
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 49

Themyscira, also known as Paradise Island, is the second home of the Amazons, named after their prior home in what is now modern day Turkey. The island has undergone several changes in location and appearance over the years.

The immortal Amazons were created over 3,000 years ago to teach the merits of virtue, love, and equality to the men of "Patriarch's World", and they founded the city-state of Themyscira in ancient Greece (in a part of modern Turkey).

Ares, the Immortal of War, a chief opponent of the Amazons, manipulated his half-brother Heracles to gather forces and attack Themyscira, where Heracles seduced and ravaged the Amazon Queen Hippolyta. His forces succeeded in ransacking Themyscira and enslaving the Amazons. Through strength and savage cunning, the Amazons freed themselves, slaughtering most of their captors. Soon after, Antiope led a force of Amazons off into Greece, seeking vengeance on Heracles. As decreed by the Immortals, Hippolyta led the remaining Amazons to a remote island, where they were tasked with guarding Doom's Doorway as punishment for their failures as teachers. They named the island itself Themyscira, after their fallen capital, and began new lives, erecting buildings and monuments, and perfecting their skills as artisans and warriors.

For centuries the Amazons lived in what they felt a perfect state of harmony with their surroundings. Occasionally, the Nereides would bring to the shores of Themyscira young infants who would have drowned otherwise in accidents. These infants would wash up on the shores of Paradise Island and be tutored spiritually in Amazonian ideals, a process of which is colloquially called "sending forth"; wherein one of the tribeswomen act as a surrogate mother/teacher figure to the young and would then teach them their ways to protect the world when required. The immortals had granted the Amazons the fountain of youth and power, which allowed them to live forever and continue their duty.

However, not everything was as it seemed. The Amazons didn't just adopt children, as they seduced and raped men to conceive children of their own. The raped men usually ended up dead after the deed. If that wasn't bad enough, the Amazons drowned or buried alive the male children.

It was the dark secret that Wonderwoman didn't know about from her mother and it was something the Amazons had only recently stopped doing. It had only stopped few decades before the current date because of Hephaestus, the Immortal of the Forge. The man had been helping out the woman and realized what they were doing, so he decided to make the male children his assistants in the forge.

The Amazons were ruled by Queen Hippolyta.


Hippolyta's history began tens of thousands of years ago. In ancient times, there was a caveman who - embittered over being maimed by a tiger and driven from his tribe - encountered a woman in a cave and brutally murdered her after she offered him some compassion: the first woman murdered by a man's hatred.

Thousands of years later, the Greek pantheon held a meeting around 1,300 B.C., convened by the Female Immortals. They desired to create a race of humans that would champion their ideals. Zeus, in his arrogance, decreed that mankind would never forget the Immortals, and that it did not matter if there were champions or not. Ares did not desire anyone promoting peace. The other male Immortals did not seem interested, and Hera did not wish to go against her husband. Therefore, it fell to the other five primary Greek Female Immortals. Traveling into the Underworld, the immortals came to the Well of Souls, the place where the souls of all the women murdered by mans hatred were gathered. They drew forth these souls, dropping them like great tears into a lake in Greece - all save one, a very special soul. The souls mixed with the clay and stone of the lake bed to form the Amazons, women reborn. The first to emerge from the waters was Hippolyta - the second would be her sister, Antiope. The Immortals made themselves known to the Amazons, appointing Hippolyta and Antiope to be the two queens of them. They decreed that the Amazons were to spread the message of Gaea: a message of peace, tolerance, and equality. As a symbol of their devotion, Hippolyta and Antiope were each given a Golden Girdle.

Hippolyta and Antiope lead the Amazons for years, creating a great city called Themyscira. Their efforts to spread peace and equality were frustrated; however, as few men trusted them (especially after Ares kept stirring up trouble). As the years went by, more and more they remained isolated in their city. Their numbers increased by freeing women from slavery.

Doom would come to the city in the form of Heracles, the Son of Zeus. In the midst of his Twelve Labors, still suffering from Hera's madness upon him, Heracles and his friend Theseus came to the Amazons. One of Heracles Labors was to retrieve the Girdle of Hippolyta. Arriving at the Amazon city with an army behind them, Heracles demanded Hippolyta surrender the Girdle. Hippolyta refused, marching out of the city and offering to fight Heracles for it. Heracles was defeated by the Amazon Queen, and the humbled demi offered peace and to unite with the Amazons in an alliance. The Amazons let Heracles and his men into the city, and a night of revelry ensued. Antiope fell helplessly in love with Theseus, and Hippolyta fell for Heracles pretty hard - too hard. In his madness, Heracles drugged Hippolyta, raping and assaulting her in her slumber. And when she awoke she was in chains. Heracles' army bound, beat, and raped the Amazons, tearing down their city and stealing their treasures. Heracles left the city with Hippolyta's girdle and some of his men, leaving the majority behind to guard the Amazons. Theseus was gone as well, although it's not clear if he participated in the raping and pillaging or if he left beforehand.

