
Emperor of Mankind (Naruto X Justice League)

Journey to a new world to prepare for an inevitable fight and prepare for the conquest of the Universe as the Will of Humanity, the Emperor of Mankind. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. A.U. Naruto with proper training and ninja mindset.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 47

Seeing the girls come into the room, Naruto stood up to greet them with a smile.

"Hello girls, it is a pleasure seeing you all so happy." Naruto opened his arms to give them a hug but only Buttercup hugged him while Bubbles acted shy and hesitated.

"Come on man, you don't have to speak like that. You can just act chill and speak freely with us. Only Blossom likes that manner of speaking." Buttercup patted his back like a close friend, like she was a guy friend. She didn't mind Naruto's way of talking but she would prefer if he talked in a different manner. That would perfectly fit his fighting style.

"Please ignore that suggestion, Gilgamesh. It would ruin your image and make you look immature. Buttercup, you should stop talking like that as well and please remove yourself from our guest. It is quite improper." Blossom shook hands with him and denied her sister's suggestion.

"Bah, he doesn't mind and it is none of your business."

"Girls, please take a seat." Paulina spoke up to help the situation and with her words, the girls sat down.

"Would you like to see the house?" Bubbles offered as she looked at him. She had trouble talking to him with the others around, making her feel conscious of the situation.

"I would love to, but before that allow me to offer my gifts." Naruto took out three items from his pocket dimension.

There was a giant teddy bear for Bubbles that amplified the positivity of the people around. There was a pair of gauntlets for Buttercup that caused immense pain to the victim. Finally, there was a Monster Encyclopedia for Blossom that contained data on all monsters in the Universe. It would have been a massive book, but Naruto utilized his new abilities of spatial manipulation to create it and made it look like a normal book.

The girls loved the gifts and were touched by his gesture, especially because he knew what they would like.

"How did you get such a book?" Blossom asked as she held it and saw the title. It looked very ambitious and from a cursory glance, it contained massive amounts of data that was unknown.

Before Naruto could answer, another question was put towards him by the leader of the group, "And, how did you find this house?"

Dexter entered the room along with Drake, Sara and Ima. The four people that were extremely suspicious of outsiders had entered the room, plus Deedee.

"Calm down little brother, he isn't an enemy." Deedee spoke up to make him relax, as she was always there to keep him relaxed when his girlfriend wasn't around. His nature had become extremely harsh and judgmental after the incident.

"The answer is very simple, my little friends." Naruto smiled as he was covered by his armor, showing his true form to the family.

The girls were confused by what was happening while Paulina and the others became defensive, ready for combat.

"Relax, I mean no harm. I am here for what I declared at the start of my conquest. I wish to recruit you, so that we can all work at maximum capacity and improve all of humanity." Naruto stood in the middle with the family surrounding him.

The family was not a threat to him except for Sara because of her Witchblade. In the start, Naruto had thought it was a weak weapon to him but Gaea's knowledge had enlightened him. The Witchblade was actually a balance between two primal forces of the universe—an entity of light known as the The Angelus and an entity of dark known as The Darkness. These two entities represented the concept of light and darkness, the Witchblade was their child after they had mated to sign a truce after millennia of conflict.

Sara was not very good with the weapon but she could get lucky with it if they fought and he could get mortally wounded. With the clone body, it would get cancelled so he wanted to avoid forcing the weapon to fight him.

"Sorry about keeping this secret from you girls, but I wished for us to become friends without any bias holding us back. My bond with all of you is real, and I have never really lied to you except for my name. Please, don't cry Bubbles. It pains my heart seeing you cry because of me." Naruto looked towards the girls that were thinking about what was happening and walked closer to Bubbles who thought it was all a lie.

Blossom and Buttercup stood in front of Bubbles looking pointedly at him.

"You wanted to manipulate us into agreeing. Your friendship was a sham, Emperor." Dexter spoke up as the defense system activated and Naruto was caged inside a force field.

"Avoid making such false statements, Dexter. I have never extended my hand towards others for impure reasons. I have no need for such tactics and it goes against my belief. Our meeting was coincidental and I was just looking around for people to befriend. I never looked for your group purposefully before this day and I was not going to use our friendship as a point for this recruitment.

I can assure of you my honesty." Naruto didn't ignore the jab and replied on that point as he didn't want to downplay their friendship. It was not a false bond, so moving along with business would have hurt his ideal and proved Dexter's point.

Hearing his words and seeing his expressions, the girls were shaken and looked towards the adults. Buttercup and Bubbles stepped forward, seeming to come to a conclusion. They believed his words and their bond.

"I think he is cool, so why don't we chill. None of us has an issue with Emperor's methods since he shows results and has never stepped out of line. He has been with us for a month, so I think that's enough to get to know a guy." Buttercup backed him up and told the others to relax, which was very ironic since she was the one that others needed to stop most of the time.

"I also believe in Gilgamesh. He has always been nice to us and is emotions towards are extremely pure." Bubbles was an empath so she could tell what others were feeling, meaning she was extremely sensitive the moods of others.

"Thank you for taking my side girls, I will definitely get you a better gift next time….My little friends, please look at this objectively. Look and analyze, none of our interactions had any nefarious meaning to it. I am also a person just like you, so I have social needs. It is the reason I interact with like minded people, especially selfless people. I love people that are willing to go beyond their responsibilities and help the world.

