and even turn people to puppets.

Looking through her skills, the only skill that could allow her to make a kill was the Explosion ability. However, she didn't think it would kill Kara. So, she decided to change the target.

She decided to kill all the weaklings and make up for the loss of Kara with numbers, since after Kara's death all of them would have been under protection.

Sending out her human puppets, Alaya gathered the knowledge about the value of the products that Naruto's people had on them. She also gathered the cost of their residence and vehicles, since those two things had the highest values and they would be in close contact with them.


While Alaya gathered information and waited patiently, someone else attacked first. It was an attack on George and Stella in their personal pent house.

The culprit of the attack was unknown and only mist could be seen covering the whole penthouse. Normal humans would have quickly fainted from pain upon coming in contact with the dense cloud of enveloping smoke as simply breathing it in would burn their throat and direct contact with eyes would cause them to fester. They would start to suffocate due to being unable to breathe, and they could not see anything as they writhe in pain. Superhuman beings would die so easily but they would also suffer the effects.

The culprit must have thought that the couple were just normal humans, but no one died after few seconds and the mist was forced to scatter as Red Hood took action.

Red Hood had learnt about Naruto's other method and came in contact with Roberta. Over time they hit off and he liked her combat style, and her ferocity. It was the reason why he was at the pent house, though he didn't have to interfere. Roberta had also been granted power for her services and allowed to fight on a higher scale.

Jason had stopped breathing to avoid any mishap and thought the wind would blow the mist away. However, the mist was controlled by someone and didn't scatter like normal. It increased in intensity and solidified to hinder any movement.

None could see through it and even chakra vision was hindered. Seeing that it wasn't normal, Red Hood didn't hold back and blasted the mist away with extreme force.

Wind Bullet the size of a car left his body and destroyed the wall, sending out the mist in to the sky. Where Roberta followed it up with a small wind tornado that sent the mist high in to the sky.

"Master, who is targeting you?" Roberta asked as she looked at George sitting calmly with Stella.

"She was an unexpected guest, but not an enemy. So, let her come." Naruto saw through everything and was pleasantly surprised at what had happened.

The answer was vague and they got nothing from it.

However, they could only wait since he wasn't talking. After few moments they saw the misty return in the shape of large anaconda, it had grown massive in size and the speed wasn't anything to sneeze at.

However, the warriors didn't stop it. Naruto extended his hand and the mist snake was directly pulled towards it. It quickly shrank in size and started to take the shape of a little girl. Before long all of them saw the person, it was a short girl and it was someone that Konan knew.

She was the little girl that Naruto had saved from George and Stella, Jacky.

The girl hadn't grown in size but her body had become stronger along her mind. Though, it was clouded by hatred. Meaning, her memories hadn't been erased.

Jacky glared at Naruto with hatred as she George, the person that had tried to destroy her remaining life. Her mother's killer was already dead and Black Mask had disappeared, so she had no other target left for her hatred.

"No need to glare child, your target of hatred doesn't exist. I saved you that night and made sure there was nothing left to hold you down… It really is a surprise that you awakened such powers because of my interference. I am impressed that you developed it in such a short time." Naruto spoke in a gentle manner as the façade disappeared and showed his true appearance.

Hearing the voice, Jacky saw the similarity and knew it was her savior. Jacky thought that her savior had left the villains alive like the rest of the heroes, but seeing his appearance she understood everything. She thought he had killed them when he saved her, and that was the truth. However, Naruto gave them a second chance by reviving them later. But the couple was corrupt beyond reason and couldn't hold themselves back from acting evil, which led to their painful death.

"Thank you for saving me, Emperor. I will always be grateful to you." Jacky relaxed completely into his hands as she recognized Naruto as the Emperor and her savior.

"I am happy to hear that. But, are you sure you want to do this? It is a noble cause that I admire. However, it is filled with difficulty and ingratitude. Isn't it better to live a peaceful life, like your mother wanted?" Just because Naruto came from a warrior background didn't mean that he wanted everyone to become one. He always gave people the choice to reconsider the path and take the path that best suits them, the path that gives them happiness.

Jacky hadn't said anything but her thoughts were read. However, she didn't mind it from him.

"I want to become like you. I don't want to live in a world where I have to fear for my life. I don't want to feel helpless again. Please, let me stay by your side. I will never complain about anything."

"Staying by my side means heavy responsibility, are you willing you to carry it?"