After a vision of one of the Immortals let her find her strength, Hippolyta broke out of her cell and set to work freeing her sisters. More and more Amazons were freed, and a running battle began all over the city. Hippolyta watched as many of her sisters succumbed to bloodlust, enjoying the bloody slaughter of the men. They fought until all the men lie dead. Afterwards, Antiope was still enraged - she insisted that they march on Athens itself, killing all in their path until they reached Athens where they could take back the Girdle from Heracles' dead hand.

But Hippolyta said no - she said that such a path of bloody revenge was not the Amazon way, and that to go down that way would lead only to destruction. Antiope could not be strayed - feeling betrayed by not only her lover but by her gods, she cast her Girdle at Hippolyta's feet, declaring that henceforth she asked nothing of Olympus. Half the Amazons left with her - the other half stayed with Hippolyta. It was the last time the sisters would ever see each other.

In the midst of the ruins, the Immortals now appeared again. They were displeased with the Amazons, declaring that they had failed in their sacred mission - now the very name "Amazon" would be associated with death and destruction, not peace and equality. The Amazons must have a penance. They were each given a pair of steel "bracelets" to wear at all times, forever a reminder of their capture and humiliation. Then their bodies and souls were purified, and they began their journey. Poseidon himself parted the sea, and the Amazons walked along the bottom until they came to an island that the Immortals had removed from the circles of the world - Paradise Island. There they built the new city-state of Themyscira, and were to be the guardians of a great evil that lay beneath the Island. As long as they remained on the island, they would be immortal - though they could be killed, and some were over the many long years and the many battles they had to fight against the evil that would try to escape. For over 3,000 years, here they remained, with Hippolyta their queen all that time.

Hippolyta had a daughter called Diana, also known as Wonderwoman. Unknown to Diana, she wasn't brought to life through giving a soul to a stone sculpture. She was the real daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta, making her a Demi with immense powers. These powers were sealed by the bracelets that Diana wore, but she was unaware of that fact.


Other than Diana, there was Donna Troy. Donna was created to be a playmate for the young Wonder Woman by the sorceress Magala, who used a magical mirror to create a duplicate of Diana, though with her own personality. She was abducted by Dark Angel who mistook her for the real Diana, and cursed her to experience a cycle of countless tragic lives, given the name Donna Troy as a cruel joke to her origins. But it would not be until the intervention of Wonder Woman, Hippolyta, and the Flash years later that she would learn this.

In one of the lives she ended up living, Donna was orphaned by her birth mother, Dorothy Hinckley, a dying unwed teen who had given her up for adoption. After Donna's adoptive father Carl Stacey was killed in a work-related accident, her adoptive mother Fay Stacey gave her up for adoption again, unable to raise the toddler because of mounting expenses. Donna remembered being rescued from a fire by the Titan Rhea who, being one of the mythological Titans, brought her to New Cronus and raised her as one of twelve Titan Seeds, orphans from various planets who would have died if Rhea had not saved them. Each one was given the name of a place that worshiped the Titans, and Donna was given the last name of Troy in homage to the ancient city. She was returned to Earth at age thirteen, where her memories of New Cronus were erased until such a time that she would return and take her place among the Seeds as a Titan.

When Donna experienced having superhuman powers and abilities, she adopted the identity of Wonder Girl. Donna became one of the founding members of the Teen Titans, even suggesting the name of the group from a residual memory.

She married Terry Long, a college professor, and soon became pregnant. This incited the Team Titans group from the future to confront her, claiming that her son would threaten the future as Lord Chaos. Donna voluntarily gave up her powers to prevent this. She later requested for her powers to be returned but was denied. She was inducted into the Darkstars and rejoined the Teen Titans as a Darkstar. Terry later divorced Donna citing that her superhero role put the family in danger and gained sole custody of their son. She turned to teammate Kyle Rayner for comfort, but left him after Terry, Robert and Jenny Long, (Terry's daughter from his first marriage) were killed in a tragic car accident.