That is the simple reason why I interacted with your group. Today marks the start of my real conquest of the world, so I have come for the answer to my offer. Now, apologize for the name calling?" Naruto casually broke the cage and walked towards Dexter, who looked at him calmly.

The words made him waver and he realized his mistake, "I apologize for my harsh words. Nonetheless, I don't think we have to risk our group and join your cause now. We won't interfere with your purpose and we will join when you are done. Is that good enough for everyone?"

Dexter was prideful but he learnt from his mistakes and acknowledged them.

Utonium looked at Naruto, he was fine with the guy but he didn't want him close to his daughters.

"I agree with Dexter. We have no reason to support you at this point and risk our lives. You might still get defeated at any point of this conquest. Also, I want you to avoid playing with the hearts of my little girls. You are not the type of person they should be associating romantically." Utonium gave his opinion and his wife agreed. He also shared his misgivings about the girls liking for Naruto since the guy was manipulative.

"Father!" The girls cried out with red faces as their crush was exposed.

"You have many reasons to support me but, before that let me answer your second query. I am not playing with their hearts and I don't look at them in a romantic manner at the moment. Traditional romance is something I am not very good at, and I accept multiple partners to go with my position as the Emperor. I leave the choice to the girls whether they wish to pursue such a thing, but I would recommend someone else if they are looking for a normal romance. My purpose and ideals shape my actions, even romance has to submit to that rule… I know it is uncomfortable to hear, so please forgive me for breaking your hearts in such a way." Naruto looked at the girls that were standing close to their father and answered their curiosity. However, it was not the answer they had been expecting or wanting. All of them hoped that he had atleast some emotions for them.

Hearing those words, Buttercup was shaken and felt tears form after a long time. Bubbles and Buttercup flew to their rooms to hide their tears while Blossom controlled her emotions and continued observing the situation.

"I will go and talk to the girls, dear." Ima assured Drake and flew towards her daughters.

Naruto didn't like doing such things to people he liked, but they had to know the truth before going further. It would have been worse if they found out after going the mile.

"Let's take a seat before we continue." Naruto offered as he sat down on the sofa. The atmosphere wasn't cheerful or positive after the girls cried.

"You have all seen my work, and we can all agree that I have been extremely effective. And, there is no risk involved as I will be victorious. None of the forces on this planet can stop me." Naruto's confident statements did not change their minds, as they had seen last minute reversals happen even when the enemy was overwhelming.

"I see that is not enough… Dexter, you wish to vanquish Darkseid? Do you not?" Naruto saw that it didn't matter how good his proposition was, the team would only join when the dust had settled. So, he appealed to their emotions.

Hearing that name everyone felt uncomfortable, especially Dexter.

"We are already prepared for that enemy. Just need few years and we will be done with him." Dexter replied as he took of his glasses and massaged his head, his head always hurt when the enemy was mentioned. It was the result of his rage bottled inside that he could not let go.

"I am sorry, Dexter. You will never vanquish that being with your current path. What you saw and experienced was just an avatar of Darkseid. Meaning, it was not even 1 percent of his real power. Darkseid exists above the Multiverse and sends his avatar in all universes to wreck chaos and havoc. He is the embodiment of evil in the Multiverse, so you can never defeat him through conventional measures." Naruto gave them the alarming news, breaking their spirits. He really didn't want to say it, but they needed to hear the reality before their loyalty fell to him.

Seeing and hearing the things about Darkseid, Dexter dropped his glasses from the shock.

"How can this be? We worked so hard for this, it can't be true." Deedee spoke up looking shaken from the news. All the work that Dexter had put was of no use to such an enemy. Their goal was impossible to achieve.

Dexter and Deedee time to catch their breath, so Utonium posed the important question.

"Can you defeat his real form?"

"I will not lie to you. I am not on that level of power at the moment. However, I can reach beyond that level in a short time. I have existed physically for only 16 years and I have reached the power to destroy stars by learning and modifying my powers. Soon, I will reach the power to erase a solar system and after that I will go even further. With your help this process will be accelerated and I will reach the stage where I can put your enemy on trial. I have the backing of Gaea and soon others of her kind would follow, so my rise to the throne is inevitable." Naruto answered the question in honest terms and even put his physical age down, so they could see how fast his powers were growing.

Just as expected, his answer was shocking. None of them thought Naruto was sixteen years old or where he stood in power.

"Will you allow me to confirm your statement?" Utonium asked and Naruto approved as he was covered by a glass container. Naruto released his energy at its best and Utonium got the results from it.

They analyzed the potency of the energy and saw that it was growing. However, they couldn't see his body.

"This body is an avatar of mine. My real body is on a different planet. But, you can confirm things later since you will be working with my DNA. I need your expertise on genetic modifications to help me achieve a new level and help me transform the human race."

"How can I be sure that you will defeat him?" Dexter asked as he looked at Naruto, grasping for hope.

"I am the force of justice and I will never let evil live. We both stand on the opposite side, so our conflict is foreseeable. Dexter, you can trust me and we can achieve this goal. However, without me this goal will never happen. No one will support you on such a grandiose and risky task."

"Please allow us to discuss this before we give our decision." Utonium asked for some time and they left him alone in the room.

The team discussed together for half an hour before Dexter gave him the approval.

"We will do it and we trust that you will keep your part of the bargain."

With those words, Naruto shook hands with them and wished to show them his new territory but people interfered.

Naruto made a clone to talk to the team while walking outside of the house where he was greeted by the Justice League.


A.N Hope you enjoyed