"I don't know anything, but I can always learn. Isn't that what you have been saying? There is no full stop to learning, not even in your late ages. As for my willingness, I will die trying."

"Only time will tell about your resolve, little one. However, I will give you the chance that you desire. Earn your way in to my close circle, if you want to stay close to me. Or you can just join one of the other groups that I will create."

With those words, Naruto increased her power of the poisonous mist that she was even capable of controlling a city worth of it.

Having small talk with his little fan, Naruto sent her towards Moon Maiden. It was a small happiness for Naruto and a joyous occasion for Jacky.

However, it didn't end there and that small happiness disappeared. Alaya targeted Clayface (Earth King), Mr. Freeze, Volcana (Phoenix), Toyman, White Rabbit, King Croc, Huntress, Man-Bat, Firefly, Carpenter Poison Ivy (Green Queen) and Killer Frost.

Clayface had been getting out of his Ferrari worth 2.2 million USD wearing an expensive suit and watch near his million dollar mansion, when everything exploded. He had been with his fiancé when it hit. The explosion was powerful enough to easily destroy the city or a small country, leaving a large crater. The explosions was quickly contained by Naruto, but Clayface lost his girlfriend. He only survived because Naruto had increased his powers to moon level. He saved the girl from the outside explosions but she died from what she had been wearing.

Mr. Freeze had been doing research along with his wife when the machinery exploded. The value of the items was in the millions and Mrs. Freeze was unable to survive the impact due to the proximity. Naruto contained the explosion, but the research lab had been erased along with the people inside except for Mr. Freeze.

Toyman had been given a large toy making corporation to bring joy to the children. With his new powers, he had made the beyblades from the cartoons. He had made the medabots for the kids. He had made the gunplay, small gundams that could be controlled for battle. He had made Yugioh real and so much more, giving immense joy to the new world. With such innovation, the company was worth billions and Toyman was also worth billions.

With his financial value known, Alaya directly made Toyman explode. The man was worth billions, so the explosion was enough to erase the whole continent of the map. Toyman had no chance to survive.

Man-Bat was having fun with his family an amusement park when it exploded along with expensive ring and watch he had given his wife. The man survived but his little boy and wife left nothing behind.

The others survived with minor or no injuries because of their power or having nothing of high value around them.

All these explosions caused mass panic around the country as it was the first large scale attack since Naruto's appearance and it was so destructive.

It shouldn't have been possible since Naruto had synced his senses with the world and the barrier surrounding it, meaning he would have known that something bad was about to happen. However, the hidden enemy had broken that system and even made it difficult for him to sense things.

It was the reason for his delay.

However, the outcome wasn't decided. Naruto utilized his power over time and tried to reverse it by minutes. It didn't work. He moved on to reality warping to undo the explosions. The damage was fixed, but he couldn't bring them back to life.

He tried to drag their souls back to their bodies, but he couldn't find their souls. It was apparent that the enemy didn't want him to revive anyone. It meant that he also only had one life, no reality warping would work to undo death.

Death of closed ones wasn't new for Naruto, but the feeling of powerlessness was new. From the beginning of his life, Naruto had walked a difficult path but he had never really felt failure. He had never really struggled with the sense of hopelessness that came from the thought of never achieving a goal. Naruto had never been given a reason to think such negative thoughts. He always had the capability to win with time and effort.

Now he was facing an unknown higher power that seemed impossible to stop.

"Sleep my friends, soon you will join the world of the living again. I will never give up on you, so take a short break and rest." Naruto helped the others calm down and made them believe that it was just temporary.

'I need assistance from a higher being. But, who will and can help me? Chaos, Death, The Monitors, Mxy and Batmite are the only ones who can help us now. Batman should have already gotten help from Batmite if it was possible, so that is out. Myx is unpredictable and untraceable, so he is out. The Monitors aren't exactly good and they are hard to talk to, so I will keep them as the last resort.

I will have to find Death of the Endless.' Naruto had already been thinking about a solution and gathrered information about powerful beings from the higher dimensions. With his target decided, Naruto decided to give a visit to Xanadu.

However, things hadn't ended and they were about to get worse. Alaya was happy with the result and decided to kill of everyone. She created a website where people put value to all the heroes. Alaya provided the information of their assets and their costs.

She allowed the world that the heroes were protecting to put a monetary value on them and use it to kill Naruto along with his gang.