After that incident that took place just two years before Naruto's arrival, Donna left the human world and lived on the Island. She had been brought to Themyscira by Diana for healing as Donna had been slipping and it was a matter of time that she would have ended her life.

Even after all those years, Donna hadn't fully healed from those scars and blamed herself for the death of her family. She had been careless and immature. She could have given them protection easily but never thought about it until it was too late.

After Donna, there was another figure on the Island that was extremely important. It was Diana's twin brother, Jason. Just like the other males, he couldn't be allowed on Paradise Island. It was a rule that none could disobey, so Hippolyta gave him away to a trusted individual.

Jason ended up in the hands of Hercules and was trained by him, before the duo returned back to the Island. They were living on the outskirts of the Island just like Hephaestus. Diana had come to know about him and was gone from hero business because of it.


Unlike the others, Naruto was sure these people wouldn't accept his rule through words because he intended to punish them for their criminal past. It wasn't just that alone. They wouldn't follow him because he was a man, and all of them were loyal to other Female Immortals beside Gaea. Naruto had no backing from the other immortals at this point, though it was obvious they would pitch in soon.

Nonetheless, he wasn't worried and was actually itching for a fight. As the Emperor he had to keep up his image and act patiently, throwing fists was a real image breaker and would ruin his authenticity.

Getting back to the situation, it had been some hours since his meeting with Justice League and Naruto had personally visited the Island. He couldn't send a clone to meet Hephaestus or fight Hercules. Naruto wasn't alone this time and he brought along some back up.

Supergirl, Alessa and Spirit King (Centurion) were with him to provide support and take care of the weaker enemies. Spirit King was the new name that Centurion had taken after his transformation, since he also had a new appearance.

He hadn't participated in the last battle because his meditation hadn't finished. He was above all the other members combat wise and powers before Doctor Mist joined.

Alessa was the girl from Silent Hill that Naruto managed to convince before coming to the Island. She had been unable to hide from him since Naruto was able to copy her powers as well and infiltrated her pocket dimension.

Talking to her directly, Naruto healed Alessa from her mental and physical scars. She had been sealed to the city and her soul had been split in two by a demonic cult. Naruto gathered her good side and mixed it with the evil side, making her whole again. She had lived for decades, but hadn't aged a day physically or mentally.

Alessa was like a little girl of around 12 or 13 and she decided to follow him after meeting him. She hadn't met a person directly in years and the last experience had been terrible. Naruto was very sweet and his positive emotions managed to win her heart. Her good side had a good mother but she was mortal and Alessa didn't want to endanger her at the moment, so she decided to make the world peaceful for her sake.

It wasn't instant friendship, but Alessa decided to follow him and Naruto treated her like a little sister. Her powers had increased by a rank after healing and Naruto's help, making her the strongest member of the group.

The four individuals floated above the Island and flew down with Naruto at the front. There was a dimensional barrier blocking the way, but they passed through it easily as Naruto saw through its making and destroyed it. It was like the air shattered like glass and rained down with them as they landed on the beach.

It sent alarms blaring on the Island.

"You are truly dramatic with your entries. Do you not get tired of acting supreme?" Kara smiled as she saw his actions and realized that Emperor always had a dramatic entrance. All his moves were extremely calculated and theatrical.

"I love making a strong impression." Naruto replied with pleased tone as he indicated the Amazons gathered on the beach that almost dropped their weapons at their appearance.

The barrier was something grand, a gift from the immortals, and it had been broken without any resistance. It cast a huge shadow on their souls seeing such a scene. The barrier had been strong enough to block of most intruders but Naruto's eyes allowed him to counter it without overpowering it.

Kara could see the benefits of making such entries, as it seemed to help avoiding fights.

Naruto didn't go any further and released a wave of energy to signal the people of his presence while teleporting the Island to Jupiter to avoid the JL's attention and interference.

Without the barrier, the teleportation went without a hitch and the Island dwellers saw their world change.

Just as the process finished, which took less than a minute, The Queen arrived along with Donna Troy and her entourage.

Looking at the sky, Hippolyta was alarmed and enraged, "Identify yourself and present your reason for such an act of war."

Her voice was filled with majesty and commanding, it was further enhanced by her beautiful and noble looks. Her appearance was very much similar to Diana and Donna, with long black hair and silver eyes.

"Supergirl, what are you doing here?" Donna saw Kara and was shocked seeing her with Emperor. She wasn't living in the outside world, but Diana kept her informed and she could even communicate telepathically with her sister. Supergirl didn't speak and let Naruto take the lead while she gave a nod to Donna.

"I am the Emperor of Mankind, Queen Hippolyta. I am here to free you from your cage and allow you to live in the vast world outside. I intend to expand the region covered by humanity and for that purpose; your girls can play a strong role along with the other chosen fighters of the new era. I have the guidance of Gaea in my decisions, so approach the subject carefully." Naruto replied as he walked closer to Hippolyta, towering over her menacingly.

Just like Donna, the Queen also knew about the happenings of the outside world. She just wanted to confirm that it was the real person, and she hadn't expected him to come to her Island.

"We respect Mistress Gaea deeply, but we shall deny your offer. We have not received any command from our Masters. Return us to our region, and we shall forget about this act of war." Hippolyta wouldn't have been merciful normally, but because of Gaea she allowed it.

"This was not an option. I command you to submit and repay your countless sins. The deaths and sexual assaults of countless innocent lives are on your hand, you cannot just walk away without a punishment. What you did in the forgone era wasn't even close to what you continued doing after arriving on this island. You are vile creatures that never stood for justice and peace, except in your deluded minds. Submit and accept your punishment, before it becomes worse." Naruto's tone became cold and harsh as he showed them their place, and what he thought of them. He didn't look at them as guardians of the world, as they were just criminal scum that needed some retribution.

Seeing the screens popping and showing their criminal activities, Supergirl and Donna were shocked and disgusted. They had never thought that the Amazons had been doing such a thing.

Naruto pushed Hippolyta was his stature and forced her to walk back while the other girls stepped to the side. They were alarmed by the outsider knowing their secrets and fearful of his tone.

However, Hippolyta was enraged that the outsider showed their dark deeds. She had stopped it and didn't want her girls to know about it. Seeing the look of disgust on Donna was painful, and she knew that Diana would know about it soon.

"You dare make mockery of us! Amazons, dispose of the intruders." Hippolyta commanded as she was about to attack Naruto, but found herself smashed into the ground.

Naruto's hand covered her face and head as he went forth and smashed her into the ground with extreme force. It would have caused the Island to shatter but Naruto had enhanced it with his powers, so there wasn't even a dent and Hippolyta received immense damage from such an act that her brain was rattled.

"It would be better if you called off the girls before they get hurt, Hippolyta. Your resistance is futile, and your master's have abandoned you long ago." Naruto brought her up by the head and looked her in the eyes as she tried gathering her bearing.

Before she could respond or Donna could attack, a giant of a man landed on the beach.

"Tsk tsk, the great Emperor bullying some weak women. Why don't you drop the woman and meet someone your size." The tone was filled with a sense of superiority and arrogance, along with excitement. It was the voice of the man known as Hercules, the son of Zeus. He was a being that had lived for thousands of years and gone through countless trials. His life had been a tragedy through the interference of Hera and his own father.

It led to the death of his family at his hands, leading to madness. He had killed and betrayed countless friends along the way. Only to be rewarded with a position on Olympus as the Immortal of Strength. He represented the concept of strength, but he wasn't the concept itself.

Shazam got his super strength from Hercules, so it was obvious how powerful the man was.

He was physically capable manhandling the League, meaning he was a worthy foe for the current Naruto.

"Look at you, the Mighty Queen getting saved by her rapist. What a grand achievement? Now, before you are forced to submit, speak carefully. Do you really want it to go this way, and not my way?" Naruto looked at Hercules with disgust and disdain before turning back to his victim of domestic violence.

Hippolyta glared back at him and looked towards Hercules. The man she had once loved and then hated for his crimes against her people. She still hated the man from the bottom of her heart; however she couldn't do anything to him.

She had to compromise with him and allow him to live near their territory as the Immortals had commanded such. Hercules on his part didn't look angry or offended, he stood their casually along with Jason.

Jason was her son, but he didn't love or care for her either, as she had abandoned him and never looked back to check on his health. He was jealous of his sister's life because he had been living as a fishman and only in the last five years did he have extravagant life because of Hercules.

"We will not submit, no matter what you do."

"What a loyal subject, but sadly the loyalty won't save you today. Everyone here shall experience the weight of their sins, and all shall submit to the rule of the Emperor….Jason, will you step outside or will you interfere?" Naruto turned to the only innocent person present beside Donna.

Jason was surprised by the question and looked towards Hercules. He wanted to show that he wasn't a coward, but a strong and brave fighter.

"I shall not back down against any enemy." Jason showed his resolve to follow and support Hercules, seeing that his master was definitely going to fight.

"What about you, Miss Donna? Will you fight for these criminals or will you step back and let me show them the consequences of their hubris? Before you answer, please take into account what they have done to others and not the things they did for you. Even the vilest creatures can be the loving friends or family members, those good deeds don't discount their sins. I understand that this is a difficult decision to make, but understand that I shall not kill a single soul here. My punishment has never left any destructive scar on the sinners, you already know that.

I hope that you will sit down and wait for the end of this fight, because I wish to converse with you. After learning about you, I wished to help you overcome your problems and allow you to live a happy life. I can't allow selfless people to live such depressing lives, it is heresy. It can't be allowed to exist, as such is the end of evil and not the Light. I shall not stand for it.

Please, allow yourself happiness. It was not your fault and everyone makes mistakes. They have forgiven you and wish you a blissful life." Naruto let go of Hippolyta and walked towards Donna, who was standing close by with her sword.

His words and expression really shook her heart, especially those last words. She wanted to strike him for bringing up those things but, she saw their souls behind him. They agreed with his words, and she was showered with Naruto's adoration. The strong positive emotions seemed to destroy her desire to fight and her inner darkness.

Donna always had the choice to meet the souls but was scared to confirm her fears. But, seeing them here and now helped overcome that fear. Her inner darkness lessened and the bad memories were overcome instead of being pushed down.

She could have always made some changes in her life to avoid such an end, but in those times there had been so much going on and she had been young. It was not her fault. Even her husband hadn't brought it up and none of the others had thought of it either. No one thought about accidents and only after the death of her family, did the other heroes take countermeasures as they realized they couldn't be everywhere at the right time.

Nonetheless, Donna didn't back down. She saw her mother and didn't wish to abandon her to some outsider, even if she had been part of the wicked. It was decades ago and she had changed.

"Thank you for your help, but I shall not give up on my mother. Please, leave them in peace." Donna was not ungrateful and tried to ask for peaceful resolution.

"I see… We shall resolve this with violence." Naruto stepped back and shook his head before the participants felt a push, and they went through a portal.

Naruto didn't wish to destroy the Island or the Planet. He could keep the damage in check with weak individuals but for someone like Hercules, he couldn't afford to play around.

"Alessa, take good care of them and make sure they understand morality." Naruto turned to his little sister and gave her the command to take care of the amazons along with their Queen.

Her powers made her a literal nightmare and with Naruto's knowledge, it had been further enhanced. Naruto also improved his powers of fear mongering from Alessa, so his dark skills were on a new level after getting her knowledge.

"Yes, Mister Emperor." Alessa smiled as she walked through the portal and decided to punish the women for what they had done. She really disliked people like the Amazons with their clear lack of morals and uncaring attitude for outsiders. Her enemies had been people like them, people that thought they were superior and that everything done by them was right.

"That is one scary girl. Are you sure about leaving her with them?" Kara asked as she saw Alessa leave with a sinister smile.

"She is a cute little girl, Kara. You don't have to worry about them, as they will experience worse once the battle is over."

"Your tone can get really scary, are you okay?" Kara asked as she hadn't seen Naruto speak to criminals before, so she was worried about his mental health.

"Hahaha, thank you for your kind intentions, and there is no problem. I have different way of talking to people. I like good people and I hate criminals, it shows in my tone and mannerisms."

"It will take some time getting used to that. It really made you look evil, especially with all the women crying." Kara shared her opinion and realized that none of the others really brought up things like Naruto. His approach was really geared towards diplomacy and non-aggression. Plus, his approach took notice of the damage the battle might cause.

"Spreading fear always makes you look evil, but this stays confined to the enemies of mine…Will you take care of Donna?"

"I will talk to her." Kara didn't like the idea of fighting someone she knew, but it was inevitable. It was better for her to go or Donna might experience more pain.

She flew through a portal without pause and Spirit King also flew through a portal that led to Jason.

"Are you done?" Hercules asked as he was standing there, looking at the theatrics.

"I am done. Let's go to our battlefield." Naruto have him a glance and walked through a portal while Hercules followed him without a word. The man didn't think that Naruto would send him faraway because of his tone and mannerism. Plus, he could return to the Island in a second.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment. I hope you guys can leave a review and share your opinions on how the story is going, and what you would like in the story. These things really help in writing, so I would appreciate it greatly. Even paragraph comments help or chapter comments.

I decided to go back to the original plan. So, we will cover the battle here and then the interaction plus battles with the Titans and Young Justice.

I forgot about Centurion in the last battle.